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[VIP专享]yu 专英翻译段落

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Electric charge is as fundamental a constituent of our Universe as the mass and energy. Indeed, present physical theory supposes that all matter consists of particles, the principal attributes of which are mass and electric charge


Two kinds of charge are known, arbitrarily designated positive and negative, which are characterized by the experimental observation that, under static conditions, separated like charges exert a mutual force of repulsion , whilst unlike charges ,under similar conditions ,exert a force of attraction .Under these conditions the field of force associated with charge is referred to as an electric field


The voltage source maintains a constant terminal voltage irrespective of the current supplied to the load. It is important to appreciate that the voltage may be a function of, for example, time, temperature, pressure, etc. it is constant only with respect to variations of load.


The current source maintains a constant current in the load irrespective of the terminal voltage-which, in this case, is determined by the magnitude of the load. As with the voltage source, the generated current may depend on many other factors, but its one essential attribute is its independence of load.


A circuit which is able to store electrostatic field energy is said to possess capacitance. The

property is defined in terms of the electric charge stored per unit of potential difference at its terminals, according to the equation: q(t)=Cv(t), where C is the capacitance, the units of which are FARADS when v and q are in volts and coulombs, respectively. Hence, a capacitance of 1 F stores a charge of 1C for a terminal p. d. of 1V. Combining equations gives: I(t)=C dv(t)/dt with t in seconds.

Thus, a current of 1A flows into a capacitance of 1 F when the terminal voltage changes at the rate of 1V/sec.

一个电路能够存储静电场能量,就是说拥有电容。他的性质被定义为根据两端电位差为1V时所储存的电量,根据公式:q(t)= Cv(t),其中C是电容,单位是法拉,电压和电荷的单位分别是伏特和库仑。因此,1 F 的电容储存 1C的电荷为末端提供的电压是1V。结合等式为:I(t)=C dv(t)/dt,…

因此,当电压变化速率为每秒1V时,电容为1F,流入电容的电流为1A。As the temperature difference between the two junctions varies, the magnitude of the voltage

across the thermocouple pair also varies. The voltage thus provides an analog representation of the temperature difference. The other kind of signal is a digital signal. A digital signal is one that can take on values within two discrete ranges. Such signals are used to represent ON-OFF or YES-NO information

An ordinary household thermostat delivers a digital signal to control the furnace. When the room temperature drops below a preset value, the thermostat switch closes turning ON the furnace. Once the room temperature rises high enough, the switch opens turning OFF the furnace. The current through the switch provides a digital representation variation: On equals “too cold” while OFF equals “not too cold ”.


一个普通家用自动调温器传送一个数字信号去控制火炉,当室内温度下降到低于一个预设值,自动调温器开关闭合打开炉子。当室内温度上升到足够高,开关打开关闭炉子。流过按钮的电流提供一个数字代表变量:ON等于“太冷”当OFF等于“不太冷”。Our present system of number has 10 separate symbols 0,1,2,3,…..9,which are called Arabic numerals. We would be forced to stop at 9 or to invent more symbols if it were not for the use of positional notation. An example of earlier types of notation can be found in Roman numeral, which are essentially additive: III=I+I+I, XXV=X+X+V. New symbols (X,C,M, etc.) were used as the numbers increased in value. Thus V rather than IIIII=5. The only importance of position in Roman numerals lies in whether a system precedes or follows another symbol (IV=4), while (VI=6).

The clumsiness of this system can easily be seen if we try to multiply XII by XIV. Calculating with Roman numerals was so difficult that early mathematicians were forced to perform arithmetic operations almost entirely on abaci, or counting boards, translating their results back into Roman-number form. Pencil-and-paper computations are unbelievably intricate and difficult in such systems. In fact, the ability to perform such operations as addition and multiplication was considered a great accomplishment in earlier civilization.

我们现在的数制有10个单独的符号0,1,2,3,...,9,这被称为阿拉伯数字。我们将被迫停止在9或发明更多的符号,如果它不供位置计数法使用。一个较早的符号类型的例子可以发现在罗马数字,是本质上加法的:III=I+I+I(3=1+1+1),XXV=X+X+V(25=10+10+5)。新的符号(X,C,M等)被用来做数值的增加。因此,V,而不是IIIII=5。唯一位置的重要性在罗马数字在于能否超前系统或在一个符号之后(IV= 4),而(VI= 6)。


The base, or radix of a number system is defined as the number of different digits which can occur in each position in the number system. The decimal number system has a base, or radix, of 10. This means that the system has 10 different digits (0,1,2,…9)any one of which may be used in each position is a number.

History records the use of several other number systems. The quinary system, which has 5 for its

base, was prevalent among Eskimos and North American Indians. Examples of the duodecimal system (base 12) may be seen in clocks, inches and feet and in dozens or grosses.

这个基础,或一个数字系统的基数被定义为是不同的数字,可以出现在数字系统的任何位置。十进制数字系统有一个基础,或基数,10。这意味着系统有10个不同的数字(0,1,2,... 9)其中任何一个可以用于每个位置上是一个数字。

历史记录了几个其他数字系统的使用。五进制,基数为5,流行于爱斯基摩人和北美印第安人中。十二进制(基数12)的例子,可看到在钟表,英寸,英尺,在打或总数。The section is concerned with digital system variables that take on only two values (binary variables). We conventionally denote these values as “0”and”1”,and then use a special set of rules called Boolean algebra to summarize the various ways in which digital variables can be combined. This algebra and much of the notation are adopted directly from mathematical logic. Thus, “logic variable ” or“logic operation” are commonly used in place of “digital variable” or “digital operation”.


The principal importance of NOR and NAND is that they are the simplest logic functions to construct in integrated circuit form. Thus, while it may be easier for the beginner to learn to “think” with OR and AND , he should also practice thinking with NOR and NAND as these functions are likely to be used in the final circuit realization. Also, it is possible to synthesize all of the logic functions using only NOR gates or only NAND gates .


Let us formulate a simple everyday situation in terms of digital variables and Boolean operations. Suppose you are driving home and become thirsty for a hot drink. You see a diner ahead and pull in . Let us develop a Boolean equation for whether or not you obtain a drink.


The final step is to construct a logic flow diagram using gate symbols. Two possible logic flow diagrams, corresponding to Eq.5.16 and Eq.5.17 are shown in Figure 5.5. As an illustration of how only NOR gates or only NAND gates can be used to synthesize any function, two additional implementation of this same example are shown in Figure 5.6. Notice that when both inputs of the two-input NOR gate are connected together ,as in Figure 5.6(a), the gate becomes an inverter.最后一步是用门符号构建一个逻辑流程图,两种可能的逻辑流程图,对应于公式5.16和公式5.17如图5.5所示。作为一个例证说明如何只有或非门或与非门可以用来合成人一个功


The last case to consider is SET=CLEAR=1.This condition will produce 0 at the output of both NOR gates, so Q=0 and /Q=0. This is obviously an illegal condition if it is desired that the FF outputs be the inverse of each other. Furthermore, when the inputs are returned to 0, the FF output state will depend on which input reaches 0 first. This makes the SET=CLEAR=1 condition ambiguous. For these reasons the latter case is never purposely used during the operation of this type of FF.


The clock signal is the signal that causes things to happen at regularly spaced intervals. In particular, operations in the system are made to take place at times when the clock signal is making a transition from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0. These transition times are pointed out in the figure. The 0-to-1 transition is called the rising edge or positive-going edge of the clock signal; the 1-to-0 transition is called the falling edge or negative-going edge of the clock signal.


The following Figure5.12 shows the symbol for a clocked S-C flip-flop that triggers on the negative-going transition at its CLK input. The small circuit and triangle on the CLK input indicates that this FF will trigger only when the CLK input goes from 1 to 0.

This FF operates in the same manner as the positive-edge FF of the above figure except that the output can change states only on the falling edge of the clock pulses (points b,d,f,h,and j). Both positive-edge and negative edge triggering FFs are used in digital system.


Because an op-amp has several terminals, we must define voltage and current variables in a way

that avoids confusion and aids in the visualization of network behavior. The use of a reference node greatly simplifies the notational problems (Figure 5.14).

If we wish to compare the height of two persons, we stand them up on a flat surface (the reference level) and see which one is taller. Similarly, if we wish to determine the potential difference between two points, we can measure the potential difference from each point to a reference node, then subtract one from the other.



The complete symbol for the op-amp with the reference node and both supply batteries in place is show in Figure5.16(a). The symbols VCC is often used for the supply voltage, a carry-over from conventional transistor-circuit notation. The positive and negative supplies are shown as having equal magnitudes.

Although this is the most common arrangement it is not a necessary arrangement. Most op-amps operate with a wide range of supply voltages, and these voltages need not be symmetrical about the ground. Information about the choice of supply voltage and the corresponding limitations on inputs and outputs is usually provided on the op-amp data sheet.

In Figure 5.16(a). The input voltage V- and V+, are ordinary network variables and, as such, might be either positive or negative. The subscript is associated with the name of the input terminal, not with the algebraic sign of the voltage.

带有参考节点和双电池电源的运算放大器的完整符号如图5.16(a)所示,习惯上用符号VCC表示电源电压,一个模仿传统的晶体管电路符号。正负极电压显示有相等的大小。虽然这是最常见的做法,但不是必要的。多数运放工作在大范围的电源电压,这些电压不必关于地面对称。电源电压和相应限制输入和输出的选择信息,通常是运算放大器上提供数据表。在图5.16(a)中,输入电压V- 和V+是根据普通网络变量,同样的,可能是正极或负极。下标与输入端有关,与电压正负极符号无关。

Two shorthand notations for op-amps are shown in Figure 5.16(b)and 5.16(c). In Figure5.16(b), the reference node is presumed; proper connections to supplies are presumed, and inputs and outputs are labeled with the appropriate node-to-reference voltages. Often the supply, terminals are left off, as in Figure 5.16(c). However, this streamlined notation can be confusing, as explained below.


[VIP专享]yu 专英翻译段落


