Please note that only uniformed hotel employees with name tags are permitted to serve you in guest room by you。
Do not accept calls from strangers offering free tours and other services。 Please tell the Assistant Manager if you are being bothered by them。 如果您发现任何疑点或可疑人物,请立即通知大堂副理。
If you see any suspicious persons or any queries, please contact the Assistance Manager immediately。 随身携带门卡时,请妥善保管。请勿将门卡交给他人。当离店时,请务必将门卡归还前台
Make sure yourself with your room card。 Do not hands your room card to any other person who is not registered in your room。 Please return your room card to the Cashier Desk when you check out。
To ensure your safety, please shut the windows and door of your room before departing or sleeping at night。 To ensure your health, please notice the local climate,
take care of yourself and pay attention to the food sanitation and security。 酒店服务指南(十):
宾客注意事项 Guest’s Notices
Each floor equipped with modern fire-fighting equipment, Please do not move casually except emergency。
入住时请出示身份证、护照或其他有效证件。 Upon registration, you are requested to show your own identification card, passport or other valid credentials。
You are not allowed to keep unregistered guests in your room overnight or sublet the roombed to another person。
Inflammable, explosive, poisonous and radioactive articles are not allowed to take into the hotel。 Cooking or unauthorized electricity connection
is not allowed in your rooms。
Illegal activities or criminal offences are strictly forbidden, such as gambling, prostitution, drug taking and smuggling etc。
The Public Security Bureau has the authority to take necessary action in accordance with the Security Maintenance Penalty Regulations of the PRC or other relevant laws in cases of violation。 请勿将宠物带入酒店。
Pets are not allowed in the hotel。
To avoid any accident, please take good care of your children and do not leave them unattended in public areas or room of the hotel。
According to Public Security Authority, visitors are to leave the guest rooms before 23:00pm。 请在黑色托盘内使用烧水壶烧水,壶内盛水量请在7成
Please use the kettle to boil water in black tray, water not too full, avoid boiling water overflow, causing potential safety problems。 安保 Safeguard
The safeguard and CCTV equipment will ensure your safety the whole day。 For your safety, please remember to lock the door with double locks and open the door after confirming the guest’s ID。 If you need any safeguard service, please contact the assistant manager。