Don’t break the window unless you have to do。 Maybe it can prevent the thick smoke later。
Keep calm, relax and thinking about。 The actual situation is not so dangerous as that you imagine。
如果您被要求撤离房间 If you are asked to leave the room
带上您的房门卡如果您在自我房间里,请带上房门卡。 Please take your key card of the door。 If you are in your room, please bring your key card。 先试探温度用手背试探通向走廊的房门是凉或烫。如果房门很烫请勿打开。
Please try the temperature of the door。 Try the door through to the corridor with the back of your hand to sure whether it is cool or hot。 If it is too hot, please don’t open the door。
If it is not hot, please open the door carefully。 If the door through the corridor is not hot, open it carefully and be care of the thick smoke。
如果门外有明火或浓烟快速关掉房门并留在房内。 If there is fire or thick smoke, please close the door quickly and stay in the room。
撤离时请贴紧墙壁前往紧急出口时请始终贴紧墙壁。如果环境黑暗或有烟雾,默数通往紧急出口的房门并沿墙壁走。尽量往下走,因为起火层以下楼层的空气较新鲜。 Please make yourself close to the wall when leaving。 Please make yourself close to the wall all the time when you go to the emergency exit。 If it is dark or there is much smoke, please go to the emergency exit along the wall。 Please go down as soon as possible because the air on the floor below the floor where the fire happened is fresh。
Please leave carefully。 Remember to try the temperature before open the door。 Notice if there is thick smoke in the stair or not。 If it is safe, go down to the ground floor。 If there is thick smoke, please go down along the stair or corridor without smoke。 Be careful not to try to go through the thick smoke。
Please don’t take elevator。 If there is fire alarm, don’t take elevator。
如果您发现紧急出口被堵塞 If you find that the emergency exit is blocked up
Go back to your room。 If the corridor is full of thick smoke and the emergency isn’t safe, go back to your room as soon as possible, it is the most safe place。
如果您发现火灾 If you find the fire
Please ask to get help。 If you find the fire in your room, please notice the service center immediately。
Open the nearest fire alarm。 If you are in the corridor, there is a fire alarm near the emergency exit, break the glass of the fire-alarm push the fire
alarm button。
Close the door where the fire happened。 Please close every door near where the fire happened to prevent the fire from spreading。
Extinguish the fire on condition that it doesn’t hurt yourself。 If you encounter the fire,please use the fire extinguisher。
逃离大火若火灾十分严重,如有可能请撤离大楼。 Escape from the conflagration。 If the there is a conflagration, please leave the building as soon as possible。
Remember to take the key card with you。 Before leaving remember to take the key card。 Place the key card at the same place all the time。
在通往您房间的途,请异常留意 On the way to your room, please specially notice 最近的火灾紧急出口的方位。
The nearest place of the emergency exit
Remember the number of the door from your room to the emergency exit。
Open the emergency exit and check the stairs。 最近的火灾警报装置,灭火器及消防水管的方位。 The nearest place of the fire alarm set, fire extinguisher and the water pipe for fire fighting。 Check your room。 明白怎样关掉空调。
Know how to turn off the air condition。 酒店服务指南(九): 安全指南 SAFETY DIRECTORY
To ensure you have a pleasant stay with us, we need your cooperation。 Please do as the following: 请将现金和贵重物品存放在大堂保险箱内。
Please place your cash and valuables in the safe deposit box in the lobby。
Advise hotel operator if you want to miss your ining calls。