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86. demand order suggest propose insist 等后that 从句用虚拟语气(加动词原形 The general ordered that the bridge (should be repaired before daybreak. 87. deny 否认,拒绝(给予

He denied breaking the window.

Women were denied the right to vote in the past in the U.S. 88. in detail 详细地

He explained the question to us in ~. 89. devote …. To… 致力于

The scientist devoted the whole life to the study of chemistry. 90. do away with 废除 get rid of 摆脱 除掉 have … to do with 与… 有关

It has nothing to do with what you are talking about. Do away with the law.

He managed to get rid of the man followed him. 91. drop in=drop by=visit

92. due 到期的 The book will be due next week. (按计划,安排要发生,到达的 What time will the next bus due?

The next meeting is due to be held in three months’ time.

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due to =because of=owing to 因为,由于 His promotion is due to his hard working.

Due to the heavy rain, we have to give up the plan for the weekends. 93. economic 经济的 economical 节俭的 94. effective 有效的 efficient 效率高的 95. else 其它的 something ~ somebody ~

96. in the end 最终(结果 at last 最后(经过很长时间 I have finished the essay at last.

We were thinking of going to England, but in the end we went to the USA. 97. enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩的开心 help oneself 随便 98. establish=set up=found

99. evident=obvious=apparent 明显的 显而易见的 100. for example=for instance

101. be exhausted=be tired out =be worn out 筋疲力尽的 102. exist 存在

103. expose 暴露 受影响

Being exposed to the sun for some time can do good to your health.

Many of today’s teenagers have been exposed too much to violence and sex. 104. face up to (勇敢面对 be faced with 面临 encounter 面临

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105. in fact as a matter as a fact 实际上 事实上 106. be familiar with

107. by far 非常,最(修饰比较级和最高级 so far 迄今为止(完成时态 far from 远非(否定

In my opinion, he is by far the most suitable one for the job.

He sent out a letter to apply for the job, but has received no answer so far. My English is far from perfect. 108. fare 交通费 fee 费用 tuition 学费

109. favor do sb a favor 帮… 个忙 in favor of 赞成

I’m in favor of his suggestion that a power plant(电厂be built. Would you do me a favor to carry the box upstairs? 110. feel like doing sth would like to do sth 喜欢/想做…. 111. field 田野,领域

112. fill in 填写 be filled with 充满

Would you like to fill in your address and telephone here? 113. fine 罚款

114. fire 解雇 catch fire 着火 set fire to 点火 115. focus… on…使集中,以…为中心 116. be fond of =like 喜欢

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I’m fond of novels written by D.H Laurence. 117.look forward to 盼望

We are looking forward to your coming.

in general in short in a word on the whole 总的说来 118. generation gap 代沟

120. get on/get off 上/下车(船… get on/ along with 和…相处 121. give in屈服,让步 give up 放弃 give off发出

The gas given off by automobiles is harmful to people’s health Don’t give up until you succeed. He gave in finally under the pressure.

122. go on to do sth 接着做(另一件事 go on doing sth 继续做(同一件事 go on a diet节食 go over 复习

123. grant take… for granted 对…想当然,对…习以为常

We usually take it for granted that the government should work for the welfare (福利 of the people. 124. grow up 成长 grown-up 成年人

125. hand in 上交 hand in hand on one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面

126. hardly 几乎不 hardly… when…=no sooner… than… 刚…. 就…. The town has changed so quickly that I can hardly recognize it .

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Hardly had we reached home when it began raining. 127. do good to…对…有益 do harm to…对…有害 128. learn by heart 记住 lose heart 失去信心 129. can’t help doing sth 禁不住做…

She couldn’t help crying when she heard the news that her father passed away 130. hold hold back 控制住(感情等 hold up 阻止,妨碍 131. in a hurry in no hurry

132. insist 从句用should do, should 可以省略 He insisted that we go there together。

相同用法的词:suggest, order, demand, propose… 133. instead instead of 代替,相反

I’m still wondering why he asked John for help instead of Tom。 134. intend to do 想要做 135. involve.. in..介入,卷入

I don’t want to be involved in their quarell. 135. be keen on 热心/热衷于

136. key/answer to a question solution to a problem (解决问题的办法 137. late latest 最新的,最近的 later …以后 latter 后者,后半的 the latest news two years later=after two years

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