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cold dish and hot dish. Appetizers have specific flavors, mainly salty or sour. They are few in amount but high in qualities. Different from Chinese dinners, the second course of Western dinner is soup. Western soup can be divided into four kinds, clear soup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cool soup which can be divided into more kinds. The third course of a Western dinner is non-stable dish. It contains all kinds of fresh water fish and salt water fish, a variety of shellfish and mollusks. Usually, aquatic products, eggs, bread is called non-stable dish. The fourth course of Western dinner is the main course, which contains meat and bird species. They are served with different kind of sauces. The fifth course of Western dinner is dishes made of vegetables. Westerners often eat raw vegetables, so vegetables are often made into salad. But some vegetables are cooked such as cauliflowers, chips and boiled spinach. The six course of Western dinner is dessert, such as pudding, pancakes, ice cream, cheese and fruits. The last course contains beverage, coffee or tea. (Lin 2009, 90)

2 3Conclusion

China and Western countries are very different in dietary cultures but both of them have their strengths. With the progress of globalization, Chinese cultures and Western cultures are reconciling gradually. Now lots of Western foods such as, hamburger and sandwich have entered into Chinese markets. Fast food restaurants like KFC and McDonald are common in every city of China. Chinese food has also entered Western countries. These two cultures are improving in the process of conflicting. Now most Chinese pay more attention to the nutrition of food and cooking methods are becoming more and more scientific. At the same time, Western countries begin to pay attention to the color, incense taste and shape of food, which get closer to Chinese food. Chinese and Western dietary cultures will develop in the continuous communication, and people all around the world will be able to enjoy more delicious and more nutritious food.


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