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1—5 BBCDC 6—10 CABAC 11-13 BAB 14-16 CAB

17. 550 dollars 18. three-star 19. tour guide 20. Property proof

21. Century Magic Award 22. Times Square 23. reducing talk elements 24. Phenomenon

78. Colorado water is divided up among seven US states. 79. the worsening living environment

80. Farmers along the Colorado and ordinary American consumers. 81. form a water efficient habit and improve technology

1. Now, many youngsters are keen on seeking tour pals on the Internet.

2. At first audience couldn’t hear the lines clearly but finally they were moved by the actors’ performance.

3. Not until she knew about the relevant information on the newspaper did she realize how serious the problem of food waste was.

4. In order to accompany their kids through eh precious childhood, many mothers have given up their work career of promising prospect.

5. In spite of the good reward(returns) and low risk, the market reaction toward the financial product recently launched by the bank was still muted(cool).

I. Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. W: Hi Sir, we have two types of TV sets in the store that suits your taste. One with 47-inch

screen and one with high definition technology. Which one do you prefer? M: Well, I would rather have the big screen one as our room is big. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?

2. M: Should I pick you up at 8 o'clock a.m.?

W: I think I can manage to get to the conference hall before the meeting begins. But thank you all the same.

Q: What are the speaker’s going to do?

3. W: Are you busy at work?

M: Considering the work load I have to handle, I guess \my work.

Q: What does the man mean?

4. W: It's so cold this winter, and I have spent 30 dollars on electricity bill this month.

M: We have two heaters in the house. And your bill is a quarter of my heating expense this month.

Q: How much does the man pay for heating this month?

5. W: I'm afraid I have put on some weight again this month.

M: Just look at all the snakes you have swallowed in the evening. It's not at all surprising to me. Q: What does the man imply?

6. M: Of the two cars we have seen today, which one do you prefer?

W: Well, the red one is more fashionable with the streamline appearance, while the white one saves oil. As a nature lover, I’m surely choosing the latter one. Q: What does the woman mean?

7. W: How would you like to do a hair? Any particular style?

M: Well, I’m going to a party tomorrow. So I’d dye it a bright color, covering the white hairs. Q: What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

8. W: So have you got the ticket for me?

M: The tickets sold off just before I got there. I would have got one if I hadn’t stopped for a drink on the way.

Q: What does the man mean?

9. W: My computer teacher announced that we would have to complete two papers and take two

exams this term. I wonder how I can survive when another two courses have similar acquirements.

M: Well, why not drop one course and pick it up the next term? Q: What does the man advise the woman to do?

10. W: Congratulations! I heard that your chess team has reached the final of the district championship.

M: Yeah, and now we are all busy preparing for it. Q: What is the man probably doing?

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage:

This is the hourly news at 10 p.m.. An angry viewer is accusing Japan’s national broadcaster

for mental suffering caused by too much use of words borrowed from English. According to Mr. Takahashi, the basis of his concern is that Japan is being too Americanized. English became popular in Japan after World WarⅡ, when almost all US companies in Japan hired English speakers. The situation was followed by a growing interest in America pop culture. The country’s modern vocabulary is full of borrowed words. Many of which are changed in pronunciation to fit the Japanese speaking habits. Mr. Takahashi accused NHK of irresponsibility by refusing to use certain native Japanese words, instead of certain English words in the programme. He believed that with Japanese society increasingly Americanized, NHK, as Japan’s national broadcaster, shouldn’t go with the trend, but should remain determined to stick with the use of Japanese, which he thinks would go a long way to word protecting Japanese culture. However, many people think Mr. Takahashi’s concern is unreasonable, as use of English doesn’t mean the loss of domestic culture, but on the other hand, helps Japan to get informed of the advanced technology and international affairs, which will eventually give Japan more advantages in the world community.


11: Why did English become popular in Japan after World WarⅡ? 12: What did Mr. Takahashi charge NHK with? 13: What is the opinion of some other people?

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage:

Listeners, have you ever camped on the roof of a high building, dressed up like a beggar, or put on masks to fight against the batman? Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Today, we are introducing to you Jimmy Wang and Jason Lu, who are best friends. Their company is offering to you these fun activities. The pair were both bored with their work after graduation from university in 2008 and decided to do something exciting. And there won’t many fun activities for adults then, so they set up a company that offers young people a platform to socialize and have fun. They are organizing activities and getting sponsored to make money. But ideas are always a step away from success. Although the pair had many interesting ideas, no clients picked up on them. In the first two years, the company didn’t win any sponsors and lost money on nearly every event. Fortunately, they never gave up. Instead, they found out that the problem lied in the lack of publicity for their company, so they advertised on famous social websites and handed out advertisement sheets on the streets. The measures did work out. An idea for a fun Halloween party finally paid off. They got a call from Coca-Cola that agreed to sponsor the event. And for the first time, they made money. From then on, more and more companies started asking them to organize activities and money poured in. Last week, the pair bought a BMW car and they think it’s now time to expand the business. Good luck to them.


14. How does the pair’s company earn money? 15. Why did they fail at beginning?

16. What will the company probably do next?

Section C

Directions: In section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you hear.

Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation: W: Hello, Mary Travel Agency. How may we help you?

M: Hi, I am thinking of planning a short trip to Barbados. And I am viewing the sale package on your website.

W: Sure, sir. It’s new promotion package we have just released. Price down from eight hundred dollars to just five hundred and fifty dollars. M: Sounds good. So what does the package include?

W: It includes a round flight trip from here to Bridgetown, the capital city of Barbados. M: And does it cover accommodation?

W: Yes, three days accommodation in a three-star hotel. M: Great. And how about sightseeing?

W: I am afraid the sightseeing fees in Barbados are not included. But we can recommend a local tour guide to you if you need. Of course, you have to pay the fees yourself. M: I see. How about the visa? Does the package cover visa application fees?

W: Yes, we do. But you have to present your proof of property and bank guarantees. M: OK. And ...

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation: W:Hi, Jack, you look excited. What’s up?

M:I’m going to a Criss Angel show tomorrow night. That’s why I am so excited. W:Wow! Criss Angel! It’s said that he is the greatest magician in today’s America.

M:I agree. It’s reported that he was given Decade Magic Award in 2009, and Century Magic

Award in 2010 by the International Magician Society

W:What great honors! But how did he rise to fame in the first place.

M:I guess it’s in 2002, when he spent 24 hours locked in the water in a small water cell in Time

Square. Upon appearing from the water tank, he was harried to hospital for a high fever. From that day on, every American has known him. W:I know he also performed in Las Vegas right?

M:Yes. He named the show ‘Criss Angel Believe’, and the show received the mixed comments at

beginning. Later Criss improved it by reducing talk elements which make the show a pure magic show. The show attracted an estimated 115 million dollars in tickets sales every year. W:What a miracle!

M:He also start in a television show named ‘Phenomenon’ , which has made him an artist active on different stages.



