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2009 /2010 学年第一学期期中考试题(卷)

课程名称 大学英语(大一上册) 考试性质 考试 试卷类型 D 使用班级 全校非艺术专业 考试方法 闭卷 人 数 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总 成 绩 成 绩

主--)---系线(--室---研--教---- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - --记 - - -标 - 师--何-教- --任题- -命-作订 准 - ---不 - --内 - - -以- - --线 - - -订 - - 名--装-姓--- - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - 装 - 号---学--- - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- 级---班--------------- -一,听力理解

Section A

Directions: In this section you will hear 10 statements. Each statement will be read only once. Then there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is closest in meaning to the sentence you have just heard. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. A) This city is like the back of my hand.

B) I know the city very well. C) I know the city in the same way that I know the back of my hand. D) I like the back of my hand.

2. A) A girl named Snow White lived there.

B) There lived a lovely little princess called Snow White. C) There lived a lovely little prince named Snow White. 3. A) The servant complained to the king.

B) The king complained of the servant.

C) The servant obeyed the king complainingly. D) The servant did what he was asked obediently. 4. A) Miss Green went out only at lunch time.

B) Lunch time was the only time for Miss Green to go out. C) Miss Green went on fighting even at lunch time. D) Miss Green was on a diet during the lunch time. 5. A) It seems reasonable for us to stay where we are. B) We’d better not stay where we are.

C) It is a good idea to stay where we are asked to. D) Whether we stay or not makes great difference.

6. A) My house is at a distance of four miles from the sea. B) My house is far away from the sea. C) My house walks four miles to the sea.

D) My house is only four minutes walk from the sea. 7. A) He suffered greatly from a bad could.

B) His neglect of the regulation cost him dearly. C) He was seriously injured because he did not pay any attention to the regulation. D) Regulation made him suffer a lot.

1 / 10

8. A) I’m sure he telephoned last night.

B) I doubt that he telephone last night. C) It’s likely that he telephoned last night. D) I know for sure that he didn’t telephone last night. 9. A) Fisherman used birds to catch Japanese fish.

B) Fisherman used Japanese birds to catch fish. C) Fisherman in Japan catch fish with birds as bait. D) Fisherman catch fish in Japan Sea. 10. A) The noise drove him to madness. B) He was driven in a mad car full of noise. C) He drove a mad car.

D) He who was mad drove a car.

Section B

Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

11. A) Indiana.

B) Portersvill. C) Michigan. D) Indianapolis.

12. A) Picking her up for her sister.

B) Giving her direction. C) Giving her a lift.

D) Showing her around the town. 13. A) Making a call. B) Waiting at the bus station. C) Knocking at the door. D) Nodding on a bus.

14. A) He had to kill someone.

B) He never minded killing someone’s time. C) He had some free time with nothing to do. D) He never minded that his time was lost. 15. A) He has known this men before.

B) He has trusted strangers before. C) He has never trusted strangers before. D) He has helped this man before.

16. A) At the bank. B) In the department store. C) At the stationers. D) In the classroom.

17. A) Six. B) Thirty. C) Two. D) Three 2 / 10

18. A) After the woman.

B) Ahead of the woman. C) At the same time as the woman. D) Later than the woman.

19. A) He had no idea of chopsticks.

B) He couldn’t deal with chopsticks.

C) He didn’t know how to use them but he could manage them. D) He was not sure whether he could handle them or not. 20. A) Cook dinner. B) Have dinner. C) Put dinner away.

D) Buy dinner at the grocery.


1. These students ________ the cause of helping those who are not able to help themselves.

A) are committed to B) are filled with C) are made up of D) are related to

2. You must be ___.If you punish Paul, you must punish Jason for doing this same thing. A) essential B) consistent C) envious D) absolute

3. The students were asked to give a ________ on communication through body language. A) corporation B) decoration C) isolation D) presentation

4. He suddenly became __ that he was the only man who wasn’t wearing a suit at the party. A) accurate B) conscious C) effective D) gradual

5. Although my chance ________ with this famous artist was 30 years ago I still remember it very well.

A) contract B) document C) encounter D) equality

6. Sentences today ________ from 5 or 6 words to 70, with the majority close to 20. A) range B) entertain B) intend D) compose

7. His _______ force was week, but his mental and moral force was amazing.

A) chemical B) physical B) mathematical D) geographical

8. Father had a(n) _________ with the teacher about John’s work. A) sample B) relativity C) interview D) quantity

9. He was ________ in his work and didn’t hear me come in. A) organized B) marked C) experienced D) absorbed

10. He finds it hard to ________ his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes. A) focus B) contact 3 / 10 C) assume D) bother



