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新培优同步北师大英语选修七优练:nit Langage Awarene 5 含答案

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Language Awareness 5,Culture Corner and

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1.很多人去看那部电影了。(plenty of )

There are who have gone to see the film. 答案:plenty of people 2.玛丽比我细心得多。(much)

Mary is than me. 答案:much more careful 3.她和儿子每两天去一次公园。(as well as)

She her son to the park every two days. 答案:as well as;goes 4.老师提议我们立刻回家取行李。(suggestion)

The teacher offered a that we fetch our luggage at once. 答案:suggestion;go home to 5.对不起,我们的经理现在没有空。(available )

Sorry,but our manager at the moment. 答案:is not available 二、选用合适的代词填空

little neither the others any some another either each every

1.—Look!We have sugar. —Really?Let’s go and buy some. 答案:little 2.There isn’t milk in the fridge.You’d better buy . 答案:any;some 3.There are lots of English books here, and of them is easy to understand. 答案:each 4.These sweaters are too small for me.Please show me one. 答案:another 5.There are some trees on side of the street. 答案:either 6.Each of them has a dictionary and one of them can look up words in the dictionary. 答案:every 7.—Which of the two dictionaries do you like better? —I like ,because they’re not useful. 答案:neither 8.There are twenty teachers in this grade.Eight of them are women teachers and are men teachers. 答案:the others 三、阅读理解


Scientists are developing a new kind of machine to take the place of humans.These machines can do jobs in places that are too dangerous for humans.For example,they are being developed to work in nuclear power centers,deep under the oceans and in outer space.

John Marrit,a psychologist(心理学家) in Williamsburg Massachusetts,is helping develop the new machine.This is how it works.A machine is placed in an area far away from the person who operates it.The person wears special hard hat with television screens and sound equipment.The screens and sound equipment let the person see and hear exactly what the machine is seeing and hearing.Mr Marrit says this gives the person the feeling of being in the same place as the machine.The idea,he says,is being there without going there.The person uses an electronic control to make the machine move.The machine duplicates the person’s movements exactly.If the person raises his right arm,the machine raises the right arm,too.This means a person can do a dangerous job while staying in a safe place.For example,a person can direct the machine to destroy a bomb without going near the bomb himself. 1.The new kind of machine being introduced in the passage is .

A.in existence

B.only an idea C.being tried out

D.being researched and developed

解析:从第一段第一句“Scientists are developing a new kind of machine to take the place of humans.”可以看出,这种机器正在开发当中。 答案:D 2.The machine .

A.follows the person’s order

B.is controlled by a computer C.does exactly what the person does

D.is controlled by a television on the person’s head

解析:从第二段中的“The machine duplicates the person’s movements exactly.”可知选C项。A项有一定的干扰性,但这种机器是人通过电控开关控制的,所以应排除。 答案:C 3.The difference between such a new machine and a robot is that .

A.the new machine is more difficult to make than a robot

B.the new machine is more difficult to be controlled

新培优同步北师大英语选修七优练:nit Langage Awarene 5 含答案


