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内容 1. Are you are a shy person? Why or why not?你是个内向的人吗?为什么? 2. What are the reasons for shyness and the ways to overcome shyness?害羞的原因有哪些以及如何来克服害羞呢? key words: introverted:内向的 outgoing:外向的 easygoing:随和的 be lack of:缺少,缺乏 useful sentences: 1.I am an introverted person:我是个内向的人 2. The best way to overcome shyness is stopping worrying over the things you think are difficult and taking actions at once:战胜害羞最好的办法就是停止担心你认为困难的事情,然后马上行动。 1.What kind of personalities do you have? 你有什么样的性格呢? 2.What are the important factors in shaping one ’ s personality? 塑造一个人性格的因素有哪些呢? key words: level-headed:冷静的 reliable:可靠的 shape:塑造 play an important role:起到重要的作用 useful sentences: 1. I am a level-headed person:我是个冷静的人 2. I think the environment where we live plays an important role in shaping one’s personality:我认为我们所居住的环境对塑造一个人的性格起着非常重要的作用。 1. Do you like surfing the net? How often do you surf the net? 你喜欢上网吗?你多经常上网呢? 2. What do you think of shopping online? 你是怎么看待网购的? key words: dislike:不喜欢 Once or twice a week:一周一次或两次 convenient:方便的 efficient:有效率的 useful sentences: 1. I dislike surfing the net:我不喜欢上网。 2. I think shopping online is very convenient and efficient:我认为网上购物非常方便1

和有效率。 <每日话题> 1. What websites do you often visit? 你经常访问什么样的网站呢? 1. Do you feel lonely when you are alone? Why? 当你一个人的时候你会感到孤独吗?为什么? 2. What would you do if you are lonely ?如果你感到孤独,你会做些什么呢? key words: seldom:很少 make full use of:充分利用 meaningful:有意义的 loneliness:孤独 useful sentences: 1.I seldom feel lonely because I can always make full use of my time to study English:我很少感到孤独,因为我经常会充分利用我的时间来学习英语。 2. I would try to do something meaningful to overcome my loneliness:我会尽量做一些有意义的事情来战胜我的孤独。 1. Do you often feel stressful at work? Why ?你工作中经常感到有压力吗?为什么呢? 2. How do you deal with your work stress? 你是如何处理工作中的压力的呢? key words: stressed:有压力的 cope with:处理,应付 relax:放松 pressure:压力 useful sentences: 1.Sometimes I feel stressed out at work:有时候我工作中压力很大。 2. Doing some sports is really a very good way to reduce pressure:做些运动是一种减少压力的好法。 1. Do you have any siblings? If so, who are they? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?如果有,他们分别是谁呢? 2. What do you think of single-child policy? 你是怎么看待独生孩子政策的? siblings:兄弟姐妹 only child: 独生孩子 The first child:老大,第一个孩子 family planning:计划生育 useful sentences: 1. I have no siblings because I am an only child in my family :我没有兄弟姐妹,因为我是家里的独生孩子。 2. I think the single-child policy has its advantages and disadvantages:我认为计划生育政策有它的优点和缺点




