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克服畏难心理 熟练使用电脑_儿童英汉双语故事

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克服畏难心理 熟练使用电脑_儿童英汉双语故事

Afraid of Your Computer 克服畏难心理 熟练使用电脑

惧怕科技(尤其是电脑)是90年代的流行玻 有很多人根本无从逃避电脑。 学会操作电脑并不如一般人想象中那么困难。 不要给厚厚的操作手册吓怕。 你对最有帮助的人未必最懂电脑。 若能克服对电脑恐怕心理,人生会更多彩多姿。

[1]Sue Barrows was enthusiastic『热情的;热中的』when, at age 37, she went back to college to study broadcasting communications. But as she came face to face with the computers involved in video production and editing, she wondered if she’d made a mistake.


[2]What Barrows lacked in computer savvy『一般常识;实际知识』, she made up for『补回;弥补』in stick-to-itiveness『坚定不移;不屈不挠』. Nine years later, she has an award-winning video company, Barrows Productions, and uses not one but two computers in her home office.



[3]Barrows’s initial『最初的;最早的』apprehension『忧虑;不安』wasn’t unusual. A ten-year study completed in 1993 by Dell Computer Corp. underlined『表明;强调』fear of technologycomputers in particularas the phobia『恐惧感;恐惧症』of the 1990s. The current fear figure, says California State University psychology『心理学』professor Larry D. Rosen, is 30 to 40 percent.

[3] 巴罗斯最初的忧虑并不是个别现象。戴尔电脑公司1993完成的一项10年研究显示:惧怕科技(尤其是电脑)是90年代的流行玻心理学教授莱利罗新说:目前,有这种恐惧的人约占30%至40%。 . [4]For many people, avoiding the computer isn’t an option『选择;选择自由』. Since 1984 the number of jobs that require one has risen from 25 to 46 percent. More than 70 percent of management positions now demand computer literacy. Still, almost half the white-collar workers in a 1994 MCI - Gallup survey identified『定义』themselves as cyberphobic.


[5]But becoming computer competent『有能力的』is easier than people think. Experts suggest these steps:


Don’t be snowed by jargon. 不要给术语吓倒

[6]When you shop for a computer, decide what you’d like to do with it and list those goals, says Kris Jamsa, author of Welcome to Personal Computers. Then, if a salesperson asks an obscure『模糊的;不明白的』questionsuch as How many megahertz do you want?respond: I don’t know. You tell me what I need to accomplish my goals, which are [6]《个人电脑指南》一书作者基斯吉姆萨说,选购电脑时,首先想清楚自己会用电脑做什么,并予列出。如果售货员问:你需要多大的内存?你可以这样回应:不知道。你告诉我,我需要多大的内存。我打算用电脑做以下这些工作。 .

[7]The salesperson should be able to answer in plain English. And don’t worry about your choice becoming obsolete『过时的;旧式的』. Focus on meeting your needs for the next few years.


[8]Once you get your computer home, learn just enough basic lingo『术语;行话』to get going. If you were going to become a carpenter, your first project wouldn’t be to build a house. You’d start with something simple, like a bench or birdhouse, says computer expert Robin

克服畏难心理 熟练使用电脑_儿童英汉双语故事


