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最新资料欢迎阅读 which of the following has the closest meaning with the word“proximate”? A:approximate B:close C:nearest D:remote 答案:C

5、In the sentence“history denotes the whole of the human past”, which of the following has the closest meaning with the word“denotes”? A:refer to B:explains C:records D:reflects 答案:A

6、According to the lecture, what is the impact of World War I upon the outbreak of World War II 21 years later? __. A:The start of the Russian Civil War and foundation of the Soviet Union.

B:Unresolved rivalries at the end of the conflict.

C:Establishment of the League of Nations.


最新资料欢迎阅读 D:The event of America”s entry into World War I. 答案:B

7、In the Zimmermann”s Note, what did the German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann trade with Mexico as a deal in order to make a military alliance between Germany and Mexico in the event of the United States entering World War I against Germany?____.

A:Germany would sink America”s merchant ships on the high sea by its submarine.

B:Mexico would recover Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. C:The United States pursued a policy of non-intervention, avoiding conflicts while trying to broker a peace.

D:Allied shipping losses were so great that Britain told Washington that Britain”s very survival was now threatened. 答案:B 第八章

1、The main character, Rainsford, hears a gunshot coming from the direction of the island, falls overboard while standing on the ship rail to look for the source of the shot, and swims to the island, where he finds thick jungle and, of all things, ___on a bluff.


最新资料欢迎阅读 A:a splendid château B:a tower C:a waste land D:a wood cabin 答案:A

2、Zaroff is a guy not to be messed with because: A:He is an aristocrat. B:He is merciless and cruel. C:He is from a royal family. D:He might hurt himself. 答案:B

3、__is the conclusion or the final section of the plot. It is the moment when the complications are resolved and the outcome of the conflicts is reached. A:Crisis B:Climax C:Exposition D:Resolution 答案:D

4、Why can”t I smoke here?

At no time_______ in the meeting-room. A:is smoking permitted


最新资料欢迎阅读 B:smoking is permitted C:smoking is it permitted D:does smoking permit 答案:A

5、Rainsford finds out he is about to become the prey to this crazy hunter–Zaroff. A:对 B:错 答案:A

6、The sentence“He heard them crying and laughing, whispering and chattering all the time.” uses both oxymoron and onomatopoeia. A:对 B:错 答案:B

7、Simile is used in the sentence“The waves were mountain high.” A:对 B:错 答案:B 第九章

1、There is an obvious conclusion in this article which


最新资料欢迎阅读 clearly tells us the importance of psychological needs. A:对 B:错 答案:B

2、What might not be believed by the author? A:Power is a basic need.

B:Learning is a natural pleasure and good teaching should satisfy the students” need for fun.

C:The need for power is written in people”s genes. D:Power is a moral issue. 答案:D

3、“When someone uses his power to help downtrodden people satisfy any of their needs, especially to get some power, this use of power is humane. ” In this sentence, the underlined word“humane” means______. A:humanitarian B:cruel C:human D:malicious 答案:A

4、Most of us cannot get through a day without complaint;




