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最新资料欢迎阅读 B:错 答案:A

6、The absolute construction in the sentence“He fell asleep, the candle burned.” is written wrongly. The correct form should be“the candle burning.” A:对 B:错 答案:A 第六章

1、Generally speaking, there are three stages in the developmental history of Globalization. Trade of silk and china on the Silk Road belongs to the period of ____. A:Modern Globalization B:Early Modern Globalization C:Archaic Globalization D:Post Modern Globalization 答案:C

2、The widespread chain shops of MacDonald”s and KFC all over the world mainly indicate a trend of globalization in the fields of both _ and __. A:economy, politics B:economy, culture


最新资料欢迎阅读 C:culture, politics D:society, culture


3、The international trade and other economic activities are currently guided by ____. A:UN B:UNESCO C:GATT D:WTO 答案:D

4、Which of the following elements are included in the structure of an argumentative writing?

A:Thesis statement in the first part of the essay. B:An introduction to the background information. C:Transitions to help connect each part to the next. D:Detailed analysis of supporting evidence. E:Body paragraphs with supporting evidence. F:Logic in argumentation.

G:A conclusion that restates the thesis and readdresses it. H:Clear and concise narrative skills. 答案:ACEFG


最新资料欢迎阅读 5、According to the video, which is NOT positive effect of globalization?

A:booming cultural exchange B:raising of economic growth C:spreading of new technology

D:raising of living standards in both wealthy and poor countries 答案:A

6、What happened in the world history during the period of 1929-1933?

A:Industrial Revolution B:The New Deal C:The Great Depression D:Westward Movement 答案:C

7、How did the U. S. benefit from globalization based on the text?

A:unified market B:free trade

C:lower living standard D:M&A boom


最新资料欢迎阅读 答案:B

8、In globalization, multinational companies have enjoyed the following EXCEPT ____. A:M&A binge

B:update of their technology C:worldwide production D:reduction of capital flow 答案:D

9、What can poor countries gain from globalization EXCEPT ____?

A:new technology B:higher living standard C:reduction of national poverty D:more capital flow abroad 答案:D

10、Which aspect of negative effects of globalization is not discussed in the video? A:political B:economic C:cultural D:military 答案:D


最新资料欢迎阅读 第七章

1、Historians disagree with each other because they begin from different premises and view the past from different perspectives. A:对 B:错 答案:A

2、Before the authors explain the reasons why historians disagree, they give different definitions of history. A:对 B:错 答案:A

3、In the sentence“But since we do not have such a complete and foolproof explanation, disagreements are destined to remain”, which of the following has the closest meaning with the word“foolproof”? A:effective B:stupid C:wise D:clever 答案:A

4、In the sentence“we have to go beyond the proximate cause”,




