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三级查房是指科主任(主任医师或副主任医师),主治医师和住院医师的查房 主任医师查房时间为每周2,4上午,主治医师查房每日一次,管床医师每日至少查房2次。



查房前,经治医师要准备好相关资料及所需用的检查器械等,查房时,经治的住院医师要报告简要病史,当前病情并提出需要解决的问题,查房医师可根据情况做必要的检查和病情分析,并做出肯定的safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility

for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education



必要的教学工作。5、主任查房 主任查房每周2,4各一次,查房针对全病区病人。

查房要解决疑难病例,危重病人,新入院病人的诊断和治疗问题。 查房内容包括:确定诊断,制定治疗方案,决定重大手术及特殊检查治疗,抽查医嘱,病历,护理质量,听取医师,护士,病人对诊疗护理的意见,进行必要的教学工作。


基本要求:内容必须具有逻辑性,系统,清晰简洁。 ——姓名,性别,年龄

——首先列出收治ICU的主要问题,然后列出合并的重要问题及慢性疾病。 ——概述过去24小时主要事件。 ——24小时尿量及液体平衡。


——呼吸机设置,最近的血气分析结果或氧饱和度变化。 ——相关实验室检查



safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an

additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable

now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education


一线及值班医师在交接班前要按时书写病程记录,若有会诊,抢救,病情突然变化时,要随时书写病程记录。病程记录常规内容: 1、一般情况:总体状况,所有侵入性导管描述(包括引流量及性质,尿量及颜色,压力监测等);生命体征:体温(包括24小时最高体温),血压,脉搏(频率,节律),呼吸频率;出入量;肢端动脉搏动及灌注;四肢对称性;肿胀;皮疹;褥疮。



4、腹部:有无扩张压痛,肠内营养方式,有无反流,胃潴留,有无腹泻。 5、神经系统:GCS,气管插管或切开者记录对指令及刺激反应,药物镇静者记录RAMSAY评分,瞳孔大小,反射,眼球运动,四肢活动(包括自主及刺激);深反射。


7、实验室,影象学检查结果。 8、药物使用情况。



1、 ICU病房小药柜所有药品,只能供应住院病员按医嘱使用,其他safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident

investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary,

county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal

responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education


2、 ICU病房小药柜,应指定专人管理,负责领药和保管工作。 3、定期清点、检查药品,防止积压、变质,如发现有沉淀变色、过期、标签模糊等药品时,停止使用并报药剂科处理。

4、毒、麻、限剧药品,应设专用抽屉存放,严格加锁,并按需要保持一定基数,动用后严格按《毒、麻、限剧药品管理规定》执行。 5、药剂科对病房小药柜,要定期检查核对药品种类、数量是否相符,有无过期变质现象,毒、麻、限剧药品管理是否符合规定。



2、ICU房间应定期消毒处理,室内空气培养要求细菌总数在200个每立方米(200个/m3 )以下。

3、控制出入人员的数量,减少其流通量。 开门窗换气,一般每日2,3次,每次20,30min。

4、紫外线照射、84消毒液,可配成1:500的溶液进行喷雾。 5、严格洗手制度任何正常人皮肤上都有细菌存在,其中有少数致病菌,如金黄色葡萄球菌和绿脓杆菌等,在正常人皮肤上不致引起感染,若一旦转移到人体易感部位,如伤口、肺部或泌尿生殖器等部位,尤其是在重症患者极易引起感染。为减少人与人之间的传播,防止交叉感染的发生在接触两个患者和两邻床之间,为病人作查体前,各种技safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal

responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in

production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education

术操作及无菌操作前,处理尿壶、便盆后,进入或离开ICU时,均应认真进行手的清洗,必须要在清洗后用75%的酒精溶液进行擦拭消毒。 6、ICU内墙壁、天花板,应保持无尘和清洁,每日应清洁处理,可用含氯消毒液500mg/L彻底擦洗一次。门窗、床柜、病床及各种装备仪器表面每日需用500mg/L84消毒液擦拭。各种各式的抹布分开使用,分类放置,每人每桌一块,定期消毒。地面可用500mg/L的84消毒液清洁处理,每日应不少于4次。

7、严格隔离制度转送进入ICU与进手术室一样,应当使用清洁车或活动床。严格掌握患者进入ICU的分房标准,为了预防交叉感染和防止其散布,进入ICU的患者一定要分房治疗,如患者本人无感染但需要肾透析者,宜住单房间。有潜在感染病例如气管切开、进行机械通气治疗的患者须住单房间。有传染病患者、器官移植后免疫力低下的患者以及有明显感染者如开放性化脓或引流的脓胸病人等均需住隔离房间。隔离房间应在位于通气道的末端或ICU之外。 8、ICU内的机械通气应定时按说明更换通气机的细菌滤过器,以及每24h换一次通气的管道和连接器,为预防院内感染的主要措施。雾化吸入器在使用前后应适当消毒处理。ICU内使用雾化吸入器管道一般都是用1000mg/L的84消毒液浸泡消毒或清洗后熏蒸消毒。ICU


safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an

additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time

to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education



2.非本室工作人员及病人的主管医师,不得随意进入 ICU 室,外来参观人员必须经医务处或护理部批准后方可进入。



5.切实做好病室的消毒隔离及清洁卫生工作,防止医院感染,经常保持病室的清洁,每日清扫,每周 1 次大扫。6.医务人员工作时,穿好工作服,注意仪表仪容,讲究文明礼貌和清洁卫生。

六、设备仪器使用保管制度 1、提高护理人员的业务素质

ICU设备仪器的使用和管理, 其主要目的是保证医护人员正确操作和使用设备,最大可能地减少设备的人为故障,充分发挥设备的各项功能。所以应定期对护士进行技能培训,尤其是新入科的护士要重点培训。应使护士全面了解设备的结构、性能、原理,做到正确操作。避免操作不当给病人带来负面影响和对仪器设备造成损坏,降低设备的使用效率,影响ICU抢救、治疗效果。


safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an

additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the

production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education


护。同时,护士长还应配合有关科室定期做好设备的计量检测,确保设备数据准确,运行安全。 3、健全设备档案、操作规程和使用登记手册

设备科购进设备验收交付后,需及时建立科室设备登记册,做到帐物相符。同时制作仪器设备操作规程铭牌,贴附在机器醒目位置,确保医护人员正确使用,严禁违章操作。ICU科室应配备责任心强、熟悉仪器性能和维护规程的兼职设备护士,以便定期对科室医护人员的操作是否符合规程要求进行督促检查。另外,ICU室护士长还应根据设备科要求建立大型设备使用登记手册,及时记录设备的运转时间、状态和工程师维护内容,并每年对建档设备的性能进行评估。 4、规范设备的保管存放



建立设备三级保养制度:?日常保养:科室人员应做好日常防尘、safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as

possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident

investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal

responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education








3、按照各级人员培训目标和培训计划,每年参加院内外继续教safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident

investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal

responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we

must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education






8、安排临床各科医务人员到ICU轮科培训。 9、安排ICU医护人员轮流赴上级医院进修培训。 八、家属探视制度


2、探视时间:每天上午11:00—11:30 下午4:00—4:30,有特殊情况请通过对讲机与当值医护人员联系,经允许后方可探视。

3、探视须知:每次探视只允许两人进入,进入前洗手、穿上鞋套;探病期间不要触摸病人的伤口、各种管道及仪器;未经允许不要给病人送任何食品;保持病室清洁及安静,不要在室内吸烟;ICU病室内不摆放鲜花;入室前请关闭手机,以免干扰仪器正常运转。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of

enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education

4、病人的一切治疗护理由护理人员承担,任何病人均不得留陪护。 5、ICU各类人员必须严格遵守医院的各项规章制度及各种操作规程,认真履行各班岗位责任制,严密观察病情,加强巡视,发现异常,及时通知医师处理,随时做好危重病人的抢救准备工作,操作时应严格执行查对制度,避免发生差错事故。

6、做好病室医疗文件的保管工作,探视者不得翻阅病历及医疗文件。 7、保持床单位及床边桌等用物的清洁整齐,固定位置,未经护士长同意,不得随意搬动。



2、严密观察病情变化,及时报告医生,危急情况下可行必要的处理。 3、按时完成各项治疗,护理医嘱,认真做好特护记录,严格执行查对交接班及消毒隔离制度,遵守各项操作规程。

4、 随时检查,备齐急救所须药品,器材,迅速准确配合医生进行抢救工作。 5、 凡有ECG、心导管、上呼吸机和气管切开等特殊监护时要按常规做好一切护理。

6、 保持各管道通畅,静脉输液按每小时如量均匀输入,凡用药物必须遵医嘱,特殊药物剂量浓度要精确计算,必须经另一人核对。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So

enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident

investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal

responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education






十、ICU病房收转病人管理制度 一、ICU病房收治范围:






safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an

additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very

strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education


2 、对轻症复合伤、无经济能力的患者以及不能从ICU的监护治疗中获得益处的终末期患者首诊医师不应建议入ICU病房。


4、 ICU病房收入和转出的病人需由医务人员护送。收入病人由病房医务人员护送,转出病人由ICU病房的医务人员护送。






safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an

additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for

criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education



