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在考研英语中,阅读分数可谓是占到了总分的半壁江山,正所谓“得阅读者得考研”。对于备考考研的同学们,在平时的复习中一定要拓展阅读思路,各类话题都要关注,这样才能在整体上提升考研英语阅读水平!一起来学习吧! The benefits of sharing 共享经济的好处


In some countries, Millennials almost take the “sharing economy” for granted. 在一些国家中,“千禧一代”几乎认为“共享经济”是一种理所当然的存在。

It’s easy to pull up an app, push a few buttons, and have a taxi at your doorstep within minutes, or press a few laptop keys and find the best couch to crash on for a few days. It’s easy on the wallet and takes little time.


However, this new economic model could serve to benefit more than the average smartphone-wielding consumer. A paper released earlier this year by New York University found that those with the most to gain are the low-income participants in this new economy. 除了普通的智能手机消费者,这种新兴经济模式同样可以给其他人群带来好处。纽约大学在今年早些时候发布了一篇论文,该论文通过研究发现,在这种新兴经济模式下,受益最大的是低收入群体。

“We highlight this finding because it speaks to what may eventually be the true promise of the sharing economy as a force that democratizes access to a higher standard of living,” the researchers wrote in the paper, which analyzed data from a car rental app. “我们强调这一研究结果,是因为它能证实分享经济最终能给我们的生活带来什么好处,这种经济模式作为一种手段,使普通大众也可以享受到较高的生活水平。”研究者通过分析一个汽车租赁软件的数据,在论文中写道。

Two big names come to mind when thinking of the sharing economy: ridesharing company Uber andlodging rental company Airbnb. The latter allows people to rent out their homes as an alternative to hotels and motels. Renting out items is a way in which those with lower income can benefit from the sharing economy.


“Lower-income consumers also stand to gain the most from renting out their goods on these platforms,” Emily Badger wrote in The Washington Post. “The ability to make extra income off expensive items makes those items less expensive.”


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For example, Badger notes, an extra $20 (about 124 yuan) here or there for a waitress renting out her car could serve to really boost a waitress’ income more than a lawyer’s.


That said, in the real world, there’s yet to be strong evidence that large numbers of lower-income consumers are actually taking advantage of such services.


“Part of the barrier is logistical; you have to have a credit card and a smartphone to access many of these platforms today,” Badger writes. “But another piece may be cultural.”


For individuals, the sharing economy is helping to save – or even create – money and time for consumers, and may even help those with less money the most. However, the new model is so new that it, along with the research and data to go with it, hasn’t fully caught on. 对于个人来说,共享经济正在帮助消费者节省——甚至创造——金钱和时间,对于那些低收入者也许帮助最大。然而,根据相关研究和数据发现,这种新模式才刚开始出现,还没有完全流行起来。

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