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Compare different negotiation styles of Chinese and American cultures(中西方谈判风格的不同)

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Compare different negotiation styles of Chinese and

American cultures

Today my group’s topic is comparing different negotiation styles of Chinese and American cultures. This is our content about five part Content:

1、The definition of negotiation styles 2、Negotiation American styles 3、Negotiation Chinese styles

4、Compare different negotiation styles 5、Conclusion

1. (1)What is negotiation styles?

First of all, negotiation style is manifested in the negotiations and in the process of negotiations on the behavior; secondly, style is the refraction of the negotiators and reflect the cultural heritage; thirdly, negotiating style has its own characteristics, there are significant differences between different countries or regions of the style; finally, after repeated negotiation style practice and summary, accepted by a country or a nation's merchant. (2)The choice of negotiating style

You can make the corresponding choice according to the different negotiation situation and the negotiation factors, such as faith, ability, culture, economic strength and so on

2. About negotiation American styles

The main features of American negotiating style:

(1) They always make people feel confident and feel good about themselves. Because The United States is one of the most economically developed countries in the world. The strength of the national economy is also the most abundant, whether it is the language spoken by Americans, or the currency used by the United States, in the world economy occupies an important position. English is the most common language in international negotiations, and more than 50% of world trade is settled in dollars. All of these make Americans feel proud of their country and have a strong sense of self-respect and honor. This mentality is fully demonstrated in their trade activities. They have a strong sense of self-confidence and self-esteem in the negotiations, and in addition to the self - serving beliefs that they believe in, they often make foreign negotiators with them feel that Americans have a sense of superiority.

(2) They pay attention to reality and interests.Because Americans do deals, often with the ultimate goal of gaining economic benefits. Therefore, they sometimes have to consider other factors in the negotiations of the Japanese and Chinese, such as the interests of the community formed by political relations, such as the

expression cannot be understood. Although they are practical benefits, but they generally do not make exorbitant demands, not love others too much. In their view, both sides should make a profit to buy and sell, regardless of which side of the proposal should be fair and reasonable. Therefore, the Americans for the Japanese, Chinese people pay attention to the habit of friendship and look at the face of an old friend, can be arbitrarily accommodating approach is not suitable.

(3) They are warm and frank, outgoing personality. An American is an extrovert. Most of their emotions are expressed by their behavior to. In the negotiations, they are full of energy and emotion, whether in the presentation of their views, or to indicate the position of each other's attitude, are more straightforward. (4)Americans attach great importance to contracts, strong legal concepts. The United States is a highly legal country. According to the disclosure of information: the average 450 Americans have a law Division, which is directly related to the United States to resolve conflicts and disputes to resort to law. They are also very clear in the legal concept of commercial transactions. Americans believe that the most important thing is the economic interests of the transaction. In order to ensure their own interests, the most fairness, the most appropriate solution is to rely on the law, relying on the contract, while others are

Compare different negotiation styles of Chinese and American cultures(中西方谈判风格的不同)


