Preparation of Motional Mesoscopic Superpositions of Squeezed Coherent States of N Trapped Ions
Preparation of Motional Mesoscopic
Superpositions of Squeezed Coherent States of N
Trapped Ions
YANG Wen-Xing; XIE Xiao-Tao; LI Jia-Hua; CHEN Chang-Yong
【期刊名称】《《理论物理通讯(英文版)》》 【年(卷),期】2005(043)004
【摘要】A scheme is proposed to generate arbitrary, discrete superpostions of squeezed coherent states of the squeezed center of mass of N trapped ions along a straight line in phase space. The scheme is based on a resonant bichromatic excitation of each trapped ion that generates displacement and squeezing in the vibrational motion conditioned to each internal state. In this paper, we also show that such a method can be used for the engineering of motional quantum states. 【总页数】5页(727-731)
【关键词】quantum state engineering; squeezed coherent state; coherent state
【作者】YANG Wen-Xing; XIE Xiao-Tao; LI Jia-Hua; CHEN Chang-Yong 【作者单位】Department of Physics Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China; Center for Cold Atom Physics the Chinese Academy of Sciences Wuhan 430071 China; Department of Physics Loudi Teachers College Loudi 417001 China 【正文语种】中文
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Preparation of Motional Mesoscopic Superpositions of Squeezed Coherent States of N Trapped Ions