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chess中文是什么意思 音标:[ t?es ]

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中文翻译 n.

国际象棋。 have a game of chess 下一盘象棋。 play (at) chess下象棋。 n.

(pl. chesses) 架浮桥的木板。 n.


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chess for 两个人的西洋棋 chess fan; chess enthusiast 棋迷 a chess champion 国际象棋冠军 a game of chess 弈棋

a partiality for chess 下棋的癖好 aeroplane chess 飞行棋 besiege chess 围棋

blind chess 又被称为盲象棋 british chess 英国国际象棋 chequer chess 跳棋

chess (disambiguation) 象棋 (消歧义) chess aster 国际象棋大师; 西洋棋大师 chess beginner 围棋启蒙 chess board 象棋盘 chess brome 棋雀麦 chess circle 棋坛 chess clock 棋铲 chess club 棋艺学会 chess column 象棋专栏 chess competition 棋赛


? ? ? ? ? ? ? chess ebooks 大师教你下象棋; 国际象棋大师教你下棋 chess ehthusiast 象棋爱好者 chess enthusiast 象棋爱好者

chess event 开荒详细功略; 千王之厅 chesongoch 切松戈奇

chess association of china 中国象棋协会 例句与用法 32 dominoes can cover the whole chess board .



2. You always get the better of me at chess . 你下国际象棋总是赢我。

3. You are really keen on playing chess . 你们下棋的瘾头可真不小。

4. His fingers itch at the sight of a game of chess ... 看见下棋他就馋得慌。

5. There was a game of chess on a table . 在一张桌子上摆着一盘棋。

6. Do you know all the possible moves in chess ? 国际象棋的各种走法你都会吗?

7. Many chess tournaments are held every year . 每年都要举行多次国际象棋比赛。

8. Is playing chess your only resource ? 下棋是你唯一的消遣吗?

9. Mr. cottrell's zeal for chess is quite remarkable . 卡瑞先生对于弈棋十分爱好。

10. No one can match her at chess .


11. My win at chess raised my spirits a little . 我赢了这盘国际象棋才打起了一点精神。


12. I can 't beat him at chinese chess . 我象棋下不赢他。

13. I have no interest in playing chess . 下棋没有来头。

14. That game of chess ended in a draw . 那盘棋和了。

15. His interests ranged from chess to canoeing . 他的爱好从下国际象棋到划独木舟,范围很广。 16. Will you play me at chess ? 你愿意和我下棋吗?

17. Do you know how to play chess ? 你会下棋吗?

18. Playing ( at ) chess is no fun ; let 's go to play table tennis . 下棋没劲,还是去打乒乓球吧。 19. They are playing chess . 他们正在下象棋。

20. The moves in chess are not only manifold , but involute . 下棋的走法不但多种多样,而且错综复杂。 21. Let 's have a game of chess . 来一盘棋。

22. Chess playing requires the ability to think through a problem . 下象棋需要有全面考虑问题的能力。 23. He has a fancy for chess . 他喜好下棋。 24. I 'm rusty in chess . 我的棋艺生疏。

25. Chess is a game that calls into play all one 's powers of concentration . 国际象棋是一种要人全神贯注地玩的游戏。




