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above all 首先,尤其 all the time 一直,始终 at a time 每次,一次 at no time 从不,决不 at one time 曾经,从前曾 at times 有时 at all times 总是 account for 说明 add in 算上,加上 add on 附加上 add to 增加 add up 累加

add up to 合计,总计 ahead of 在……前面,先于 after all 终于,毕竟,虽然这样 all but 几乎,差一点,除……之外其余都 all over 遍及,到处 at all 完全,根本 apart from 除去

a warning against 警告不要做… appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力 as for 至于,就……方面说 as if 好象,仿佛 apply to 适用 apply for 申请

all by oneself 单独,独自 at peace with 与…和睦相处 as though 好象,仿佛 as to 至于,关于 as well 也,一样 aside from 除……以外 ask for 请求,要求 approve of 同意,赞成 at the best 充其量,至多 at birth 出生时

as far as...be concerned 就…而言 at all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何 at the cost of 以……代价

a great deal of 大量的,许多的 at all events 无论如何 as a matter of face 实际上

as a matter of course 当然地,自然地 allow for 考虑到 a few 有些,几个 a danger to 对…危险 at first 最初,首先 arise from 由…引起 as follows 如下 attribute to 归因于 and so forth 等等 arrive at 抵达(小地方) arrive in 抵达(大地方) around/round the clock 昼夜不停 as good as 和……几乎一样,实际上等于 as well as 与…一样

as/so far as...is concerned 就…而言,谈及 at the conclusion of 当…结束时

at the back of 在…后面at one’s back 支持,维护 at hand 在附近,即将到来 at heart 实质上

at home 在家,在国内,自在自如 at intervals 不时,时时 at large 一般,大体上 at last 最终,终于 at least 至于,最低限度 at leisure 从容的,有空 at length 最后;详细地

at one's convenience 出于方便某人 attach to 附着 a little 一点,也许 attempt to do 尝试去做

as long as /so long as 只要,如果 at a loss 困惑,不知所措 a number of 一些,若干

a good number of 大量的,很多的 a great/good many 许多,大量

a great deal of 大量的 abide by 遵守 adhere to 粘附;坚持 attend to 注意 adjacent to 邻近的 as usual 像往常一样。照例 a matter of 关于……的问题 answer for 对…负责 answer to 符合 attend on(upon) 照料 at ease 自在,放松 at the moment 现在,此刻 at the last moment 在最后一刻 at the mercy of 在……支配下 at the/an end 在尾部;结束 as yet 到目前为止;到那时为止 at worst 在最坏的情况下 at the expense of 以…作为代价 act on 奉行;依照…行动 act as 扮演…的角色 act for 代理

at work 在工作,忙于 access to 接近;有机会获得 after a while 过了一会,不久 along with 与……一起 at most 最多,至多 amount to 等于

at odds with 与……不一致,差异,争执 as a whole 就整体而言 adapt to 使适应 adjust to 调节;适应 accommodate to 适应 after the fashion of 依照 and so on 等等

at the risk of 冒着…风险 all at once 突然 at once 立刻,马上

at present 目前,现在 at random 随机的,任意的 at any rate 无论如何 at fault 有错 at short notice 即刻 as regards 关于,至于 as a result 结果,因此 all round 周围,处处 all in all 总的说来 as a rule 通常,照例 all the same 仍然,照样地 ahead of schedule 提前 ahead of time 提前 a series of 一系列,一连串 at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 agree with 赞同 as soon as 一…就 at stake 在危险中

and then 而且,其次,然后 against one’s will 违心的 all of a sudden 突然 as though 好象 be absorbed in 专心于 be absent from 缺席,不在 be on a diet 节食 be fed up with 感到厌烦 be friends with 对……友好 be of the opinion 持有…看法 be abundant in 富于 be opposed to 反对 be opposite to 与…相反 be accustomed to 习惯于 be acquainted with 了解,熟悉 be used to do 被用来做 be particular about 讲究,挑剔 be used to something/doing 习惯于 be anxious about/for 对…焦虑不安

be concerned with 关心 be patient with 对…有耐心 be ashamed of 以…为耻

be on the point of doing sth. 即将要做 be about to do 即将要做 be bound to 必定,一定 be aware of 意识到 be conscious of 知道 be consistent with 与…一致 be in agreement with 与…一致 be cornered 处于绝境 be in a tight corner 陷入困境 be based on/upon 基于,根据 be confronted with 面临 be busy with sth. 忙于某事 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 be capable of 能够,有能力 be entitled to 有权利,有资格 be cautious of 谨防 be equal to 等于 be equipped with 装备有 be equivalent to 相等于 be certain of/be sure of 确定 be confident of 有信心 be faithful to 对…忠诚 be loyal to 对…忠诚

be familiar with 某人熟悉某物或某人(主语必须是人) be familiar to 某物为某人所熟悉(宾语必须是人) be similar to 类似于 be identical with/to 与…相同 be identified with 被视为与…等同 be content with 满足于 be in a mess 乱七八糟 be fortunate in 有好运气 be fond of 喜欢 be satisfied with 满足于 be eager for 盼望,想得到

be grateful to sb. for sth. 因…感谢某人

be of no effect 无效 be free of 免于 be not much of 不好的 be native to 出生于 be freed from 免受 be fit for 适合 be suitable for 适合 be keen on 喜爱 by occasion of 由于 be liable to 易于… be subjected to 易于… be liable for 对…负有责任 be suited to 适合 be in favor with 受宠爱 be friendly with 对…友好 be guilty of 犯有…过错 be in the habit of 习惯于 be favorable to 有利于;赞成 be in the right 正确的

be within one’s rights (to do) 有权(去做) be dependent on/upon 依靠,依赖 be convenient to/for 对…方便 be tired of 厌倦 be jealous of 嫉妒 be good for 对…有好处 be good at 擅长于

be indifferent to 对…莫不关心 be/feel at home 自由自在 be scheduled for 定在某时进行 be proud of 以…自豪

be response/responsible for 对…负责 be ready for 准备好做… be qualified in/to/for 适合,胜任 be shocked at/by 对…感到震惊 be innocent of 无辜的

be sorry about/for 为…感到后悔,难过 be/get out of red 不再亏损 be content to do sth. 愿意做某事

be critical of 挑剔的,批评的 be strict with 对…严格要求 be/go on strike 罢工 be short of 缺乏

be made up of 由……构成,由……组成 be composed of 由……构成,由……组成 be honest in 诚实 be in touch with 保持联系 be out of touch with 没有联系 be surprised at 对…惊奇

be on good/bad terms with 关系好/不好 be intent on be intent on 专心于 be worthy of 值得;配得上 be suspicious of 对…有疑心 be true of 适合于… be true to 忠于…

be distinct from/be different from 与…不同 be involved in 卷入 be through with 完成 be typical of 有…的特点 be shy of 难为情 be valid for 对…有效 be in sympathy with 同情 be ignorant of 不知道 behind one's back 背着某人 behind schedule 晚点 behind the times 落后于时代 behind time 迟到,晚点 beyond dispute 毋庸置疑

beyond/without question 毋庸置疑 beyond description 无法形容 beyond expression 无法形容 beyond the reach of 无法达到 beyond all reason 毫无道理 beyond reproach 不受责备 but for 要不是

buy sth. for/at 用多少钱/价位买 blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人

blame sth. on sb. 把…推到某人身上 begin with 以…开始 before long 不久以后 beside the point 无关紧要 because of 由于,因为

back and forth 来回,往返,来来往往 back off 放,让步,退却 back up 支持,援助 boast of/about 吹嘘 break away 脱离,逃跑 break down 损坏,分解,瓦解 break in 强行进入,闯入,打断 break into 闯入 break off 断绝,结束 break out 突发,爆发 break through 突破 break up 终止,结束,打碎 bring about 带来,造成 bring down 打倒,挫伤 bring forth 产生,提出 bring forward 提出 bring out 使出现,公布 bring to 使恢复知觉

bring up 教育,培养,使成长 bring into effect 使生效

bring/put...into practice 实施,实行 build up 积累,树立,逐步建立 burn out 烧掉 burn up 烧完,烧尽 believe in 相信 benefit from 受益 by accident 偶然 by birth 出身 by ear 凭记忆 by charge 偶然,碰巧 by comparison 比较起来 by the end 在最后 by oneself 独自,单身

by force 强行

by all means 无论如何,必定 by means of 借助于 by contrast 相反的 by guess 凭猜测 by reason of 由于,因为 by no means 决不 by hand 用手工 by far 迄今为止;非常 by mistake 错误的

by nature 天生,就其本性而言 by reason of 由于

by the same token 由于同样的原因,同样地 by way of 经由,通过……方式 by/in virtue of 由于 by the way 顺便提一下 by turns 轮流

catch one’s breath 屏息 catch one’s eye 引人注目 catch fire 着火

catch sight of 发现,突然发现 catch on 理解,明白 catch up with 追上,赶上 compensate for 补偿 complain of/about 抱怨 comply with 遵守 conceive of 想象,设想

concentrate on/upon 集中,专心 confess to 承认

confine to 把…限制在某范围内 confide in 对…讲真心话 consent to 同意,一致 consist of 由…组成 consist in 主要在于 consist with 符合,与…一致 contrary to 与…相反 contrast...with 把…与…对比 contribute to 有助于

convince sb. of 使…相信 cope with 应对,处理

correspond with/to 符合,一致 call for 邀请,要求,需要 call forth 唤起,引起 call up 召集,动员 call off 放弃,取消 call on/upon 访问,拜访 call in...question 对…表示怀疑



