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Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points) Passage 1

Jane Goodall was already on a London dock in March 1957 when she realized that her passport was missing. In just a few hours, she was due to depart on her first trip to Africa. A school friend had moved to a farm outside Nairobi and, knowing Goodall’s childhood dream was to live among the African wildlife, invited her to stay with the family for a while. Goodall, then 22, saved for two years to pay for her passage to Kenya: waitressing, doing secretarial work, temping at the post office in her hometown, Bournemouth, on England’s southern coast. Now all this was for naught, it seemed.

It’s hard not to wonder how subsequent events in her life — rather consequential as they have turned out to be to conservation, to science, to our sense of ourselves as a species — might have unfolded differently had someone not found her passport, along with an itinerary from Cook’s, the travel agency, folded inside, and delivered it to the Cook’s office. An agency representative, documents in hand, found her on the dock. “Incredible,” Goodall told me last month, recalling that day. “Amazing.”

Within two months of her arrival, Goodall met the paleontologist Louis Leakey — Nairobi was a small town for its white population in those days — and he immediately offered her a job at the natural-history museum where he was curator. He spent much of the next three years testing her capacity for repetitive work. He believed in a hypothesis first put forth by Charles Darwin that humans and chimpanzees share an evolutionary ancestor. Close study of chimpanzees in the wild, he thought, might tell us something about that common progenitor. He was, in other words, looking for someone to live among Africa’s wild animals. One night, he told Goodall that he knew just the place where she could do it: Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve, in the British colony of Tanganyika (now Tanzania).

In July 1960, Goodall boarded a boat and after a few hours motoring over the warm, deep waters of Lake Tanganyika, she stepped onto the pebbly beach at Gombe. Her finding, published in Nature in 1964, that chimpanzees use tools — extracting insects from a termite mound with leaves of grass — drastically and forever altered humanity’s understanding of itself; man was no longer the natural world’s only user of tools.

After two and a half decades of living out her childhood dream, Goodall made an abrupt career shift, from scientist to conservationist.

Passage 2

Scientists have found the first evidence that briny water flowed on the surface of Mars as recently as last summer, a paper published on Monday showed, raising the possibility that the planet could support life.

Although the source and the chemistry of the water is unknown, the discovery

will change scientists’ thinking about whether the planet that is most like Earth in the solar system could support present day microbial life.

The discovery was made when scientists developed a new technique to analyze chemical maps of the surface of Mars obtained by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. They found telltale fingerprints of salts that form only in the presence of water in narrow channels cut into cliff walls throughout the planet’s equatorial region. The slopes appear during the warm summer months on Mars, then vanish when the temperatures drop. Scientists suspected the streaks were cut by flowing water, but previously had been unable to make the measurements.

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter makes its measurements during the hottest part of the Martian day, so scientists believed any traces of water, or fingerprints from hydrated minerals, would have evaporated.

Also, the chemical-sensing instrument on the orbiting spacecraft cannot home in on details as small as the narrow streaks, which typically are less than 16 feet wide.

But Ojha and colleagues created a computer program that could scrutinize individual pixels. That data was then correlated with high-resolution images of the streaks. Scientists concentrated on the widest streaks and came up with a 100 percent match between their locations and detections of hydrated salts.

Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (50 points) Passage 1


人口流动和家庭结构变化将对公共服务和社会治理带来挑战。大规模的人口流动成为推动社会变迁的主要力量,同时也加快了家庭的小型化、多样化、离散化。 我们要大力推进流动人口基本公共服务均等化,着力提升流动人口服务管理水平,确保流动人口公平公正地享受城镇公共资源和社会福利,全面参与政治、经济、社会和文化生活,实现经济立足、社会接纳、身份认同和文化交融。

Passage 2

本美术馆以收藏、研究、展示中国近现代至当代艺术家作品为重点的国家艺术博物馆,是新中国成立以后的国家文化标志性建筑。主体大楼为仿古阁楼式,黄色琉璃瓦大屋顶,四周廊榭围绕,具有鲜明的民族建筑风格。主楼建筑面积18000多平方米 ,共有17个展览厅,展览总面积8300平方米。

中国美术馆现收藏各类美术作品10万余件,以19世纪末至今中国艺术名家和各时期代表作品为主,兼有部分古代书画和外国艺术作品,同时也包括丰富的民间美术作品。 建馆以来,中国美术馆已举办数千场具有影响的各类美术展览,反映了中国美术繁荣发展的态势,也成为中国与国际艺术交流的重要平台。



Passage 1








Passage 2


他们发现了能够证明生命痕迹的盐指纹。只有遍布火星赤道地区的悬崖峭壁上的狭窄沟槽内存在水,盐指纹才能形成。温暖夏季,火星上出现坡地,一旦降温,坡地便消失。科学家们怀疑,火星上的这些沟槽是水流冲刷而成,但以前一直无法测量这些沟槽。 水里含盐很重要。否则,当火星温度降到刺骨寒冷时,水就会冻结。水可能源自表层冰,也可能是盐从稀薄的火星大气层里吸取的水分,或者可能是由含水层的冒泡形成。 水的发现很重要,这会影响到人们对于太阳系中最像地球的火星是否能够为今天微生物提供生命支持的思考。






汉译英 Passage 1 In the final analysis, the population issue is an issue of development. We should pay great attention to the relationship between the change in population and sustainable development, and give full consideration to the relationship between the quantity, quality, structure and distribution of the population. Inparticular, we should focus on the impact of the change in the population structure on economic and social development, incorporate the population issue in to the national plan for economic and social development and make sure that population growth is in keeping with the economic and social development as well as resources and the environment.

Massive population migration has become an important force driving social transformation and economic development, but it has also made families smaller and more diversified, and members of many live in separation. Population migration and change in family structure pose a challenge to public services and social governance. we should make great efforts to ensure equal access to basic public services among the migrant people and help them get equal opportunities to live and develop in cities and towns,letting them enjoy public resources and social welfare services and participate in political, economic, social and cultural activities on an equal footing,become independent economically, gain due social identity and achieve cultural integration.

Passage 2

The National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) is a national art museum dedicated to collection, research and exhibitions of modern and contemporary artistic works in China. NAMOC is a national cultural landmark after founding of New China. The main building, roofed with yellow glazed tiles and surrounded by corridors and pavilions, features the styles of ancient Chinese attics and traditional architecture. The building, with 17 exhibition halls covers an area of more than 18,000 square meters. It boasts an exhibition area of 8,300 square meters. The museum houses more than 100,000 pieces of various collections, most of which

are representative works of different periods and great art works of Chinese art masters from the end of the 19th century till today, constituting art development history since the beginning of modern China. Collections also include some ancient paintings and calligraphy works, foreign artistic works as well

Since its establishment, the museum has held thousands of various influential exhibitions to become an important platform of artistic exchange between China and the world.

NAMOC focuses on expanding public service contents and means through its website and “digital museum” project. The museum has upgraded its official website for 3 times and set up over 10 art databases, which have become a platform of releasing,searching and sharing art information.


英译中 Passage 1

Everyone knows that weddings—

the most elaborate and costly form of old school pageantrystill acceptable in modern society—

are stupid expensive. But it turns out Americans are nowblowing even more money than ever before on what’

s supposed to be the most magical day ofany couple’

s life together. Money that, to be honest, could be spent on much, much coolerstuff.

The Knot released its annual wedding survey this week, with findings showing that couples arespending a mind-numbing average of $32,641 on matrimonial celebrations. The study includesdata from nearly 18,000 pairs across the country. While the cost of a wedding varied greatlyfrom city to city—reaching a nauseating high of $82,300 in Manhattan—

the price was steep nomatter where couples chose to get hitched. All this despite the fact that weddings (andmarriages in general, honestly) can be a fairly impractical thing to invest in. Seriously, even 50Cent doesn’t spend as much in a day as you’

re spending on a reception band alone. Thinkabout that.

So rather than buying into the Marriage Industrial Complex on a union that may or may notwork out, wouldn’

t it make more sense to save your hard-earned money by forgoing the bigceremony for the major expenses you’



