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2021高中英语一轮复习新高考版专题十三 被动语态(试题部分)

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专题十三 被动语态



1.The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people (persuade)to eat more fruits as well as vegetables. 答案 are persuaded

2.—Have you heard about that fire in the market? —Yes, fortunately no one (hurt). 答案 was hurt

3.In the last few years thousands of films (produce)all over the world. 答案 have been produced

4.As we all know, the world's supplies of oil (use) up with the development of industry and the increase of cars. 答案 are being used

5.They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house (rebuild).

答案 is being rebuilt

6.I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan (carry) out in the past two years. 答案 had been carried

7.—Did you enjoy the party?

—Yes.We (treat)well by our hosts. 答案 were treated

8.It is reported that a space station (build) on the moon in years to come. 答案 will be built

9.More expressways (build) in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy. 答案 will be built

10.Unless some extra money (find),the theatre will close. 答案 is found



1.In the meanwhile, (应该更多关注) the study of the traditional culture in Chinese high schools.(2019课标全国Ⅰ) 答案 more attention should be paid to

2.To begin with, (一个新的体育场已经建成), which has become the new landmark in our school.(2018课标全国Ⅲ) 答案 a new stadium has been built

3.Of the two trips to the Yangtze River and Mount Tai, (这两个地方被强烈推荐).(2017北京)

答案 both are highly recommended

4. (中国经济有望增长)at a medium speed in the coming years. (2017江苏) 答案 China's economy is expected to grow

5. (我的申请和简历已经准备好了)and I sincerely hope you can help me polish them.(2016课标全国Ⅰ)

答案 My application and resume have been prepared 6.我们的培训计划将发送到您的邮箱。(2018天津)

答案 Our training plan will be sent to your e-mail box. 7.展览将于下星期六在当地博物馆举行。(2017课标全国Ⅱ)

答案 The exhibition will be held in the local museum next Saturday. 8.我已被告知我们的校队正在招募新成员。(2017课标全国Ⅲ)

答案 I have been told that our school team is recruiting new members.

(二)根据所给汉语提示,将文章补充完整,注意语态的运用。 Dear Tom,

How are you?

I'm writing to ask you to do me a favour. I have made some Chinese knots myself, and 1 (它们可以用来做装饰品). I hope you can help me sell them in your Internet store.

2 (这些中国结是用很好的红丝制成的), each one about three centimeters across. As we all know, a Chinese knot means reunion, friendliness, warmth, peace and love, so I think 3 (它们会卖得很好). Each Chinese knot I will send to you is worth about one dollar. Among them there are two 4 (它们是给你的). Would you like to sell them for me?

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Li Hua

1. 2. 3. 4.


1.they can be used as decorations

2.These Chinese knots are made from good red silk 3.they will sell well

4.that are intended for you

【五年高考】 A组 基础题组


1.(2017课标全国Ⅱ,65)Steam engines (use) to pull the carriages and it must have been fairly unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise. 答案 were used

2.(2017课标全国Ⅲ,63)Sarah (tell) that she could be Britain's new supermodel, earning a million dollars in the next year. Her father Peter, 44, wants her to give up school to model full-time. 答案 has been told/was told

3.(2017浙江,63)Pahlsson and her husband now think the ring probably got (sweep) into a pile of kitchen rubbish. 答案 swept

4.(2016四川,61)The giant panda (love) by people throughout the world. 答案 is loved

5.(2016课标全国Ⅲ,62)Truly elegant chopsticks might (make) of gold and silver with Chinese characters. 答案 be made


1.(2019天津,8)Amy, as well as her brothers, (give) a warm welcome when returning to the village last week. 答案 was given

2.(2018北京,9)A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who (trap) in the mountains for two days. 答案 had been trapped

3.(2018天津,13)My washing machine (repair)this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand. 答案 is being repaired

4.(2017天津,6)Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, (regard) as one of the best all-round forms of exercise. 答案 is regarded

5.(2017江苏,27)He hurried home, never once looking back to see if he (follow).

答案 was being followed

6.(2016北京,30)The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts (reward)with success in the end. 答案 will be rewarded

7.(2015天津,9)Despite the previous rounds of talks,no agreement (reach)so far by the two sides. 答案 has been reached

B组 提升题组


Researchers performed experiments that 1 (design) to find out whether using a laptop increased the tendency to make notes“mindlessly”(心不在焉)by taking down word for word what the professors said.

In the first experiment, students 2 (give) either a laptop or pen and paper.They listened to the same lectures and 3 (tell) to use their usual note-taking skills. Thirty minutes after the talk, they 4 (examine) on their ability to remember facts and on how well they understood concepts.

The researchers found that laptop users took twice as many notes as those who wrote by hand. However, the typists 5 (perform) worse at remembering and applying the concepts.Both groups scored similarly when it came to memorizing facts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 答案

1.were designed 2.were given 3.were told 4.were examined 5.performed


A组 2018—2020年模拟·基础题组

1.(2020届辽宁沈阳铁路实验中学月考三,44)The project (make)up of a 22.9-kilometre-long main bridge, a 5.6-kilometre-long tunnel and an artificial island off the bridge. 答案 is made

2.(2020届广东佛山一中期中,46)Restaurants in the US are places where people (serve) with cold water, which doesn't hurt anyone if it is spilled accidentally. 答案 are served

3.(2020届湖南怀化期中新博览联考,67)It (damage) partly by natural forces like earthquakes, but the greatest damage of all has been caused by man. 答案 has been damaged

4.(2020届湖北华师大附中期中,70)So in the end, these controversies come down to a simple question: Should a person's morals and political views (take) into

2021高中英语一轮复习新高考版专题十三 被动语态(试题部分)


