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that's it? Unfortunately in my case, there was only one woman- for her... 你们知道最可怕的是什么?要是每个人只能有一个女人?我是说,要是你找到一个女人(做另一半)-然后就不能在找了?不幸的是,我这件事里,那个一个


11.when you were what 8 ?是8岁的意思??

13. regional work 他指范围比较小的表演,也不会上电视什么的

14. Are you in trouble 又有很棒的sex,又有feelings,必然心情异常激动,所以rach说:你还能挺住吗?

15. I think we are getting a little ahead of selves here我想我们现在讨论这个(婚纱的问题)有点太早了

16. what for 和for what 都可以吧,口语上不用讲就太多语法

17.I'm pushing my Aunt Roz through Parrot Jungle

就是字面上的意思,上文不是说Frannie刚去了Florida吗,可以理解为“你真讨厌,当我死命的把Aunt Roz 推出鹦鹉丛林的时候,你却在和别人having sex! ”

18.There's an image。 butt是屁股,ross讽刺joey,说他比喻的形象

19. Lamauge gravy boat lamauge应该是牌子或生产地

20.the pilot:美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程

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度,以此来决定是否再继续播下去,也可以说是一个开端,第一集 the uncut version 就是未删节版

21.I take credit for Paul. 我给Paul打保票

22.there was no snap in his turtle for two years.

The \\

man who has no snap in his turtle is impotent; or, unable to have an erection.

I do have an idea on how it was created. \meanings, but most of them have to do with making a quick, sudden

movement (or sound), often of a closing or biting nature. In North America, there is an animal known as a \

type of turtle that is known to bite (or \humans and other animals. From what I have heard, if one of those things bites you, it

hurts a lot. Now, if one of these turtles can't snap, then there's not so much to fear--if they can't bite you, they can't hurt you. A

snapping turtle with no (abilty to) snap, then, is powerless, and from there the slang was created. The word \

sexual definition, also means \

In the case of \way, and so a turtle without \

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Monica to mean a man without (sexual) power or capability.

23.Stop cleansing my aura

aura :a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source, ex: 当时的场景是Ross进来跟大家诉说他的不幸婚姻,倒了霉运的他周身象是鬼神附身一般。Phoebe 这人第一喜欢帮助人,第二她总是神叨叨的,大家还记得有一

集里她看到一只猫,就说是她死去的妈吗?于是Phoebe想帮Ross把霉运赶走,PhD Ross自然是反对封建迷信的,就对Phoebe说,意思是你别烦我了,省省吧。

24.brackety thing,whim guy,worm guy bracket thing是组装家具的支架之类的东西

whim是一种类似起锚器或绞盘的东西,用于把比较重的物品提起来 worm guy是指代螺丝钉,因为螺丝钉上的纹路与worm很相似

25.Rachel说度蜜月到Aruba,为什么Ross提到 Big lizards

当Rach提到本想去Aruba时,Ross原本想说Rach不能去渡蜜月是太遗憾了,但突然意识到不应该说这些,急忙改口找些其他话题而提到Big lizards,并不是

Ross对生物感兴趣。我认为到底Aruba有没有Big lizards无关紧要,只是Ross转换话题的一个借口而已

26.There's Rocky Road, and Cookie Dough, and Bing! Cherry Vanilla. You could get 'em with Jimmies, or nuts, or whipped cream!

jimmies是一种经常撒在ice cream上的巧克力味的小糖果棒。bing就是一个拟声词。

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27.in bound of holy matrimony,就是结为夫妇,在神圣婚姻的约束,范围内

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