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Lesson one


Enterprises and governments engage in the modes of operation which can use in international business.


Get involved in international business through importing and exporting. 3.作为各国国际性收入主要来源的商品出口

Merchandise export is the major source of international revenue for all countries. 4.服务进出口是各国日趋重要的国际商务方式

Service exports and imports are an increasingly more important mode of international business for all countries.


Earnings from foreign tourism have been an important source of foreign exchange earning for the United States.


License a foreign distributor to sell one’s products. 7.通过许可别人使用商标等资产赚取使用费

Earn royalties through the use of allowing others to use their trademarks and other assets.


After world war II, FDI increased rapidly throughout the world. 9.东道国企业掌握过半数所有权的合资企业

The host country control joint venture in which holds majority ownership 10.有价证券投资是对外间接投资的主要形式 Portfolio investment is the main form of FII. 11.通过不同手段从事服务进出口的本国企业

Domestic enterprises which engage in service exports and imports through different means.


Multinational enterprises take a global approach to foreign markets and production. 13.跨国公司在战后国际商务的发展中起积极作用

MNC played an essential role in the development of international business after world war II.


Research in various forms of international business conducted by academic.

Lesson one


After World War II, increasingly large numbers of enterprises and governments of different countries have been involved in different modes of international business in addition to exporting and importing.


The tourist industry of this picturesque country is of critical importance to the national economic growth, which is likely to earn the foreign exchange earnings by times in the coming year.


The MNC in the line of Auto undertakes production and marketing on a global basis, and has integrated its operations in China into its global strategy in recent years.


In order to reduce costs and increase foreign sales, the multinational enterprises of many developed countries have transferred their equipment and personnel along with their capital to developing countries with lower cost.


Recently, the minister of Commerce state that our nation must try our best effort to export in exchange for commodities and services urgently need by us and should also actively attract FDI so as to promote rapidly development of our national economy.

Lesson 3 Sentence


The rapid growth in production of industrial and agricultural in many countries and regions.


Lead to a rapidly rising demands for the food and raw materials of industrial nations. 3.增至十五倍的工业品进口量

Import volume of industrial products increased by 15 times 4.对发展中国家农业出口产品需求的剧烈增长

Intense growth of agricultural exports in developing countries needs 5.对棉花和天然橡胶等天然原料需求的减少

Decreasing (Decrease in the) demand for natural material such as cotton and natural rubber.


The development of production and increase in output for synthetic substitutes 7.有助于发展中国家的工业发展和经济增长

Contribute to industrial development and economic growth in developing nations 8.国际贸易对各国经济发展重要的有益作用

The beneficial effects of the economic development of countries in international trade 9.有助于欠发达国家制造业和制成品生产的发展

To help developing countries manufacturing and manufactured production 10.刺激和促进发达与发展中国家间资本的流动

Stimulate and facilitate the international flow of capital between developed and developing nations.


The vehicle for the transmission of new technology new expertise 12.从国际贸易获得巨大好处的欠发达国家

The developing nations which gain huge benefit from international trade 13.国际贸易与长期经济发展之间的关系

The relationship between international trade and long-term economic development 14.以更快的速度从发达国家吸收先进技术

To absorb advanced technology from developed countries at a faster rate



