2009级本科 综合英语教学组 集体备课记录
福建医科大学 外语教学部
主讲教师 参加备 课教师 授课对象 选用教材 陈斌敏 备课日期 2009年 朱浩彤,陈斌敏 缺席教师 无 2009级英语专业1-6组 杨立民主编《现代大学英语精读》第一册 年级 课程类型 2009级 小课 _
授课内容 (章节题目) Lesson1; Lesson2 授课学时 各9学时 备课内容:(主要有:教学目的要求,重点、难点、疑点分析讨论,学科新进展,教学互动要求等。) Lesson 1 教学目的: 1: To grasp the general idea and the structure of the text. 2. To learn to understand difficult sentences in the text. 3. To understand some culture background. 4. To learn to read between the lines and interpret in your own words. 5. To learn to grasp the main language points. 教学互动要求:
1. Duty Report and Lead-in discussion 2. Background information 3. Questions related to the text 重点、难点、疑点: 1.Key language points:(重要语言点) 2. Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It (文章及各部分中心思想) Sentence Paraphrase 3 . Writing Techniques写作技巧 1).省略疑问句和修辞疑问句 2). 倒装句 3).“with”独立结构 4. How to appreciate literature Plot of the story: _
Setting of the story: Protagonist v.s. Antagonists: Drama of the story lies in: Writing technique: (Have you ever read a story using the similar technique?) Theme of the story: Lesson 2 教学目的: 1: To grasp the general idea and the structure of the text. 2. To learn to understand difficult sentences in the text. 3. To learn to grasp the main language points. 教学互动要求:
1. Duty Report and Lead-in discussion 2. Background information 3. Questions related to the text 重点、难点、疑点: 1.Key language points:(重要语言点) to pass (a place): to go past a place without entering to fit (sb.) : to be the right shape or size for sb. unaware of sth. : not knowing or realizing that sth is happening or that sth exists. 2. Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It (文章及各部分中心思想) Sentence Paraphrase 3 . Writing Techniques写作技巧 _
课程名称:大学英语 主讲教师 参加备 课教师 授课对象 陈斌敏 备课日期 2009. 朱浩彤,陈斌敏 缺席教师 无 2009级英语专业1-6组 年级 2009级