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Sleep is amazing, isn't it? Like many of you reading this post, I love to lie in bed and get \two.
You've probably heard that \over and over again, but there's definitely truth behind this suggestion. For me, personally, waking up before everyone else in my home allows me to work, respond to emails, or read up on current events without any distractions. I get work done in half the time if the family is still asleep. When my family wakes up, I've already had a productive morning and am ready to enjoy breakfast with them before I start conquering the rest of my day.
Although it seems really easy to get up now, that wasn't always the case. There was a time when just the thought of waking up before the sun rose sent chills down my spine. But once I actually started getting out of bed earlier, I noticed that it wasn't all that bad. And I reached that point by following these seven guaranteed ways to rise and shine at least 30 minutes earlier in the day.
1. Wake up one minute earlier each morning
Changing a habit or routine doesn't happen overnight. It takes a little bit of time and may take easing into the change to make it work for you. Waking up earlier is no exception.
Let's say that you currently wake up at 6:30 a.m. but want to change that time to 6 a.m. Instead of just suddenly resetting your alarm clock for 6, start waking up a minute or two earlier each day. So on day one, your alarm would be set for 6:29, and then 6:28, and so forth.
It may take a month to reach that 6 a.m. goal, but when you reach it, you won't even notice that you're now waking up 30 minutes earlier.
2. Start a morning routine
Besides your alarm going off, what are the other reasons for you to get out of bed? If you can't answer that question, then it's going to be an uphill battle to rise
But that doesn't mean that you can't find something to get you moving first thing in the morning. For example, you could:
Start a morning workout ritual.
Feed your cat or walk your dog earlier--your pets are consistent and will gladly wake you when it's time to get up.
Set your machine to brew you a delicious cup of coffee when your alarm goes off.
Drink water before going to bed.
Not check your emails before bed so that you'll open them first thing in the morning.
Do something that you enjoy, or find a new hobby. For example, if you want to learn to play the guitar, then do so with this extra time in the morning.
3. Train your body to anticipate sleep
Waking up earlier, however, is only half the battle. The other half is changing