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七年级英语下册《Unit 1 Dream homes Reading 1》学案(新版)牛津版

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《Unit 1 Dream homes Reading 1》

一、【学习目标】 1、学习新单词及短语。

2、能用英语简单介绍自己或他人的家。 二、【学习重难点】 简单介绍课文大意。 三、【自主学习】 写出下列单词:

1、英里_____________ 2、花园 ______________ 3、公寓______________ 4、中心_____________ 5、起居室_____________ 6、分享_____________ 翻译短语:

1、来自______________________ 2、一杯茶_____________________ 3、一个美丽的花园_____________ 4、和我的狗玩的开心_____________ 5、莫斯科中心_____________ 6、在第七层_____________

7、在床上听音乐_________________________ 8、我和我的妹妹分享一个卧室________________________ 四、【合作探究】


Neil: 1.What do Neil and his family often do in their kitchen? 2. What does Neil always do in the garden?

Anna: 1.What do Anna and her family like to do after dinner? 2.Who does she share a bedroom with?

Stephen: 1.What is Stephen’s house like?

2.Why does Stephen like the balcony best? 2、根据课文内容填空:

This is Stephen from __________. He is chatting with his friends on his ___________. He loves to _______________________.

This is Anna from _________.she shares a ______ with her sister. They often _________________.

This is Neil from ________. He is sitting in the_______. He and his family often _________________.

3、自由朗读课文,划出重点词语及句子。 4、熟读课文,简单复述课文大意。 五、【达标巩固】

一、 翻译短语:

1、 我最爱的房间 2、享受一杯茶 3、住在一个公寓里 4、晚饭后 5、喜欢听音乐 6、在6月7号 二、 根据句意,用单词的正确形式填空。 1、Would you like (go) swimming with me ?

2、Every student dreams of (have) a holiday without homework. 3、Our classroom is on the (two) floor of the building . 4、Tomorrow is my brother’s (seven) birthday. 5、I watch TV in my (sit) room.

七年级英语下册《Unit 1 Dream homes Reading 1》学案(新版)牛津版


