Section Ⅴ Writing — 人物介绍
[写作规范] [题目要求]
1.屠呦呦1930年生于宁波,儿童时期就对中医产生了兴趣。 2.1951年考入北京大学。1955年,以优异的成绩毕业于北京医学院。
3.毕业后她一直致力于中医的研究。很多成果受到了高度评价。 4.她因为发现青蒿素而出名,青蒿素用于治疗疟疾,拯救了数百万人的性命。
参考词汇:青蒿素 artemisinin; 疟疾 malaria;拉斯克奖 the Lasker Award;诺贝尔医学奖 the Nobel Prize in Medicine
2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 第一步:审题谋篇 1.体裁:记叙文;
2.时态:一般过去时为主; 3.人称:第三人称; 4.结构:首段:总述,
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第二步:词汇推敲 1.a_famous_Chinese_medical_scientist 一位著名的中国女科学家 2.win_the_Nobel_Prize 获得诺贝尔奖 3.be_born_in 出生于 4.be_admitted_into 被录取 5.devote_one's_life_to 毕业致力于 6.be_well_known_for 以……而出名 第三步:句式锻造 1.屠呦呦是中国著名的医学科学家。 Tu Youyou is a_famous_Chinese_medical_scientist. 2.2015年,她获得了诺贝尔医学奖。她成为首个获科学类诺贝尔奖的中国科学家。 In 2015, She won_the_Nobel_Prize_in_Medicine. She became_the_first_Chinese_scientist_to_win a Nobel Prize in science. 3.1951年她被北京大学录取,1955年以优异的成绩毕业于北京医学院。 She was_admitted_into Beijing University in 1951 and graduated_from Beijing Medical College in 1955 with excellent results. 4.毕业后她一直致力于中医的研究。 After graduation, she devoted_all_her_life_to the research of Chinese medicine. 5.她因为发现青蒿素而出名,青蒿素用于治疗疟疾。青蒿素拯救了数百万人的性命。 She is_well_known_for discovering artemisinin, used to treat malaria. Artemisinin saved millions of people's lives. 6.2011年屠呦呦获得拉斯克奖。它是世界上最受推崇的科学奖之一。 She got the Lasker Award in 2011. It is one of the most respected science prizes in the world. 第四步:句式升级 7.把第2句升级为v-ing作状语。 In_2015_she_won_the_Nobel_Prize_in_medicine,_becoming_the_first_Chinese_scientist_to_won_a_Nobel_Prize_in_science. 8.用定语从句合并5的两个句子。 She is well known for discovering artemisinin, used to treat malaria, which_saved_millions_of_people's_lives. 9.用定语从句合并6的两个句子。 She got the Lasker Award in 2011, which_is_one_of_the_most 2 / 5
respected science prizes in the world. 第五步:妙笔成篇 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 参考答案: Tu Youyou is a famous Chinese medical scientist. In 2015 she won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, becoming the first Chinese scientist to win a Nobel Prize in science. Tu Youyou was born in Ningbo in 1930. When she was a child, she took interest in Chinese medicine. She was admitted into Beijing University in 1951 and graduated from Beijing Medical College in 1955 with excellent results. After graduation, she devoted all her life to the research of Chinese medicine and a number of her achievements were highly thought of by many people. She is well known for discovering artemisinin, used to treat malaria, which saved millions of people's lives. She got the Lasker Award in 2011, which is one of the most respected science prizes in the world. [写作提升] Bill Green在北京大学任教,工作出色。北京大学网站将要宣传他的事迹,要在他的照片旁附上简要介绍。请你根据下面的表格,写一图片说明,简要介绍他的情况。词数:100个左右。 姓名 性别 男 国籍 美国 Bill Green 出生年月 1974年5月 职业 英语教师 1994年大学毕业后来到中国工作,从那时至今在简历 北京大学担任英语教师,长达二十年 1.热爱教育事业 2.专心工作,刻苦钻研业务 主要事迹 3.教学方法多样,课堂教学生动活泼 4.深受师生尊敬和爱戴,多次被评为“模范教师” 参考词汇:教育事业 the cause of education 模范教师 Model Teacher Bill Green This is Bill Green, a teacher who __________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 3 / 5