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作者:滕召胜,罗志坤,唐 求,周良璋,李小青 来源:《湖南大学学报·自然科学版》2010年第11期
摘 要:针对电力系统需求,研制了一种具有RFID接口与GPRS通信模块的三相多功能谐波电能表,介绍了电能表的构成与工作原理,分析了电能表的空间电磁干扰、传导耦合干扰和公共阻抗耦合干扰,探讨了电能表的电磁干扰传输途径,提出了三相多功能谐波电能表的电磁兼容可靠性设计方案,论述了电能表开关电源电磁兼容、PCB布线、通信接口抗干扰、防静电设计、软件抗干扰设计等电能表的EMC设计方法,给出了电能表的EMC测试结果.试验和运行表明三相多功能谐波电能表设计具有良好的电磁兼容性.
关键词:三相多功能谐波电能表;电磁兼容;干扰源;静电放电;传输线长度 中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A
EMI Analysis and EMC Design of Three Multifunctional Harmonic Energy Meter TENG Zhaosheng1Xiaoqing2
, LUO Zhikun1, TANG Qiu1
, ZHOU Liang
, LI
(1. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan Univ, Changsha, Hunan 410082, China;
2. Hangzhou Hexing Electrical Co; LTD, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310011, China)
Abstract:According to power system requirements, a kind of threephase multifunctional
harmonic energy meter with radio frequency identification (RFID) interface and general packet radio service (GPRS) communication module was developed. The structure and the working principle of the energy meter were described, and its space electromagnetic interference (EMI), conducted coupling interference, and common impedance coupling interference were analyzed. The EMI propagation
paths of energy meter were discussed, and the reliability design scheme of energy meter was proposed. The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) design method of energy meter such as EMC of switch power, PCB routing, communication interface antiinterference design, the antistatic design and software antiinterference design, were analyzed. The EMC test results of the energy meter were
三相多功能谐波电能表的EMI分析与EMC设计 - 图文