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1.近日,某中学 “iPad进课堂”的消息引起了学生和家长们的讨论。你们学校的English Newsletter正在以iPads, coming into the classrooms为题举行征文活动,请根据右侧表格提示的内容,用英语写一篇征文。

1.不需要背沉重的书包去上学 学生们认为 2.很新鲜,学习更感兴趣 3.…… 家长们认为 1.影响孩子视力 2.增加家庭负担 1.…… 2.…… 你的观点



2)所写内容必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,观点可作适当发挥; 3)词数:90词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数); 4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。 iPads, coming into the classrooms

Can you use an iPad in the classroom? The answer is yes! Recently, students and parents are arguing about the new teaching method.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】iPads, coming into the classrooms

Can you use an iPad in the classroom? The answer is yes! Recently, students and parents are arguing about the new teaching method.

The students don’t think they have to carry heavy bags any more. It’s cool to have lessons over iPads. It’s very interesting to study like that. They believe that they will learn more and better. However,parents think using ipads for too long will influence children’s eyesight. And some poor families can’t afford to buy iPads.

I think in some ways iPads are good for us. We can search for information on the Internet at any time. It’s easy for us to chat with our classmates and teachers about our lessons.


式,首先在第一段提出问题现象,第二段表达支持这种行为做法的原因和好处,第三段描述反对人的观点及原因,最后一段表达自己的观点。注意多使用固定短语,固定句型,使文章增色。 点睛:对立观点式 第一段:提出现象。

第二段:Some people are in favor of the idea of doing X.

They point out the fact that _______________________支持X 的第一个原

因。 They also argue that _____________________________支持X 的另一个原因。 第三段:However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider it harmful to do X.

They firmly point out that ________________________反对X 的第一个理

由。 An example can give the details of this argument: ________________一个例子。 第四段:There is some truth in both arguments. But I think the advantages of X overweigh the disadvantages.

In addition to the abovementioned negative effects it might bring about, X also may X 的有一个坏处。

2.随着社会的发展,通讯的方式从远古时代的书信到当今的互联网,经历着巨大的变化。请你写一篇短文,谈谈你对现代通讯工具的使用及看法。内容包括: 1. 你喜欢使用的通讯方式有哪些? 2. 它们的优点和缺点是什么?

3. 你认为使用现代通讯工具要注意什么?

要求:1. 不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现真实的学校名称和姓名;2. 语意连贯,词数80左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

As time goes by, there are many different kinds of communication methods now. As for me, 【答案】As time goes by, there are many different kinds of communication methods now. As for me, I prefer to chat with others by mobile phone, but sometimes I chat by communication software, such as WeChat and QQ.

Mobile phones bring great convenience to people, but people can only hear the sound by phones. By using net software, we can easily see the people we talk to on the Internet. However, sometimes we concern more about mobile phones instead of the people around.

In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the face to face communication and try not to waste too much time on mobile phones. 【解析】 【分析】

这是一篇给材料作文,谈谈我对现代通讯工具的使用及看法。 【详解】

结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时,人称为第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:there are……,I prefer to……,Mobile phones bring……,we can……,we should……,So let’s……等句

式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。 【点睛】

本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍了我喜欢使用的通讯方式有哪些;接下来介绍它们的优点和缺点是什么,以及使用现代通讯工具要注意什么;最后呼吁号召大家合理使用现代通讯工具。此处prefer to do sth, by phones, on the Internet, concern about, in one’s opinion, try one’ s best等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。


同学们,中考后就会迎来漫长的暑假了,班会课上老师组织大家讨论假期学习和生活计划。假如你是李华,请根据以下内容提示用英语向同学们汇报一下你的计划。 内容提示: 暑假计划 学习 生活 其它 博览群书;学习技能 (或自拟一点) 健康饮食;坚持锻炼 (或自拟一点) 热爱公益;亲近自然 (或自拟一点) 注意:

1. 表达中必须包括所给要点,可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2. 词数90左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。 3. 表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。 Dear classmates,

Summer holiday is coming, and here is my plan for it.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ I hope all of you can enjoy the coming holiday. That’s all. Thank you. 【答案】Dear classmates,

Summer holiday is coming, and here is my plan for it.

First, I'd like to choose several good books and read them carefully. This can help me open my

mind and learn more about the world. I also think it's necessary for me to learn at least one skill. I'm interested in cooking, so I will learn to cook some delicious dishes during the holiday. Second, health is the most important. So I will eat healthily and exercise more. I plan to eat more fruit and vegetables and keep running every day.

Third, it's a good idea to join in some charity activities because we should be kind to someone in need. I will pay more attention to protecting our environment so that we can make our Earth a better world. Also, travelling out is a good choice. While travelling, we can be close to nature and learn about different cultures. We have more chances to search the Internet. I know unhealthy websites are harmful to us. I will say no to them.

I hope all of you can enjoy the coming holiday. That's all. Thank you.

【解析】亮点说明:这篇习作的层次清晰,内容饱满,表达流畅。文中使用了非常好的短语,例如I'd like to do,help me open my mind,at least,be interested in,during the holiday,plan to do,join in,be kind to someone in need,pay more attention to,be close to nature,search the Internet等。而First, I'd like to choose several good books and read them carefully./ Second, health is the most important./Third, it's a good idea to join in some charity activities because we should be kind to someone in need.等表顺序词和综合句式的运用,既使短文层次清晰,又丰富了习作内容,使表达多样化,是本文的最大亮点。


4.Life is just like a mirror, you smile at it, and it smiles at you, too. 请你以“Learn to Smile”为题,根据下表所列的要点写一篇100词左右的文章(文章开头已给出)。

1、面对困难与烦恼学会微笑(考试失利、被别人误解等)。 学会对自己微笑 2、使你自信,击败你的人有时就是你自己。 3、有益于身心健康。 学会对他人微笑 1、便于与他人之间的交流。 2、给别人带来快乐,自己也快乐。 微笑是一种语言 人人都能懂,传递友谊,拉近距离。 1、参考词汇: 对某人微笑 smile at sb. 误解 misunderstand

2、短文必须包括所有内容要点,不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺。 Learn to Smile

I remember a song by Westlife, the first sentence of it is “Just a smile and the rain is gone.” Do you like smiling? I think you should learn to smile .

___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】Learn to Smile

I remember a song by Westlife, the first sentence of it is “Just a smile and the rain is gone.” Do you like smiling? I think you should learn to smile .

First, learn to smile at yourself when something unpleasant happens in your life. If you fail an exam or you are misunderstood by your friends, don’t be sad. Just smile at yourself . Smiling at yourself brings back your confidence . Sometimes the one who beats you is not others, but yourself. And smile can also keep you healthy.

Second, learn to smile at others. It will make you communicate better with people. Smiling at others makes yourself happy as well.

In a word, smile is a kind of language belonging to everyone. It passes love and friendship and helps shorten the distance between you and other people. Living with a smile ,every day will be shiny. 【解析】



假如你是李明,你的英国笔友Jack来信询问你的家乡是否有雾霾天气,情况如何。请你按照以下提示给他回一封e-mail。 内容如下:

1. 由于大气污染程度十分严重,去年已发生数次雾霾天气; 2. 人们已经意识到雾霾天气的危害,正在采取各种措施减少其发生;



