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2020年小升初英语语法专项测试题: 名词专题练习

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1. 单项选择

( )1. The coats are over there.

A. twins B. twin’s C. twins’ D. twin

( )2. The present is , it’s from .

A. Tom’s; Grandpa’s B. Tom’s; Grandpa C. Tom; Grandpa’s D. Tom; Grandpa ( )3. It’s a .

A. My family’s B. my family photo C. photo of my family D. photos of my family

( )4. We are in the same class. We are . A. Students B. friends C. classmates D. deskmates

( )5. One of the is an American . A. woman; women B. women; woman C. women; women D. woman; woman ( )6. I want some .

A. meats B. waters C. cakes D. breads

( )7. I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some ?

A. Advice B. decisions C. information D. message

( )8. Beijing is in the of China.

A. south B. east C. north D. west

( )9. In summer, it’s very hot. I usually wear my .

A. skirt B. boots C. sweater D. coat ( )10. Who’s Mr Brown? -- He’s father.

A. Tony and Sally B. Tony’s and Sally’s C. Tony and Sally’s D. Tony, Sally’s

2. 下列各小题的英语表达都不完整,请补全。 (1)那个女孩的名字 that girl name

(2)裙子的颜色 the colour the dress

(3)爸爸的自行车 my father bike

(4)教室的门 the door the classroom

(5)门上的钥匙 the key the door

3. 汉译英





4. 用所给词的适当形式填空

(1)This is the (boy) pen. Let’s give it to him.

(2)This is (Lily and Lucy) mother.

(3)Excuse me. Is the coat (Tom)?

(4)It’s (child) Day. All the students are very excited.

(5) (Lily) father is at home.

2020年小升初英语语法专项测试题: 名词专题练习


