By Abby, Bess and Jane The Norman Period (1066?1350)诺曼时期
I. Historical Background
A. 1066一England invaded and conquered by a Germanic People
B. Battle of Hastings 黑斯廷斯战役一The last Saxon King Harold was defeated by Duke
William of Normandy
C? Norman一a form of “Norsemen\
D. The Duke of Normandy was a subject to the king of France E. Duke William claimed himself William I, King of England F. Claimed himself as the sole owner of all of the land in England II. Feudalism封建主义:封建制度
III. Romance and the Influence of French Literature
A. Large scale introduction of French and Italian literature and culture B. Most popular type was known as \
1. Romance 传奇; 浪漫史一^ riginally means the native language, instead of Latin. Later, it became tales in poetic verse, embodying the lives and adventures of knights Content: Usually about love, chivalry, and religion b. Fighting and many different adventures
c. Supernatural and improbable 2. Three Categories of Romance
a) France…The exploits 功绩 of Charlemagne the Great 查理曼大帝 and Roland 罗兰 b) Rome—Alexander the Great 亚历 111 大大帝 and the siege of Troy 特洛伊木马屠城 c) Britain■一The Arthurian Legend一Tales of King Arthur
The Age of Chaucer (1350?1400)乔叟时代
I. Geoffrey Chaucer (乔叟)——“The Father of English LiteratureM 作品:The
Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集\-33) Significance: A? It gives an in depth picture of Chaucer^ time—Social Commentary E. It's dramatic structure
C. Chaucer^ Humor——satire and irony
D. Proved that English is a beautiful language and can express many different moods II. Summary:
A. Poet describes the setting
B. Comes to the Tabbard Inn in the southern suburb of London
C. Meets a group of people going to St. Thomas Beckett's tomb in Canterbury 1. Known as \2. 29 from different social classes
3. The poet describes each pilgrim in “The General Prologue” D. Host of the inn joins the journey一Harry Bailey
1 ? Suggests each person tell two stories on the trip there and two more on the trip back a. Person with the best story wins a free supper at the cost of the others b. Should be 120 tales but Chaucer only lived to write 24 tales III. Key Terms 关键词
A. Social Commentary 社会评论-promoting change by informing the general populace about a given problem and appealing to people's sense of justice
B. Dramatic Structure 戏居(1 式结构tell a story usually through action and dialogue
and typically designed for theatrical performance
C- Satire 讽刺;讽刺文学-a way of using humor to show that someone or something is foolish, weak, bad
D. Irony 讽刺; 反语situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected
E. Characterization描述;特性描述;人物性格的描绘?the way a writer makes a person in a story, book, play, movie, or television show seem like a real person F. Imagery 意象; 比喻; 形象化?visually descriptive or figurative language G. Allegory 寓言?a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden
meaning, typically a moral or political one The Fifteenth Century 十五世纪 I. Historical Background
A. The Hundred Years' War 百年战争 B. The War of the Roses 玫瑰战争 C. The Discovery of America 发现美洲 D. Reformation of the Church 教会的改革 II. Sir Thomas Malory 马洛礼 A. B. ? ? ?
Wrote The Death of Arthur
Compiled all of the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Developed English prose
Focused on chivalry and the feudal system
C. He was a knight
III. 提到的词:Camelot卡米洛;Excalibur亚瑟王的神佥U; Merlin梅林;Knights of the
Round Table 圆桌骑 JL; Code of Chivalry 骑上精神
一? The English Renaissance(1550-1642)文艺复兴时期…Intellectual and literary movement
背景:Queen Elizabeth (1558-1603) 1 .England enjoyed peace and prosperity
2. Adopted a policy of tolerance and maintained balance between the feudal lords and the burghers
The enclosure movement 圈 地运动
背景:1 .Wealthy nobles began taking ownership of their land
2. Land was originally an open field for the community 3. Peasants became landless and moved into the cities
1.Strong interest in Roman and Greek cultures
2. The art of ancient Rome and Greece were being reborn after a long time 3. Great interest in the welfare of human beings
4.Said it was against human nature to sacrifice happiness in this life for an afterlife 5.Felt men should be given full freedom to enrich their emotional and intellectual lives Edmund Spenser…The Faerie Queen…An unfinished allegorical romance
Allegorical 寓言: A story in which the characters, actions, and sometimes the setting are meant to make sense on a primary level and to communicate a second level
Two main types:
1. Historical-when the story represents historical people and events 2.1deas-when the characters or actions come to represent concepts The Spenserian Stanza 斯宾塞诗体:
9 lines/Rhyme scheme: ababbcbcc/8 lines have 5 feet/Last line has 6 feet
The Flourishing of Drama:First theatre was called “The Theatre^ and opened in 1576 ''Groundlings'? - Poorer people who stood on the ground around the stage 后座站 票观众
William Shakespeare Four period: 1 .Apprenticeship 学徒期(1592-1594)
2. Rapid Growth and Development (1595? 1600)…Romeo and Juliet (1596) 83 页
3. Depression and Gloom (1601?1608)…Hamlet (1601) 121 页 4. Restored Serenity (1608-1612)
Six achievements: l.Gave voice to the desires and aspirations of people
2.Shakespeare?s humanism 3. His characterization-\4.Originality 仓U 意 5. A great poet
6. Master of the English language
…Romeo and Juliet:主题是 The Forcefulness of Love> Love as a Cause of Violence、 The Inevitability of Fate
…Hamlet 主题是 The Mystery of Death > The Impossibility of Certainty > The Complexity of Action
二? Seventeenth century?The Elizabethan age 伊丽莎 口时代
Bourgeoisie 中产阶级、资产阶级:the upper-middle class that originated during the latter part of the Middle Ages 背景:1、Charles I came to throne in 1625 2、Relations between monarch and Parliament (burgher class) became worse3 Burghers wanted free trade but the monarch controlled trade and commerce with heavy taxes on the merchants
The Bourgeoisie Revolution: causes from economic and religion
Stability: 1685: James II becomes king of England Francis Bacon 培根 --- of studies Admitted himself guilty of \political corruption in the country
Essay: A short piece of writing ; Discusses a matter, expresses a point of view, persuade us to accept and subject, or simply entertain ; Addressed to a general audience
Metaphysical poets and cavalier poets 形而」:学和骑士诗人 Metaphysical poets:
Most important poet: John Donne: A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning Main themes: Love、Death > Religion \no matter how different are united by God\
Highly intellectual poetry marked by:
1 .Bold and ingenious conceits 曲喻、牵强附会比喻:
A combination of dissimilar images to discover a connection between the two Example: “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning'5
The continuing relationship between two people when they are physically separated and the coordinated movement of a draftsman^ compass
2.Incongruous imagery 比\俞:Using words to create mental pictures for the reader, visually descriptive or figurative language
This process helps the reader by taking abstract words and ideas, and putting them into concrete and more realistic terms Example from Hamlet u
or to take arms against a sea of troubles^ (Act III, Scene 1, line 4) (p」27) Same example from \
3. Complexity of thought
4. Frequent use of paradox 悖论 似是而非的:A statement which doesrTt seem to make sense at first, but in a certain way can actually be understood
Example: John Donners “Death, Be Not ProucT
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shall die.\
5. Deliberate harshness of expression The Cavaliers:Royalists
Poetry marked by:l > Courtliness-Elegant; refined 2、Urbanity-city life 3^ Polish-To remove flaws from; perfect or complete
Main themes: Love 、\二seize the day
John Milton 弥尔顿?“Panidise Lost Works best show: Enthusiasm of the bourgeois revolution /Bitter hatred for the despotic ruler
Man of thought that defended the revolution
Necessary to engage public opinion for Puritans and revolutionists …Paradise Lost: Gave vent to his dislike of Charles II Central Theme:\
冃的: To \: Contradicting voices:
Satan: Voices the hatred for God who is tyrannical in the eyes of the rebellious angel
Adam and Eve: Their love expresses the humanist pursuit for happiness, that is, the spirit of Renaissance
Epic Poetry: a lengthy naiTative poem, ordinarily concerning a serious subject containing details of heroic deeds and events significant to a culture or nation
Allusions H音示 提示:A figure of speech that makes a reference to people, places, events, literary work, myths, or works of art, either directly or by implication
三.Eighteenth century—The Age of Reason 理性时代 1688-1798
亍了 景:1688—The constitutional monarchy was a compromise between the bourgeoisie and the aristocrats; Parliament became the actual leaders of the country; Supported commerce and the policy of tolerance; Two parties一the
Whigs and the Tory; End of the 18th century England was the leading naval power in Europe John Locke: Began “The Age of Reason\Issac Newton: 1678一Law of Gravitation
Jonathan Swift…A Modest Proposal
Viewed human society with contempt and has been call a cynic and even a misanthrope
A Modest Proposal: Bitter satire on the policy of the English government towards the Irish people
可能会提的问题1、 What are some of the problems he writes about?
2、How does he \5' to solve these problems?
AlexandeT Pope…An Essay on Man
Self-educated x Great knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans >
Close friend with Johnathan Swift、 Valued clarity, balance, proportion and concentration on language and style, not passion
William Blake-—The Lamb
William Blake…Songs of Innocence (1789) Express the delight in life, despite suffering and sorrow ; Seen through child's imagination; Can be attained by adults if they choose to see a different world through their imagination; First glimpse of Blake^ mysticism- the belief in or experience of a reality surpassing normal human understanding or experience;
Using Opposites: Many poems in the collection contradict each other; Tone is completely different
The Age of Romanticism 浪漫主义时期
Romanticism “良漫主义:The glorification of instinct and emotion, a deep veneration of nature, and an intense passion to remake the world Subjectivism主观主义,个人主义:
1、 Interested in the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of the poets themselves 2、 Much more imaginative Spontaneity 自发性:
1、 William Wordsworth defined poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of feelings” 2、 No need to follow “rules” and \ 3、 Focused on independence 4、 More “heaF than “head”
Melancholy '忧郁, 悲哀:Themes of exile, isolation, a longing for the infinite (an unreachable goal is commonly found in their works) William Wordsworth:
Born and grew up near the Lake district
Beautiful scenic spot in northwestern England
Lyrical Ballads (1798)一preface is an important piece of literary criticism Declaration of romantic ideals
Profound love of nature, which characterizes all of his works \:
Subjectivism一What perspective is the poem from? Who is telling it? Spontaneity—What are some words that describe emotions? Worship of Nature一How is nature seen?
Melancholy—Are there any words that are sad? Jane Austen:
1:《理智与情感》又名《理性与感性》(Sense and Sensibility, 1811) 2:《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice, 1813) 3:《曼斯菲尔德庄园》(Mansfield Park, 1814)
4《爱玛》(Emma, 1815)
: 《诺桑觉寺》(Northanger Abbey, 1818,死后出版) 5
《劝导》(Persuasion, 1818,死后出版) :
The Victorian Age维多利亚时期
Refers to the time Queen Victoria ruled
British Empire: \95
A very prosperous time for wealthy industrial capitalists but a terrible time for the poor labor class
Many authors were trying to reveal the darker side of the seemingly prosperous society Pride—a feeling that you are more important or better than other people
Prejudice—preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience Utilitarianism 功利主义:“The value of any institution, government, and church depends onwhether it contributes or not to the greatest happiness of the greatest number n The Novel:
1、 Novels became much more popular 2、 More people to read 3、 Better printing technology 4、 Authors now made a lot of money 5、 The wealthy lived very \
6、 Provided a great way to explore human society between the very wealthy and the very poor
7、 Gave voice to women and feminists looking for the right to vote Social Criticism 社会批判:
1、 These authors were trying to describe the terrible society around them
2、 Many times we try so hard to see the best in everything that we fail to see the truth 3、 Tried to create a change for their society by talking about things people weren^t paying attention to Charles Dickens:
Worked in a factory at the age of 11 Left a deep mark on him
Inspired many of his future works of social criticism
Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield, A Christmas Carol Dickens1 Work:
Depicts the grotesque (very odd or unusual, fantastically ugly or absurd)
Gives life to inanimate things and compares inanimate objects with animate objects (personification)
Uses emotional descriptions to arouse sympathy in people (pathos) \f9
Is anything grotesque!
Does he personify any of the objects?
Does anything that he describes appeal to your emotions? (pathos)
Modern: \term modernism refers to the radical shift in aesthetic and cultural sensibilities evident in the art and literature of the post-World War I period. The ordered, stable and inherently meaningful world view of the nineteenth century could not, wrote TS Eliot, accord with \immense panorama of futility and anarchy which is contemporary history/., rejecting nineteenth-century optimism, [modernists] presented a profoundly pessimistic picture of a culture in disarray?5
The Reasons 推论,理性:People feel less individual and more alienated, fragmented, and at a loss in their daily lives and worlds In Literature:
Complex and obscure: The past, present and future mix together; No limitation of space一One moment could be in New York, and the next he could be in Paris Uses symbols: Subject to many interpretations, which leaves the reader feeling lost Allusion 暗示, 提及 /Unites the past, present and future; Illustrate a decay between past morality and glory, and the present
Irony: Find themselves helpless in the chaotic world; Life is ironic
T.S. Eliot
Greatest works:
The Waste Land (1921)
\ (1911)
Works include an incredible amount of allusions to past great works Writes of the modern world falling apart and spiritually barren
Stream of consciousness一the writer jumps from one subject to another without transition words