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中学联盟一天一套 高考必胜 一天一练祝你成功!




本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试用时100分钟。 注意事项:


2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。



第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)



The Breakfast Club Starred by John Hughes,1985

Five high school students with nothing in common are forced to spend an entire Saturday together in detention(拘留).At seven am.they had nothing to say,but by four pm,they had bared their souls to each other and became good friends—the Jock,the Brain,the Criminal,the Princess,and the Kook.They were finally able to talk about themselves while they were forced to stay together. Pretty in Pink.

Starred by Howard Deutch,1986

Pretty in Pink looks at the central dilemma of adolescence where one’s dreams are much larger than one’s confidence.Molly Ringwald plays Andie Walsh,a poor girl living with her father and working in a downtown record store.The school she attends is full of wealthy snobs(势利小人)and she likes a rich kid Blane.There is nothing new about the plot—rich boy and poor girl love each other and snobbery nearly destroys the romance. Clueless

Starred by Amy Heckerling and Alicia Silverstone,1995

Cher,played by Alicia Silverstone,is one of the most popular girls at Beverly Hills High School where rich kids hang out,talk to each other on cell phones and occasionally attend classes.

At 15 going on 16,Cher has it all—a white Jeep,an extensive wardrobe with a computer to help select the perfect dress,and an unbelievable ability to charm,cajole and whine(哄骗和哭诉)until others obey her requests.The dialogue is wiry and entertaining. 1.The Breakfast Club is about__________. A.a prince and a princess C.several students

B.several criminals D.some tourists

2.we can conclude from Pretty in Pink that__________. A.the love between Molly and Blane aren’t going smoothly


中学联盟一天一套 高考必胜 一天一练祝你成功! B.Molly and Blane eventually get married

C.Molly’s and Blane’a parents quite agree to their love D.the love between Molly and Blane defeats snobbery 3.Which of the following is starred by Howard Deutch? A.The Breakfast Club. C.Clueless.

B.Pretty in Pink. D.Beverly Hill Schoo1.

4.We can infer that the Breakfast Club,Pretty in Pink and Clueless are three_____. A.world-famous paintings about religion B.Disney’s cartoons about love stories C.films about teenagers D.ancient Roman fairy tales


People back in the United States are always asking me,“What’s it like to live in China?”They hope to hear strange stories about weird food and cultural conflicts.Instead,I tell them that living in China is like being a baby.

Please don’t misunderstand me.I don’t think that Chinese people are babies.I am a baby.Or at least,I become one when I leave my house.That’s because babies can’t read,and when I leave my house in Beijing,I'm illiterate(不识字的).

This can be dangerous.If a sign says,“Watch out for big angry bears,”in Chinese,I will continue walking,completely ignorant of my peril(危险).Then a bear will eat me for breakfast.

I have started to recognize a few characters,but they seem impossible to ever learn without a lifetime of study.When I see a character I like.I give it a name.There is“The Square,”“The Octopus(章鱼),”“The-upside-down Octopus,”and my favorite,“Upside-down Octopus on an airplane.”However,I still don’t know their sounds or meanings.They are just beautiful mysteries to my eyes.

Because I can’t read,city streets present an endless series of enigmas.If I see a business,I wonder,“Is that a restaurant? A dentist? A lawyer’s office?”Once,while hungry,I saw a big colorful sign.I walked in and asked a realtor(房屋中介)to see the drink menu.

Speaking of menus,eating at restaurant is a daily misadventure.Many places have photos of food,which is helpful.But if they have no photos,I walk from table to table and point at whatever looks delicious.I apologize if I’ve ever interrupted your dinner to point at your plate.I didn’t mean to be rude.I was just a hungry baby !

5.Why does the author think living in China is like being a baby? A.Some Chinese people behave like babies. B.It’s comfortable to be a baby in China. C.He is as curious as a baby about Chinese things. D.He is like a new-born who can’t read at a11. 6.What do we know about the author? A.He can order food in simple Chinese. B.He doesn’t know many Chinese Characters. C.His spoken Chinese is better than his written Chinese. D.He memorizes Chinese words based on their sounds. 7.In Paragraph5,what does the underlined word enigmas mean? @中学联盟一天一套高考资源共享

中学联盟一天一套 高考必胜 一天一练祝你成功! A.Stories. B.Mirac1es. C.Choices. D.Puzzles. 8.What is the passage mainly about? A.The author’s love for Chinese food. B.The language barrier the author meets in China. C.Cultural conflicts the author faces in China.

D.How the author overcomes difficulties in learning Chinese.


Morgan Holmes had taken part in Boy Scouts of America activities for a few years,but she only became a full member recently.

This was because the Boy Scouts began accepting girls from fifth grade to 12th grade into a new program called Scouts BSA.It brings girls the opportunities boys have,including becoming Eagle Scouts,the highest rank of the Boy Scouts.

“I'm loving it,”Morgan,now 17,said.“I finally get to wear the uniform now.”

Six middle school girls have joined Morgan in Troop48 in Scouts BSA.Some were members of Girls Scouts,and some have brothers in the Boy Scouts.Now brothers and sisters can take part in activities.

Morgan knows Boy Scouts activities well.Starting when she was 14,Morgan went on high-adventure outings like hiking 1 00 miles and shooting guns.But she’d never been able to progress to become an Eagle Scout.

Now Morgan’s goal is to reach the top rank of Eagle Scout.

She regularly runs a mile to build up her body.Now,she’s planning on camping in the snow. “The journey to get there is really exciting,”she said.

Since Boy Scout activities are led by the Scouts themselves,Morgan,as the oldest girl,will be organizing activities and teaching the girls to tie knots and other skills.

One of those girls in Troop48 is Nicolette U1rich,who is also in the Girl Scouts.

Her mother,Sasha Ulrich,said she sees,the Boy Scouts as more leadership oriented and the Girl Scouts as more culturally oriented.This will be shown by all upcoming gathering where girls will learn about different food and cultures from around the world.

“Girl Scouts is a great group and she’11 continue to do that.”Sasha said.“But she also wanted the opportunities provided by the Boy Scouts.”

9.What did Morgan want to do after becoming a full member of Boy Scouts? A.She wanted to join in the activities with her brother. B.She wanted to challenge herself to become,all Eagle Scout. C.She wanted to compete with boys in all activities.

D.She wanted to hike long distances and shoot guns with boys. 10.What is the best word to describe Morgan? A.Communicative B.Helpful A.It is more culturally oriented. C.It helps to improve leadership.



11.What does Sasha Ulrich think of Boy Scouts?

B.It helps to build teamwork.

D.It is more interesting than Girl Scouts. D One step too far




