Unit 3 How do you get to school?(作业)
一、词汇填空 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The park isabout4(千米;公里) frommyhome. Do you go tothelibrary(每一) month? Whatdo you_ (认为) thiscoat?
Ithinkyour(梦想) willcometrueif youworkhard.
(离开) their hometown(家乡), work and live in big cities.
6. Liangliangisnot(害怕) of goingonaropewayto school everyday. 7. There is abigriverourhomeschool.
(在……和……之间) 8. They are happy tohavea(桥) overtheriver. 9. Be carefulwhenyou(横过;越过) theroad. 10. Thereare60_ (分钟) inanhour.
二、单项选择 ( )11. She oftenridesato work. She thinks it isgoodfor herhealth.
A. car
A. by; by
doyou get_Shanghai?
B.bike C. bus D. subway(
)12. My father usually goestoworkbike but todayhe
B.in;in C.by;on D. in; by ( )13. —How
—Igettherethe train.
A. in; by B.to;on C. in; in D.to;take (
)14.—is it from Zhengzhou toShanghai?
—It’s about 950 kilometers. A.Howlong C.Howfar
B. Howmany D. Howmuch
( )15.—Howmanypeople are thereinthemusichall(音乐厅)?
A.Hundredof C. Two hundredsof
B. Twohundreds D. Twohundred
( )16.There arecars and buses in the street, so thetraffic
(交通) is busy.
A. many B.much C. some )17. —Isitboringthe piano everyday?
—No, it isn’t. A. play
C. to play D.toplaying (
D.any (
)18.Iamthis year and Ihavea(n)brother.
A. 12 years old; 8years old
B. 12-years-old; 8 yearold D. 12-year-old;8-years-old
C. 12 yearsold;8-year-old
19. Itusuallytakesme7hourstogohome fromZhengzhou.(就划线部分提问) 20. Itisabout450kilometersfromZhengzhoutoXinyang. (就划线部分提问)
21. MissZhangoftentakesthetraintoherhome. (就划线部分提问)
22. Hisfatheralwaysdrivestowork. (用交通表达法改写为同义句)
23. Igotoworkonfoot. (用交通表达法改写为同义句)
24. 乘船到达那儿是不可能的(impossible:不可能的)。(翻译)
25. 她七岁大的儿子很开心,因为考试(examn.)后他有一个 20天的假期。(翻译)
四、根据具体情况完成表格并写一些问句和答语 how to get to work / school you your father your mother your best friend how far is it how long does it