【期刊名称】《湖南农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)007
【摘要】Combining field investigation results and statistics data from related department,regulating rural homestead was studied in terms of status quo,regulation potential and regulation significance of homestead in Tongfu Village by qualitative method and quantitative method.The results indicated that the Tongfu Village had low efficiency in homestead and high rate in idle land,and land management was extensive.Through regulating and rereclaiming rural homestead,the dispersive construction lands where occupied large area were regulated.Regulating rural homestead is beneficial to intensive land use,to increase of land area,and to enhancing income of farmers,thereby having important significance.%通过实地调查并结合相关部门的统计数据,采用定性、定量的研究方法,从同富村宅基地现状、整治潜力和整治意义等方面对农村宅基地整治进行了研究.同富村宅基地利用效率低下,土地闲置率较高,用地粗放现象严重.农村宅基地整理复垦能将农村分散且占用土地面积较大的建设用地进行集中整治.农村宅基地整治有利于土地集约利用,有利于耕地面积的增加,有利于农民收入的提高,具有重要意义. 【总页数】4页(135-138) 【关键词】同富村;宅基地;整治