【期刊名称】《中国伤残医学》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)001
【摘要】Objective:To study the effect of three different methods of administration of lidocaine for bronchoscopy anesthesia .Meth-ods:150 cases of bronchoscopy patients were randomly divided into three groups , 50 each group .Group A patients were given 2%lido-caine directly through intranasal airway , B patients were anesthetsied by 2% lidocaine through spraying the throat , C group were given 2%lidocaine by oxygen inhalation , and then were compared its anesthetic effect by bronchoscopy .Results:Anesthetic effect of group C were significantly better than in group A and group B patients , which is simple operation , satisfactory results .Conclusion:Lidocaine anes-thesia by oxygen inhalation for bronchoscopy has the better effect , less side effects .This is the ideal anesthetic method by the bronchosco-py.%目的:研究利多卡因的3种不同给药方法用于支气管镜检查时的麻醉效果。方法:对150例进行支气管镜检查的患者随机分成3组,每组50例,A组患者直接给予2%利多卡因经鼻腔内滴入气道;B组患者采用传统的2%利多卡因喉头喷雾麻醉;C组患者给予2%利多卡因氧气雾化吸入。然后进行支气管镜检查,对其麻醉效果进行对比。结果:C组患者的麻醉效果明显优于A组和B组患者,操作简单,