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高雄市立阳明国中96学年度第1学期第3次复习考三年级英语科试题 - 图文

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1. Tokyo is ____________ for Fuju Mountain and the high-speed train. (A) interesting (B)important (C)convenient (D)famous

2. I am so _________ that I can’t eat more. I’ll never go to a “ all you can eat” restaurant. (A) hot (B) full (C) hungry (D) thirsty 3. Basketball is a kind of __________ sport. That means you can’t play it by yourself. (A) popular (B) funny (C) team (D) boring 4. Joyce: I tried to call you several times, but the line was always _________. Lily: Oh! I was talking to my mom on the phone. (A) free (B) weak (C) busy (D) bad 5. Here should be a __________ to tell people not to come near the dangerous place. (A) show (B) cover (C) plan (D) notice 6. Tina is _________ tomorrow, so she is packing up her things now. (A) staying (B) leaving (C) living (D) losing

7. My sister has wanted a new Barbie doll for a long time. I will on her birthday. (A) buy one for her (B) buy one her (C) buy it for her (D) buy her it 8. Dancing classes really difficult for me. (A) is (B) to be (C) be (D) are

9. Last weekend I saw a singer shopping at a store. She _________ very happy until the news reporters showed up. (A) watched (B) looked (C) saw (D) looked like 10. If you have any pencils, please give me ____________. (A) much (B) little (C) some (D) a little

11. Don’t you see the sign”________ smoking?” Please _______ smoke here. (A) Don’t; not (B) Not; no (C) No; don’t (D) No; no 12. The worried boy is __________ his lost bag.

(A) looking after (B) looking up (C) looking into (D) looking for

13. If you want to go on a trip and have lots of fun, you have to __________ beforehand. ? beforehand 事先 (A) take an example (B) take place (C) make a plan (D) make a change 14. It’s so hot outside. You had better ___________ off your coat.

(A) to take (B) took (C) take (D)taking 15. My watch is ten minutes slow. It __________ ten o’clock now. (A) tells (B) says (C) speaks (D) talks

16. Kelly: Would you mind ____________ the window? It’s getting cold. Joe: Sorry. I didn’t notice that.

(A) not to open (B) not opening (C) not open (D) don’t open

17. Carl: ________ your dad or your mom have wavy hair? ? wavy 波浪狀的 David: Both of my parents _________.

(A) Do; do (B) Do; does (C) Does; do (D) Does; does


三英語1 18. George: _________ do you practice playing the piano?

Mary: When my mom is at home, I have to practice EVERY DAY, but she’s away on a business trip this week! (A) How long (B) How about (C) How often (D) How soon 19. Cindy: Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Candy: ___________ (A) Never mind. (B) That’s right. (C) Nice try. (D) I can’t wait. 20. Dad: It can be done right or wrong. _______________ Son: Well, I’ll think it over carefully. (A) It’s a deal. (B) It’s a good idea. (C) It’s all up to you. (D) It looks good on you.


A man had a parrot which had been sent to him from Persia. This parrot could (21) only two English words, “Why not?” One day, the man needed money, so he took the bird downtown to sell it. He asked one hundred dollars. A rich man came along and said, “Are you worth one hundred dollars?” The parrot said, “Why not?” This made the man so happy that he (22) the bird. When he reached home, he found that the parrot knew (23) two words. It made him very unhappy. He said, “ Was I stupid to (24) one hundred dollars for you? The parrot answered, “ Why not?” This (25) pleased the man so much that he made the bird his favorite animal.

? parrot 鸚鵡 Persia 波斯 worth 價值 21. (A) say 22. (A) brought 23. (A) but 24. (A) spend 25. (A) right now (26~28) (B) talk (B) sold (B) also (B) pay (B) never

(C) tell (C) bought (C) only (C) buy (C) once

(D)speak (D) sent (D) too (D) cost (D) again

Watt decides to go to Smoky Joy’s for a big dinner. He usually eats Chinese food and American food, but this time he wants to try something different. He is controlling his weight. He doesn’t want his dessert with too many calories. He has to go to school early the next morning, so he can’t drink anything that might keep him awake. ?Spaghetti 義大利麵 dessert 點心 calorie 卡路里 awake 清醒 26. What Today’s Special will Watt order?

(A) Spaghetti (B) Steak (C) Hamburger & Fries (D) Fried Rice 27. What drink will Watt order?

(A) Tea (B) Coffee (C) Coke (D) Milk

28. The bill will be NT$450. If Watt gives the waiter NT$500 and tells him to keep the change, how much will the waiter get for himself?

(A) $ 450 (B) $50 (C) $500 (D)$ 950


三英語2 (29~31)

Activities Place/Time Activities Ilan Place/Time Kenting Apr. 5~Apr. 7 Jul. 1~Aug. 20 Tung Kang May 5~Jul. 2 Spring Scream The International Children’s Game Festival Chi-gu Dec. 16~Feb. 25 Bluefin Tuna Cultural Festival Black-faced Spoonbill Festival ? bluefin tuna 黑鮪魚 29. Mr. Brown wants to take his family to visit Taiwan for 3 days in April. Which activity can they join?

(A) Spring Scream

(B) Bluefin Tuna Cultural Festival (C) The International Children’s Game Festival (D) Black-faced Spoonbill Festival

30. Miss Wang loves eating sashimi(生魚片) a lot. She likes to enjoy the delicious food with her family on weekends. Which activity does she NOT miss? (A) Spring Scream

(B) Bluefin Tuna Cultural Festival (C) The International Children’s Game Festival (D) Black-faced Spoonbill Festival

31. Kelly is talking to her friend about her trip. Kelly: I saw a lot of beautiful birds there. I also saw the movies about their living habits and understood that protecting animals is important. The trip is really meaningful. Where did Kelly spend her holiday? ?protect 保護 (A) Kenting (B) Ilan

(C) Tung Kang (D) Chi-gu


三英語3 (32~34) Samantha likes to collect postcards of historic women. Here are two of her favorite postcards.

32. According to the postcard of Virginia Woolf, which is NOT true? ? postcard 明信片 pioneer先鋒 (A) Woolf is an English writer.

(B) Many people have read her works. (C) Woolf lived in the 21st century. ? century 世紀 (D) Woolf died at the age of sixty.

33. According to the postcard of Coco Chanel, which is true? ? brand 牌子 (A) “CHANEL” was created by Virginia Chanel.

(B ) “CHANEL” is a brand name in the area of fashion. (C ) Coco Chanel was a famous singer. (D ) Coco Chanel was born in 1882. 34. Which is TRUE?

(A) Samantha likes to collect photos of movie stars. (B) Coco Chanel lived longer than Virginia Woolf. (C) Coco died in 1941.

(D) Woolf was born in 1883. (35~38)

? wedding婚禮

35. Where does Mei-lin live now?

(A) Taipei (B) New York (C) Tainan (D) We don’t know. 36. Why did Da-hua write the postcard? (A)To say hello to Mei-lin.

(B) To send Mei-lin a wedding present.

(C) To thank Mei-lin for the wedding present. (D) To visit Mei-lin.

37. What does Mei-lin go to New York for?

(A) Studying (B) Traveling (C)Business (D) Meeting


三英語4 (38~40)

Jane’s house is on Washington Road. Every morning she and her brother, Peter, go to school on foot. They would walk up the road and turn left right after crossing 2nd Street. They would cross another street before they come to the back door of the school. After school they take the same route but the different direction to go home. On Wednesday, after their lunch at school, Mom would pick them up at 7-ELEVEN, and take them to Amy’s house on Brown Street. Jane has a piano lesson with Amy’s elder sister, Cathy. Peter would play with Amy at her house. They would stay there for a few hours until Mom gets the supper ready and takes them home. On Friday afternoon, Jane has a after-school music lesson at school. Mom would pick her up after the lesson at the front door at 5:40. Because it is the rush hour, making a left turn is difficult. Mom would have no choice but to take 1st Street to the school at times. ? route路徑 remain 依然 rush hour 尖峰時刻 supper 晚餐 38. Which is correct? (A) Amy’s house is on Linn Street. (B) Peter’s house is on Washington Road. (C) There is a hospital across the school. (D) The school is on the lst street.

39. Which is NOT correct?

(A) Peter goes home alone after school on Friday afternoon. (B) Jane and Peter cross 3rd Street every school day. (C) If Mom takes 2nd Street to Amy’s house, she’ll make at least two right turns.

(D) 2nd Street or 3rd Street is usually jammed at the rush hour. ? jam 堵塞 40. Where is Jane on Wednesday afternoon?

(A) At home. (B) At the school. (C) At 7-ELEVEN (D) At Amy’s house. (41~42) Cats is a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It opened in London on May 11, 1981, and on Broadway on September 7, 1982. The show was performed 8,984 times in London and 7,485 times in New York. Some people have said that the story in Cats is not very good. However, it is still a very popular musical around the world. So far, the musical has been performed in more than twenty languages. Lloyd Webber got some of the ideas used in Cats from poems collected in the book, Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats. These poems were written by T.S. Eliot. The words of the best-known song in the musical, “Memory”, are also from Eliot’s poems. ? Broadway 百老匯 perform 表演 41. Why DON’T some people like the musical Cats? (A) Because they are all dog lovers. (B) Because they don’t think the story of Cats is good enough. (C) Because they don’t like T.S.Eliot’s work. (D) Because Cats is not written in their languages.


三英語5 42. What does Andrew Lloyd Webber do? (A) He writes poems about T.S. Eliot’s work. (B) He performs in the musical Cats.

(C) He sings the famous song “Memory.” (D) He writes musicals such as Cats. (43~45) Dear Sir, I ordered a pair of high heels from your on-line shop last week. But there are some problems with it. First, the color is not as red as it is shown on the monitor. I understand that the picture shown on the computer does not always show the real color, but it should not be that different. Second, I asked for a No.10 size. But your No. 10 is too small for my feet to wear. Truly, Linda White Dear Ms. White, Thank you for telling us the problems with your order. We hope we can give you better service. We’ll send you another pair of high heels. Its size is larger and its color is also brighter than the one you had. We hope you’ll like it. Our office hours are 9:00 a.m. ~ 6:30 p.m. Contact us if you have any more questions. Yours truly, Jim Smith ? monitor電腦螢幕 service服務 contact聯絡 43. What may the word “high heels” mean?

(A) Shirts (B) Gloves (C) Glasses (D) Shoes 44. Why does Linda write the e-mail?

(A)To talk with a friend about her problems.

(B) To show how she feels about what she bought. (C) To say sorry to her mistake.

(D) To find out the business hour of a new store. 45. What does Jim Smith do for Linda? (A) He gave her a discount.

(B) He mailed her a new pair of high heels. (C) He gave her a free gift. (D) He gave back her money.



高雄市立阳明国中96学年度第1学期第3次复习考三年级英语科试题 - 图文


