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飞速英语 模块四 考点精练

5年级下册 Unit 2

A卷: 课堂点拨题

课课练P63 丑小鸭

A: Where the ugly Duckling(丑小鸭)? B:He beside the river .


(1) My aunts _______ in a big factory . A. work B. works C. worked (2)Su Hai and Su Yang always________ there on foot. A. goes B. go C. going (3)The man _______ young.A. look B. looks C. looking

(4)【易错】Many girls _____on the shoe, and it only ____ Cinderella. A. try, fit B. tries, fits C. try, fits

2. 主谓宾的否定句

(1)Mike (not do)his homework on Saturday.

(2)The boy lives near school. (改为否定句)

3. 主谓宾的一般疑问句

(1)____ your brother have____ pens? A.Do, some B.Does, any C.Does, some

(2)【易错】____your brothers have____pens? A.Do, some B.Does, any C.Does, some D.Do, any

4. 主谓宾的特殊疑问句

(1)Where does your uncle _____? He _____ in a small town(城镇). A. lives, live B. live, live C. live, lives (2)【易错】Where does your uncles ___? They ___ in a small town. A. lives, live B. live, live C. live, lives (3)-- How ____ your father go to work? -- He ____ to work by car. A. does, goes B.do, go C.does, go (4)【易错】--Who _______on the street? -- Liu Tao. A. rides B. riding C. rides

5. 乘坐交通工具的表达

(1)【易错】We can get there by train .(改成同义句)We can to get there . (2)【易错】We can go there by bike. (改成同义句)

6. live后面可以加的介词

Su Hai lives ______ Moon Street. A. in B. on C. behind

7. show的用法

(1)Can you _______your bike ________me? A. show, for B. show, to C. showing, with (2)Can you show _______ around the park? A.she B.him C.they

8. like后用动名词

(1)I like (sing), but my sister doesn’t, she (like)______(dance). (2)Bobby likes (ride)a bike in the park .

9. 一些重要的词组

(1)I like playing in Disneyland(迪斯尼), but it is _______ home. A. far away B. far from C. far off (2)My brother and I come to school _______ taxi. A. by B. take C. on

(3)【易错】_______ uncle works_______ a big ship? A .My, in B. I, on C. My, on (4)【易错】I'm free today. What about ____? A. go fishing B. going fishing C. go to fish

B卷: 课后巩固题


( )1.It’s late, she ______ to go home now. A. have B. has C. having ( )2.【易错】Lucy always _____ home by bike. A. goes to B. goes C. go ( )3.【易错】_____you often late_______ school? A. Do, for B. Are, for C. Are, to

( )4.--Where _____ they live? -- They live _____ City Library. A. does, on B. do, near C. do, on ( )5.--Where ______ your sisters ______? --They ______in Nanjing.

A. do;live;live B. does;live;lives C. do;lives;live

( )6.Can ___ go to the park by car? --No, ___ can’t. A. I, you B. I, I C. you, you ( )7.Bobby wants ______ his bike to his friends. A. shows B.to show C. showing ( )8.--Is that a plane? -- It looks like a bird. A. Yes,it isn't. B. I don't think so. C. No,it doesn't.


1.young(反义词) 2. taxi(复数) 3.buy(同音词) 4.bus(复数) 5.want to(同义词组) 6.near(反义词组) 7.there(反义词) 8.city(复数形式) 9.drive(名词) 10.far(反义词) 11.take off (反义词) 12.sit(动名词) 13.Su Yang (live)near the City Library.

14.【易错】The wheels on the bus______(go) round and round. 15.We want (have)a picnic. 16.Can you (draw) a picture for me . 17.Bobby’s mum ______________(not) read books. 18.【易错】I can’t see any (taxi) in the street. 19.We _______(not watch) TV on Mondays. 20.How ______ (do) Mike come to school. 21.Where ______ (do) they live?

22.My grandparents are (farm) . 23.Bobby likes (ride)a bike in the park . 24.I like ________ (read) the stories about Monkey King. 25.He rides very _______ (good).

26.There (be)some fruit in the basketball. 27. he (do)his homework every day?


1.坐在篮子里 2.喜欢骑车 3.非常喜欢...... 4.住得靠近 5.步行 6.在月亮街 7.靠近城市图书馆 8.乘地铁 9.住在阳光镇

10.【易错】步行去上班 11.【易错】骑自行车去那里 12.【易错】坐地铁去购物 13.乘飞机去

14.展示他的玩具给他们看 15.我新家离学校远。My new home ________ _______ ________ school. 16.他可以骑自行车到达那儿。He can _______ _______ _______ bike. 17.我叔叔在一艘大轮船上工作。 My uncle ______ _____ a big ________.

18.我们周末经常骑车去公园。 We often _____ _____ the park _____ _____ at weekends .

19.--你为什么不去上学呢? -- 因为我生病了。--______ ______ you go to school? --______ ______ ______. 20.麦克每天都坐火车去医院吗? Mike go to the hospital every day?

21.-- 你们住在哪儿?-- 我们住在月亮街。--Where _____ you ______ ? --We _____ ____ _____ _____ . 22.你的阿姨们住在哪里? Where ______ your aunts ______?

23.你的爸爸和妈妈每天都怎么去那里?How your and every day? 24.我的爷爷想要去南京。 My grandfather to Nanjing. 25.我想给你看我的新衣服。I want ______ ______ my new clothes ______ you.


1.to,show,you,us,can,bike,new,your (?) 2.usually,bus,home,Mike,by,goes(.) 3.park,far,the,not,is,from,here (.)


1. Helen can ride bike on the street. 2. Mr Green lives on Moonlight Town too. 3. What do your parent do?


1.Can you show me your bike? (改为同义句) 2.My sister comes to school on foot.(改为同义句) My sister_________ ________ ________. 3.Bobby’s dad does not think so.(改为肯定句) Bobby’s dad _______ ________.

4.My sister goes shopping on Saturdays . (改为一般疑问句) 5.Lily works in a bike factory.(改为一般疑问句) 6.Wang Bing comes to school on foot .(对划线部分提问) 7.I live on Moon Street, near City Library. (对划线部分提问) 8.It’s far from the park. (改为一般疑问句) 9.I want a cup of tea. (改为同义句) I ______ ______ a cup of tea.

10.【易错】My uncle and aunt live in a big city. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ in a big city? 11.Can I go to school by bike?(做否定回答) , .

12.My uncle and aunt live in a big city. (对划线部分提问)

七. 用所给介词in, on, near, far from填空

1.Su Yang lives _____________school. She comes to school by bus. 2.Yang Ling lives ____________school. She comes to school on foot. 3.Mike lives ________ Sunshine Town. 4.Liu Tao lives ___________Park Street.

5.I live ________________City Library. I walk there every time.

C卷: 复习提高题

一. 选择

( )1.Lucy _____ on the T-shirt but it ____ fit. A. try , doesn’t B. trys , don’t C. tries, doesn’t ( )2.【易错】This pair of shoes is beautiful. Cinderella tries _____. A. them on B. on them C. it on ( )3.Let ________ help you. A. him B. I C. my ( )4.【易错】—______ you feel happy? —Yes. A. Are B. Do C. Have ( )5.The apples are bad. We can’t eat________. A. them B. it C. us ( )6.【易错】Bobby________ happy. A. isn't B. doesn't C. don't ( )7.Bobby__________ ride a bike. A. isn’t B. doesn’t C. don’t

( )8.【易错】_____you go shopping? No, I ______ A. Are, aren’t B. Did, didn’t C. Does, doesn’t ( )9.We don’t go to school _____Monday _____Saturday. A. from, to B. in , on C.on, on ( )10.Let’s _____with the computer, Tom. A. play B.plays C. playing ( )11.The ____of the week is _____ A. first, Monday B. second, Tuesday C. third, Tuesday ( )12. often go to the zoo on Sundays. A.I and Nancy B. Nancy and I C. Nancy and me ( )13.【易错】We often go on Sundays. A. to there B. here C. there ( )14.It's time watch TV. A. for B. to C.不填


1.Fairies ___________(help) the girl. 2.Who_________(have) to go back now? 3.He rides very ___________(well) . 4.I often help ________(she) .

5.My parents_________(live)in Nanjing.

6.【易错】There (be)some fruit in the basketball. 7.Her mother ______ (teach) English at a middle school. 8.My _________ (foot) hurt.

9.They sometimes _________ (ride) bikes to go to Nanjing. 10.【易错】What about ______ (she)? 11.I like toy ______ (plane) very much.

12.Why can't Jim ______ (play) with us today?


stay go fly teach play study watch write 四. 根据首字母提示和短文大意填空

There are four people in my f . We live in a c --Shanghai. My parents are w .They go to w by m .

I am a s . My house is not far f our school. So I ride a b to school. My grandfather is a teacher. He t Maths in a middle school.

He r to school every m . I love them.

五. 句型转换

1.My parent go home by bus. (改为否定句) 2.These jeans fit me well.(改成否定句) These jeans ________ _________ me well. 3.My father is a teacher. (对划线提问) father?

4.【易错】Su Yang and I come to school by bus. (对划线部分提问) 5.My father comes back before 10 o’clock.(对画线部分提问)______ does your father ______ back? 6.She lives far from the school. (对划线部分提问) ________ _________ she________?

7.【易错】Theren’t any toy planes in the box. (改为肯定句) There _______ _______toy planes in the box. 8.My father is a teacher. (对划线部分提问) father? 六. 阅读理解


Jimmy is a nice boy. He’s four. He often gets up at six. He has some bread and milk for his breakfast after he washes his face. Then he plays balls or rides his small bike in the garden. He likes watching TV., too. But these days he doesn’t play balls. He plays his small drum(鼓). He likes it very much. Every day he plays it in his room. It’s Sunday morning. Jimmy has his breakfast. Then he takes out his drum and starts to play it. Then his neighbour(邻居) comes in. She looks at the drum and asks,” Jimmy, what a nice box! What’s in it? Do you know? Is there anything nice in it?” “No, I don’t know.” Jimmy answers.” Let me help you. Here’s a knife. Cut(切) it open! You’ll see what’s in it.” ( )1. Jimmy is ______ years old. A. two B. three C. four

( ) 2. Jimmy _______ after he washes his face. A. has breakfast B. plays balls C. watches TV ( )3. These days, Jimmy _______ after breakfast. A. play balls B. rides his bike C. plays drum ( ) 4. There is ________ in the drum. A. something nice B. not anything C. a knife ( ) 5. Which is NOT right? A. Jimmy likes watching TV.

B. The neighbour doesn’t like the drum(鼓声). C. Jimmy plays his drum in the garden.


Sam is a little boy, and he is only eight years old. One day he goes to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket(票) and then goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out, buys a second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he asks for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asks him, “Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?” Sam answers, “No, I have no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears my tickets in piece.”

( )1. Sam buys the tickets for himself. ( )2. Sam doesn’t go to the cinema. ( )3. Sam is too young to make friends. ( )4. Sam has no friend in the cinema. ( )5. A big boy at the door doesn’t like Sam.


一.听录音,选出你所听到的单词,听一遍 ( )1. A. nice B. nine C.fine

( )2. A. same B. name C. some ( )3. A. Miss B. Mr C. Mrs ( )4. A. letter B. let C. little ( )5. A. long B. wrong C. song ( )6. A. near B. hear C. bear ( )7. A. lake B. late C. like ( )8. A. read B. red C. ride 二.听录音,选出相应的答语

( ) 1. A. He likes bikes B. He likes riding. C. She likes playing. ( ) 2.A. Because it’s late. B. Yes, you can. C. No, I can’t. ( ) 3.A.He lives in China. B. He is from the US. C. He likes China. ( )4. A. At seven. B. It’ s far. C. on foot. ( )5. A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, there is.. C. Yes, they are. ( ) 6. A. Good. B. Black. C. White. ( ) 7.A.Yes, I can. B. Yes, she is. C. No, I don’t. ( ) 8.A. By bus. B. Some books. C. In the box. ( ) 9.A. A teacher. B. A panda. C. A student. ( ) 10. A. Go swimming. B. Help me. C. Sure.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What does Bobby like doing? Why can’t I watch TV? Where does Ben live?

How do you go to school every day? IS there a shop near your school?

6. 1. What colour is the blackboard? 7. 2. Can you help me, Su Hai? 8. 3. How do you go home every day?

9. 4. What is that in the zoo?

10. 5. Can I have a look at your shoes?


1、How do you come to school, Su Yang? I come to school by bus. 2.Look,there is a basket over there. 3.I go to Beijing by plane. 4.Yang Ling and I go to the park by bike. 5.Look at the moon,it’s very big.



