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know, and make men of them.

41. The passage is about


A. the talk between the Indians and the officialsB. the colleges of the northern provincesC. the educational values of the Indians

D. the problems of the Americans in the mid eighteenth century42. The Indian chief’s purpose of writing the letter seems to be to A. politely refuse a friendly offer

B. express their opinions on equal treatmentC. show their prideD. describe Indian customs

43. According to the letter, the Indians believed that .

A. it would be better for their boys to receive some schooling B. they were being insulted by the offer

C. they knew more about science than the officialsD. they had better way of educating young men

44. Different from the officials’ view of education, thought


A. young women should also be educated B. they had different goals of educationC. they taught different branches of science



the Indians D. they should teach the sons of the officials first

45. The tone of the letter as a whole is best described as A. angry

B. polite

C. pleasant


D. inquiring(咨询)


Most people would agree that it would be wonderful if humans could regenerate(再生) limbs. Those who have lost their arms or legs would be complete again. The day is still far off when this might happen. But in the last 10 years , doctors have reported regeneration in smaller parts of the body , most often fingers .

Regeneration is not a newly-discovered process. For centuries, scientists have seen it work in some kinds of animals. Scientists now are looking for a way to turn on this exciting ability in more highly-developed animals, including humans. Their experiments show that nerves(神经), cell chemistry and the natural electric currents in the body all seem to have a part in this process.

The body of every animal contains general purpose cells that change into whatever kind of cells the body needs. These cells collect around the wound. They form a mass called a blastema(芽基). The cells of the blastema begin to change. Some became bone cells, some muscle cells, some skin cells. Slowly, a new part re-grows from the body outward. When completed, the new part is just like the old one.

More than 200 years ago, Italian scientist Luigi Spallanzani showed that younger animals have a greater ability to regenerate lost parts than older animals. So


do animals lower on the ladder of evolutionary(进化的) development. The major differences seem to be that less-developed animals have more nerves in their tails and legs than humans do in their arms and legs.

Another helpful piece of information was discovered in the late 1800s. Scientists found that when a creature is injured, an electrical current flows around the wound. The strength of the current depends on how severe the wound is and on how much nerve tissue(组织) is present.

46.According to the passage, limb regeneration ________.

A.will become a reality in the near futureB.has been reported successful in some patientsC.has a long way to go before it works in humansD.is a branch of study set up by a group of modern doctors

47.What animals are lower on the ladder of evolutionary development?

A.More-developed animals.C.Highly-developed animals.

B.Less-developed animals.D.Fully-developed animals.

48.According to Luigi Spallanzani’s discovery , ________.

A.humans have less nerves in the limbs than animalsB.some animals may not have so much nerve tissue as othersC.an injured animal regenerates masses of cells round the


D.electrical current can be found around the wound in younger



49.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.a newly-discovered process


C.a new medical discovery


I began to smoke when I was in high school. In fact, I remember the evening I was at a girlfriend’s house, and we were watching a movie—a terribly romantic movie. He(the hero of the movie) was in love, she (his lady) was beautiful, and they were both smoking. My friend had only two cigarettes from a pack in her mother’s purse, and she gave one to me. It was my first time.

My parents didn’t care much. They both smoked, and my older brother did too. My mother told me that smokers don’t grow tall, but I was already 5’6 ” (taller than most of the boys in my class), so I was happy to hear that “fact”. In school, the teachers talked against smoking, but the cigarette advertisements were so exciting. The men in the ads were so good-looking and so successful, and the women were beautiful and sophisticated(老于世故的).

I read a book called “How to stop smoking”. The writer said that smoking wastes time, and that cigarettes cost a lot of money. “So what?” I thought, the book didn’t say that smoking can take away years of your life. But ten years later, everyone began to hear about the negative effects of cigarette smoke: lung disease, cancer, and heart problems. After that, there was a health warning on every pack of cigarettes. I didn’t pay much attention to the reports and warnings. I felt healthy, and I thought I was taking good care of myself.

Then two events changed my mind. First, I started to cough. I thought it was just a cold, but it didn’t get better. Second, my brother got lung cancer. He got sicker and

D.research on regeneration

B.research on animal


sicker. My brother and I used to smoke cigarettes together over twenty years age, and we smoked our last cigarettes together the day before he died. I sat with him in his hospital room, and I decided to quit. “No more cigarettes, ever.” I said to myself.

However, it was very hard to stop. Nicotine(尼古丁)is a drug; as a result, cigarettes cause a powerful addiction(上瘾). I tried several times to quit on my own—without success. I made excuses. I told myself: Smoking helps me keep my figure—i.e. I don’t gain weight when I smoke. Smoking not only relaxes me but it also helps me think clearly. I’m a free, liberated woman. I can smoke when I want to.

Finally, I ran out of excuses—I might say my excuses went up in smoke. I joined the “Stop Smoking” program at the local hospital, which also ended up in failure.

50.The “fact” in Paragraph 2 refers to ________.

A.her admiration for the men in the ads

B.her mother’s warning that smokers don’t grow tallC.her height of 5’6’’

D.the teachers’ negative attitude towards smoking

51.The book called “How to Stop Smoking” _______.

A.cost the writer a lot of time to readB.was not taken seriously by the writerC.warned the reader of the risk of lung cancerD.left the writer in puzzle

52.The writer decided to quit smoking partly because ________.

A.she could not afford any more cigarettesB.her doctor had advised her to do soC.her brother had given up smokingD.she had started to cough

53.The writer found it hard to quit smoking because _______.




