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92. Pass the note back to me.改用委婉客气的表达方式 )

_______ you pass the note back to me, ________ ?

93. None of them agree to meet again.(改为反意疑问句 )

None of them agree to meet agai n, _______________ ?

94. It' s going to be very sunny this afternoon.(对划线部分提问)

_______ the ________ going to be like this afternoon?

95. It is a beautiful shot.(改为感叹句)

_______ a beautiful shot it ________ !

B)根据上句改写下句,使两句意思相同或相近。每空一词。 (答案写在答题纸上)96. The children must close their eyes now.

The children ________________ their eyes _________ now.

97. I don ' t know where we can grow some vegetables.

I don' t know

some vegetables.

98. Holly ' s best friend likes to do the same things as she does.

_______ Holly ________ her friend ________ to do the same things.

99. Which apple should we give her, the bigger one or the smaller one? _______ we ________ her the bigger apple ________ the smaller apple?

100. The Smiths drive five hours to and from work every day.

_______________ the Smiths five hours ________ drive to and from work every day.


A) 阅读短文,通过上下文语境提示,将划线部分的句子翻译成汉语。 (答案写在答题纸上)

Different cultures have different ways to meet and greet (问候)people. (101) For example, in many Asian countries, it is polite to shake hands as a greeting. In Western countries between close friends, people greet each other with a kiss on the cheek. (102) When travelling in another country, just do as the Romans do. (103) After greeting another person you need to find something good to talk about. The best thi ng is to look around and talk about your situation. Are you at a party? Talk about the party. Are you in school? Talk about the school. (104) It is not a good idea to ask very personal (私人的)questions when you meet someone for the first time. (105) When you know a person very well you may bring up questions like a person ' s age. B) 根据所给提示词,将下列句子翻译成汉语。(答案写在答题纸上)

106. 你认为谁能赢得这场比赛 ?(do you think)

107. 108.

由于天气很遭,那天我们玩得一点儿都不好。(because of) 他发现很难让她理解他。(very hard)


我们现在都靠他在周五前完成工作。 (depend on)


他们能听到不远处水的声音。 (far away)



111. What letter should replace the question mark?

112. Change one letter only from each word to spell out an idiom (习语).


113. Move one letter from the first word to the second word to make two new words. Example: FEAR, CAN — FAR, CANE

① DREAR, SPOT — _________ , _______

② STEAM, EAT — __________ , _______

③ PLAIN, ATE — __________ , ________

114. Four students live on the same road. Max lives 2 miles from the school. Claire lives twice as far away as Max. Jim lives between Max and Sue. Sue lives 1 mile from the school. Who lives farthest from the school?

115. Mike ' s girlfriend left him. Their love was washed up. What does “ washed up\Chinese or in English.


A) Tim Woods想要找一份兼职工作。 以下是 Woods在一份招聘单上做的标记以及他写在记事本上提醒自己要写在 求职信里的几个要点。 根据图片提示信息,以Tim Woods的口吻给Activity Centre写一封求职信,介绍自己的情况,信的 开头和落款已给出。(作文写在答题纸上) 要求:1.将图片中的信息体现在文章中

2. 行文流畅,语法正确,单词拼写规范正确



like ^hildreti?

oi*k in【he

We are looking for people aged | 13—30 | to w rtntre,

JoLs: Cooks



;Sporti leaders

Social or^^r]i/pr<

]Good EnMHhbmwnlial * 必硕的 i /

Fine #


Dear Sir,

I' m a college (大学)student. I' m 20 years old...

Yours, Tim Woods

B)阅读下面一段叙述,针对其中提岀的问题写岀你的看法。 (作文写在答题纸上)

James is your friend. He is not a very good student. He is not interested in school. Now he has an opportunity ( 机会)to get a full-time job, and his family needs money.

James wants to drop out of school ( 辍学 ) and go to work. He says he can learn more if he stops going to school. But James is not very sure and he comes to learn about your ideas about leaving school.



