【期刊名称】《山东省农业管理干部学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2009(025)004
【摘要】This article gives an overview of one of the POPs-PCBs ,whose current situation for ecotoxicity of aquatic organisms. Detailedly discuss the origin, distribution, the current pollution, and migration, enrichment, eatabolite of PCBs. Aquatic organisms are one of the most important food for human beings, so in order to protect the food chain and health of living beings. Itj-s necessary to research intensive of inflation for aquatic organisms and applies scrutiny for the basic biology. In the same time, itj-s a favor for the further explore.%本文综述了当前对多氯联苯这种持久性有机污染物(POPs)对水生生物生态毒性的研究现状,详细论述了多氯联苯的来源、分布、污染现状,以及迁移变化、生物富集等环境行为和其降解方法.水生生物是人类最主要的食品之一,为食物链安全和生物个体的健康,有必要更深入地研究PCBs对水生生物的毒性影响并提供更详尽的基础生物学依据,同时也进一步进行深入探索. 【总页数】4页(155-158)
【关键词】多氯联苯(PCBs);生态毒性;研究进展;降解 【作者】梁恕坤
【作者单位】山东省临沂师范学院,山东,临沂,276005 【正文语种】中文