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航海英语 中 3第三章 危险货物与特殊货物运输

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shipment shaU have attached to it the appmpriate label, and, where required, the marine poUutant nwrk, and shaUbe clearly marked with

o the conect technical name of the goods; and

. in the case of a Aanunable iquid that has a closed-cup Oashpoint of 61 Or less, OJe Aashpoint or nashpoint range.

5.2 Subject to subsections 5.4, 5.7 and 5.8, every mobile unit in which dangerous goods are placed for shipment shaU have attached tllereto tlle appropriate placard, and, where wquired, the mazine poUutant mark, elevated temperature mark or himigalion wanmg sign.

5.3 Every label and placald attached to a package or mobile unit pursuant to subsection 5.1 or 5.2 may

. show words designaling the classification of the dangerods goods on the lower half of the label or placard; and

o show the manufacturer's name and number if it is printed on the border of the tabel or placard in type not larger than 10-pcmt.

5.4 Every package or mobile unit in which dangerous goods classified in the JMO Code as Division 1.4 Compatibiity Group S shall be marked wim the symbol 1.4S \and no label or placard refened to in subsection 5.1 or 5.2 is required to be adached to it.

5.5 Each side of every label or marine pollutant mark that is attached to a package in accordance with subsection 5.1 shall be at least 100 Inm in length, unless the package is too small to bear such a label, in wbich case the label shall be as large as pMissible.

5.6 Subject to subseclions 5.7 and 5.8, every placard, marine pollutant mark or elevated temperature mark that is attdched to a mobile unit in accordance with subsection 5.2 shaU be prominendy displayed and securely fixed to each side and end of the mobile unit, and each side of the placard or mark shall be at least 250 nun in length.

Subject to subsections 5.7 and 5.8, every filntigation wanling sign that is attached to a mobile unit in accordance with subsection 5.2 shall be prominently displayed and securely fixed in a location where it is easily seen by persons attempting to enter the interior of the mobile unit, and it shaU be a rectangle that is not less chan 300 nun wide and 250 nun high.

5.7 A placard, mark or sign is not required to be attached to the kont end ofa road vehicle or a trailer for a road vehicle that is attached to a cab unless the vehicle or trailer is catrying dangerous goods classified in the IMO Code as Class 1.

5.8 A placard or marine poUutant mark is not required to be attached to a mobile unit that . is canied by ship wiOin the country,

. is loaded witb less than 500 kg of dangerous goods, and

. is not loaded with explosives classified in the IMO Code as division 1.I, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.5 or with poisonous or radioactive substances or organic peroxides

and in respect of which a Dangerous Go(xis Declaratjon has, prior to loading, been delivered to the master or person in charge of the ship.

6 Report of Occurrence

Where a ship or person is at any time in serious and imnzinent danger by reason of an occunence while dangerous goods are being loaded, unloaded or tmnspoW on a ship, the master of the ship or his agent shall immediately report the occunence to the nearest Coast Guard, Ship Safety Office or steamship inspector by the quickest means available.

7 General Precaution8 On Ship8

The master of a ship or, in the case of an unmanned barge, the person in charge of that barge, shaU ensure that dangerous goods are safeguarded and handled carefiIUy while they are being loaded on, canied by and discharged hom the ship or barge.

Mrhere dangerous goods are to be loaded on or unloaded kom a ship, an officer of the ship or in the case of an unmanoed barge, the person in charge of that barge shall be present while the dangerous goods are loaded or unloaded and while the holds of 1he ship or barge are open.

The master of a tug about to take charge of an unmanned barge carrying a cargo of dangerous goods shaU, prior to the comnencement of any voyage, ensure that the cargo, so far as it is accessible, is properly secured and seglegated and that he has in his possession the necessary documentation required by these Regulations.

AU persons who are

. engaged in the loading, unloading or stowing of dangerous goods, or

. on or in the vicinity ofa ship loading, unloading, stowing or canying such goods

shaU take the general precaulions specifieti in the IMO Code for loading, unloading and Stowing such goods.

Where explosives are canied on a ship engaged in marine dtilling and blasting operations, the precautions set out in Schedule VI shaU be taken by the person in charge of 1he ship.

8 Precaution8 Re8pecting Mobile Unit8

8.I Where mobile units containing dangerous goods are stowed on a ship and because of the weather it is necessary for such units to be restrained against movement, adequate means, having regard to the kind of weather expected, shiu be provided to restraio such units and any other mobile units stowed in their immediate vicinity, which means shall include any or any combinalion of the foUowing:

. settm.g brakes;

. using wheel stops; and

. lashing down or USing patent securing devices attached to the deck.

8.2 When securiog wheeled mobile units refend to in subsection 8.1, due account shaU be taken of

. movement between body and wheels of the unit due to the springjng of the unit's suspension;

. the centre of gravity of the unit in relation to both the wheel base and the wheel to ground contact area; and

. in the case of rail vehicles, the attachment of the body to the ?nning gear. 9 Fire Protection on Ship8 Carrying Explo8ive8

9.1 In this section, A-60 standard\Hull Const?ction Regulations for an '' A\

9.2 In addition to the requirements of the JMO Code, ships canying explosives or anmlonium nitrate m. a quantity that requires nolice to be given under subseclion 9.1 shiu, except when tlxe expJosjves or iomonium nitrate is canied in mobile units, be equipped with

. a power operated fiie pump whose source of power and sea connections are located outside the machinery space; and

. two sets of breathing apparatus, one of which is of the self-contained type.

9.3 Where the machinery spaces in a ship refened to in subsection 9.2 are not manned at all dmes the machinery is opemting, the machinery spaces shao be equipped with a fue detection

system that complies with the Fire Detection and Extinguishing Equipment Regulations or the Marine Machinery Regulations.

9.4 Notwithstanding paragraph 9.2, where the total number of crew members on a ship is less than fow, the ship is required to be equipped with only one breadling apparatus.

9.5 Where a ship of less than 5(X) tons gross tonnage, canying dangerous goods refened to in subsection 9.2, other than in a mobile unit, is unable to properly separate those goods kom heat sources as specified in the IMO Code, the master Of 01he ship shaU, after nolihcation to the Boaxd, separate tbose goods by

. a watertigbt steel bulkhead insulated to the 'A-60\

. a watertight steel bulkhead and a temporaly bulkhead, the laner being constructed to a standard not less than 1hat for a bulkhead of a Type A niagazine specified in the inlroduclion of Class 1-Explosives in the IMO Code, sheathed with fue retardant material on the side closest to the machinery or accommodalion space and posilioned not more than O.61 m kom lhe steel bulkhead; or

. sepamting the dangerous goods firom 1he machinery or accommodation spaces by a distance of not less than 3 m, such space being left empty or Stowed with compatible non-dangerous cargo.

9.6 Where, by reason of its design, it is impossible for a ship refened to in subsection 9.2 to disconnect by positive means electrical circuits at a point extemal to the cargo spaces, as specified in the IMO Code, the ship is exempd ftom that Iequirement but not ftom the requirement to remove fiJses or to open switches or circuit breakers at the main panel.

10 Stowing Exp1O8ive8 Generally

10.1 Where the IMO Code provides for the stowage of explosives on board ship in magazines, those explosives shaU be canried in magazmes const?cted to the standards specihed in 1he m'troduction of Class 1-Explosives in that Code.

10.2 Where it is not possible to properly segregate explosives of different compatibibties by the methods specihed in the IMO Code and the Board has been so infomed, those explosives shaU be stowed in accordance with the foUowing methods:

. the explosives, except those having toxic or lachrymatory properties, shall (i) be placed in a steel container that is in a new or hke new condition, and (ii) where the explosives are explosive substances set out in the JMO Code, be placed in a steel container that is sheathed on all interior metal surfaces except the roof Wittt wood or plywood that is 19 mm thick, and, where 1he container has wooden Aoors, is sheathed on the noors with masonite panels or equivalent material that is at least 6 mm thick;

. aU joints in the interior sheathing shall be taped or sealed using waterproof materials to prevent leaking or sifting;

. except ill, the case of ships carrying explosives exclusively, an intewening space of not less than 6 m shaU be maintained between containers of incompatible goods and between such containers and incompatible packages, such space being available for cargo that is compatible;

. where a means of detecting hre in tlte cargo compartments is not provided, a system of snifhng_p. in the spaces contdling or adjacent to bose. con.WM1g explosives shao be fitted and the air in driose spaces shall be regularly monitored and One times and results of such monitoring shaU be entered in the deck log book;

. each container of explosives shaU be adequately secured against aU movements of 1he

ship likely to be encountered on the voyage; and

e containers of explosives canied on deck shaU be so stowed that access to their doors is maintded ataU dmes.

10.3 Where a ship that does not exceed 5(X) tons gross tonnage is carrying explosives exclusively and is equipped with fire detection devices in aU cargo and machinery spaoes, the explosives to be segregated may be stowed

o on either side of a temporary bulkhead, or . in a magazme,

Ihat is const?cted to a standard not less Olan that specified for a Type A magazine in the m.troduction of Class 1-Explosives in the IMO Code.

10.4 Where it is not possible to stow smoke and lachrymatory producing explosives on deck and where explosives produce toxic effects, they shall be stowed

. m a sealed space remote ftom iving and working spaces;

. m a special itenls niagazine in conpliance wid1 the introduclion of Class 1 (Explosives) in the IMO Code; or

. in a unit magazine in compliance with the inlroduction of Class 1 (Explosives) in the IMO Code.

10.5 Subsections 10.1 to 10.4 shaJI not be appied so as to dSnish the distance to be maintained between dangerous goods and the fP's st?cture as specinea. m me uviv coae.

10.6 AU goods ofClass 1 shall be stowed separated fom the foUowing cargoes: e Anunonium salts, other chan those included in the IMO Code; . Guano;

e Lime, slacked; . Perborates; . Percarbonates; e Persulphates; .

. Sulphides, other than those included in the IMO Code; and . Materials ikely to give rise to hard glztty palticles.

10.7 Goods in Compatibility Group G, H, J, K or L shall be stowed separated Dom focWtuffs, and other goocls of Class 1 that may give rise to toxic hImes or dust shan be stowed away kom foodstuffs.

10.8 Goods of Class 1, except goods Of Hazard Division 1.4, shaU be stowed separated longitudinaUy by an intewening complete compartment or hold kom the foUowing materials:

e AJuminium Dross; . Charcoal; o Coal:

e Petroleum Coke: , . Fenophospho?s; . Pitch PriU: and . Silicomanganese.

10.9 Go(xls in Hazard Division 1.4 shaU be stowed separatod hom the materials set out in subsection 10.9 and, f stowed in a compartment adjacent to a conpartnlent containing such materials, shaU be stowed away hom the adjoining bulkhead.

11 Military Explo8ive8

11. 1 A service representadve Officer shall

, be present while ntilitary explosives are loaded on or discharged kom a ship and when any compartntent or magazine containing nlilitary explosives on a ship is first opened; and

e advise O1e nmter of the ship on the safe stowage and segregalion of any such explosives that are tobe canied on the ship.

I I.2 A service representative officer shaU issue a certificate in the form set out in Schedule VDI in every case where militaay explosives are loaded on a ship.

II.3 Subsections 11.1 and ll.2 do not apply where military explosives an to be canied or have been canied between Canadian ports in closed mobile units.

1 I.4 In this section, service representative officer \a technical ofhcer appointed under the authority of the National Defence Act.


I. Declaration of Dangerous Goods goods, articles or materials货物、物品或物质 receptacle容器

be purged of除去,除净

A receptacle that has contained... all residues of such go(xis. L一下曾装过危险品的容器,其标牌或标签上标有“空的”或“未装货物” ,并不能认为其内残货已完全清除。

2. Application

unmanned barge under tow拖带中的无人驳

the unit is stowed at either end of the ferry... by a distance of at least 1 m.该件装载在船头或船尾,并与其他货件或车辆相隔距离不小于I m。

access co, smoking... in the vicinity of the unit.货件附件不得靠近,其附近不得吸烟、不得使用明火或能产生火花的设备。

parking brakes停车制动

minor waters voyage支线航次 inland voyage内水航次

home-trade voyage回航航次 oral toxici斤吞人毒性

demal toxic持与皮肤接触的毒性 inhalation toxicity吸人毒性

LD50 lethal dosage 50,半致死剂量 LC50 lethal concentrate 50,半致死浓度 Nash point闪点

consumer conunodi斤消费者日用品 mobile unit车辆

no other dangerous go(xis.\在消费者日用品的上部和下部、在其2m范围内或其上部,不得堆装其他危险品。

bien de consomnuition消费者日用品(法语) 3. Packing, Stowing and Canying

chenzically stable在化学上的稳定的

the packaging is so... m accordance with paragraph (c)包件的建造和封闭,应保证在正常的搬运和运输条件下或由于温度、湿度或压力的改变不会发生泄漏,但按(c)款装设的通风管所致的泄漏除外。

航海英语 中 3第三章 危险货物与特殊货物运输


