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航海英语 中 3第三章 危险货物与特殊货物运输

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Self-reactive (sohds and iquids) and related substances; Desensitized explosives. The substances in this class are soids possessing the properties of being easily ignited by extemal sources, such as sparks and names, and of being readily combustible, or of being iable to cause fire through hiction. This class also covers substances which are self-reactive and related substances (i. e. Hable to undergo, at nonnal or elevated temperatures, a slrong exothemzic decomposition caused by excessively high Iransport temperatures or by contandzalion) ; and desensitized explosives which may explode if not diluted suKiciently.

Class 4.2-Substances Hable to spontaneous combustion. The substances in this class are either Uquids or solids which an iable to spontaneous heating under normal conditions encountered in Iransport, or to heating up in contact with air, and being then Uable to catch fne.

Class 4.3-Substances which, in contact with water, entit nammable gases. The substances in this class are either iquids or solids which, by interaction with water, are Hable to become spontaneously nanmzable or to give off nammable gases in dangerous quantities.

NOTE: Where tlze tenn water-reactive \in contact with water, enlits Oamnlable gas.

5 Oxidizing 8ub8tance8 and organic peroxides

In Ws Code, class 5 deals wim oxidizing substances (agents) and organic peroxides. Class 5 is subdivided fiJrther, namely:

Class 5.1-Oxidizing substances (agents). These are substances which, although in thenlselves not necessarily combusdble, may, either by yielding oxygen or by sinlilar processes, increase the risk and intensity of hre in other materials with which they cofte into contact.

Class 5.2-Organic peroxides. Organic substances which contain the bivalent-O-O-structure and may be considered derivatives of hydrogen peroxide, where one or both of the hydrogen atoms have been replaced by organic radicals. Organic peroxides are thermally unstable substances, which may undergo exothennic self-accelerating decomposition. In addition, they may have one or more of the foUowing properties: iable to explosive decomposition; bum rapidly; sensitive to impact or hiction; react dangerously wifh other substances; cause damage to the eyes.

6 TOxic and infectiou8 8ub8tance8

In this Code, class 6 is subdivided further, namely:

Class 6.1-Toxic substances. These are substances liable either to cause death or serious injury or to harm human health if swaUowed or inhaled, or by skin contact.

Class 6.2-Infectious substances. These are substances containing viable micro-orgamsms, including a bacterium, virus, rickettsia, parasite, hmgus or a recombinant, hybrid or mutant, that ue known or reasonably believed to cause disease m ammals or humans.

Note I: Genetically modified nucro-organisms and organisnls which do not meet the dehltition of an infeclious substance of class 6.2 (UN Nos. 2814 and 29(X)) should be considered for classification in class 9 and assigned to UN No.3245-GENETICALLY MODIFIED MICRO-ORGANISMS.

Note 2: Toxins ftom plant, animal or bacterial sources which do not contain any infectious substance or toxins that are contained in substances which are not infectious substances should be considered for classification in class 6.1 and assigned to UN No.3172-TOXJNS EXTRACTED EROM LNING SOURCES, N. O. S.

7 Radioactive materials

In Ws Code, class 7 comprises materials which spontaneously enlit a signihcant radiation and of which the specific activity is greater than 70 kBq/kg (O.002 mCi/g).

8 Corrosive8

In this Code, class 8 comprises substances which are solids or iquids possessing, in their original state, the conulton property of being able more or less severely to damage iving tissue. The escape of such a substance kom its packaging nlay also cause damage to other cargo or to the ship.

9 Miscellaneou8 dangerous sub8tance8 and article8 In this Code, class 9 comprises:

o Substances and alticles not covered by other classes which experience has shown, or nlay show, to be of such a dangerous character that the provisions Of part A of chapter VD of the Intemational Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, should apply; these include substances that are transported or offered for transport at temperatules equal to or exceedjng I(X)'C in a bquid state, and solids that are transported or ofered for transport at tempemtures equal to or exceeding 240C and

. Substances not subject to the provisions of part A of chapter VD of the aforementioned Convention, but to which the regulations of Annex ? of the Intemational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution kom Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relaling thereto (MARPOL 73 / 78), apply.

For the purposes of this Code, dangerous goods wi1h a melting point or initial melting point of 20C or lower at a pressure of 101.3 kPa should bc considered to be iquid, unless there is an expUcit or implicit indication to the contrary. A viscous substance for which a specihc melting point cannot be detemlined should be subjected to the ASTM D 4359-90 test.

10 Non-clas8ified materials

A ~GENERIC\or \OTHERWISE SPECIFIED (N. O. S.) \entry maybe used to offer for transport by sea a substance, material or article which is not Usted by its name in the General Index. Such a substance, material or alticle may be transported only after:

. Its dangerous, hazardous and / or harmhl properties have been detennined; o It has been classified in accordance with the class definitions and cliteria; and

. The entry that most accurately describes the nature of the goods has been selected.

Once the class of the goods has been estabUshed, all applicable requirements for transport laid down in this Code should be complied with.

Any substance, material or ardcle having, or suspected of having, explosive properties or characteristics should first be considered for classificalion in class 1.


explosive substances爆炸性物质.' predonmant hazard主要危险。 explosive articles爆炸性器件 ignition点火 initiadon起爆 projection投射 pyrotechnic烟雾的

non-detonative非爆炸性的 exothemzic放热的

mass explosion整体爆炸 blast hazard爆炸危险、 compatibility group相容类 propagation传播

compressed gas压缩气体 Uquefied gas液化气体:

rehrigerated liquefied gas冷冻液化气体 gas in so]ution溶解气体 primary hazard主要危险 closed cup test闭杯试验 open cup test开杯试验 flashpoint闪点

liquids containing solids in solulion orsuspension悬浮液 teⅡwium hexafluoride五氟化碲 aerosols气溶胶,烟雾剂

nanunable易燃的(与innammable同义),. inflanunable易燃的

poisonous有毒的(与toxic同义) toxic有毒的

combustibiUty test燃烧性能试验 fr'e point着火点 miscible易混合的

low nashpoint group of liquids低闪点类液体

intennediate Nashpoint group of Uquids中闪点类液体 high nashpoint.group of Uquids高闪点类液体 volatile Uquid挥发性液体

solids which may cause fue through ftiction摩擦会起火的固体 desensitized explosives钝化的爆炸品 exotherrllic decomposition放热分解反应 oxidizing substances气体剂 organic peroxides有机过氧化物 bivalent二价的

exothermic self-accelerating decompos1-don自加速放热分解反应 viable nzicro-orgallis馅活体微生物 bacterium细菌 virus病毒

rickettsia病原体 parasite寄生虫 fingus菌

recombinant重组体 hybrid杂交体。 mutant变异体 toxin毒素

N.O.5. not otherwise specified,未另列明的

specific activity放射比度 Ⅱving tissue活体组织

viscous substance黏性物质、 melting point熔解点

initial melting point启熔点

ASTM American Standard Test Of Materials,美国物质试验标准。 ,3-3海上危险货物运输

1 Declaration of Dangerous Goods

The goods, articles or materials classified as dangerous gocxls in the JMO Code and that are to be canied on a ship are hereby declared to be dangerous goods.

Where a receptacle that is to be can.ied on a ship has contained dangerous goods and has not been pwged of aU residues of such goods, that receptacle is hereby declared to be dangerous goods.

A receptacle that has contained dangerous goods and whose placard or label is ovennarked with the word Empty, or Vide \ofaU residues of such goods.

2 Application

These Regulations do not apply to dangerous goods that are canied in bulk.

Where dangerous goods are canied on an unmanned barge under tow, the requirements of these Regulations respecting documentation and personal protection equipment apply to the towing vessel and not to the barge.

Where dangerous goods are can.ied on barges that are jom.ed together and towed as a single unit, those barges shao, for the purposes of these Regulations, be regarded as a single ship.

These Regulations do not apply to a mobile unit canried on a short ?nfeny if

. the unit is stofd.d at eilher end ot the terry and 1s separated trom all omer moolle umts or vehicles by a distance of at least I m;

. access to, smoking and the use of naked ights or spark producing equipment is prohibited in the vicinity of the unit; and

. parking brakes, where haed on the unit, are securely set.

These Regulations do not apply to the following dangerous goods when they are carried by ship on a nzinor waters voyage, and inland voyage or a home-trade voyage:

. a substance that has a nash point greater than 37.8 and is classified as Class 3 without a subsidialy risk in the JMO Code when in a container with a capacity of less Ihan 454 L;

. a toxic substance that (i) in the case of one with an oral toxicity, has an LD50 greater than 50, (ii) in the case of one with a dermaJ toxicity, has an LD50 greater than 200, and (iii) in the case of one Wilh an inhalation toxicity, has an 1C50 greater than 2; and

. any consumer commodity if (i) the conditions of exemption kom specificalion packaging, marking and labeling requirements of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations are complied with, (ii) the outer packaging of the consumer Commodity is marked to indicate the natum Of any danger that may occur firom the release of the contents, and (iii) where the consumer commodity is in a mobile unit that contains more than 2,(XX) kg of any one class of consumer conmiodities,

o the unit displays the appropriate placard marked with the word Danger\

o no other dangerous goods are stowed under or over the consumer commodity or in or

over any part of the space within 1 m of the consumer conunodity, and

. a declamtion stating the total weight of the consumer commodity and describing the class thereof by the tenn consvllper commodity,, or 'bien de consommation \or words describing the class is kept in the possession of the opemtor of the mobile unit or, where the unit is not accompanied by the operator, is attached to the unit in a conspicuous, accessible location and is delivered to the master of the ship before the consumer commodity is loaded on or in the sbip.

Where wastes are to be carried by ship, the shipper shall provide the waste manifest to the maJine carner.

3 Packing, Stowing and carry:.ng

Evezy person responsible for packing dangerous goods to be canied by ship on a nlinor waters voyage, an inland voyage or a home-trade voyage shall ensure that

. any part of the packaging that may be in contact with the goods is made of material that remains chemically stable and does not react dangerously to the goods;

o the packaging is so constmcted and closed that no leaking of the dangerous goods can occur during nonnal conditions of handling or transport or as a result of changes in temperature, humidity or au pressure except through vents fitted in accordance with the following paragraph ; and

. the packaging is only haed with vents where the goods may product a gas or vapour that will subject the packaging to an intemal pressure that may danlage the packaging, if the danger of such dantage is at least as great as the danger represented by any gas or vapour enlitted through the vents.

Every person msponsible for packing dangerous go(xis to be canied by ship on a voyage other than a minor wakrs voyage, an inland voyage or a home-trade voyage, shall ensure that 1hey are packed in accordance wim

. a method, if any, specified for such dangerous goods in the IMO Code; or

where them is no appropriate method specified in the JMO Code, a method specihed for such dangerous goods in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations.

Subject to sections 12,15,16 and 20, no person shaU

. stow dangerous goods on a ship except by a method specihed in the IMO Code for such gds; or

o cany dangerous gmds on a ship except (i) in such quanlilies, if any, as are specified in the IMO Code for such goods and ship, or (ii)m such place or places wiWn the ship wan specified the IMO Code for such goods.

4 Pa88enger Ship8

For the purposes of any refuence in 1he IMO Code to passenger ships canying daogerous gds,

. a ship canying explosives and (i) not more than 12 passengers, or (ii) not more tlian one passenger per 3 m of length, whichever is the lesser, and

. a ship carrying dangerous goods other than explosives and (i) not more chan 25 passengers, or (ii) not more tttan one passenger per 3 m of length, whichever is the greater,

shaU not be regarded as a passenger sbip. 5 Markiog

5.1 Subject to subsection 5.4, every package in which dangerous gocxls are placed for

航海英语 中 3第三章 危险货物与特殊货物运输


