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航海英语 中 3第三章 危险货物与特殊货物运输

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Dangerous Goods Ust are of the foUowing four types:

Single entrzes for WeU dehned substances or articles e. g. 1090 acetone

1194 ethylnitritesolulion

Generic entries for weU defined group of substances or articles e. g. 1133 adhesives 1266 perfiJmeryproduct

2757 carbamate pesticide, solid, toxic 3101 organicperoxide,typeB,iquid

Specihc N. O. S. entries covefg a group of substances or articles of a particular chenzical or technical nature

e. g. 1477. nitrates, inorganic, 1987 alcohols,N.O.S.

General N. O. S. entries covering a group of substances or articles meeting the criteria of one or more classes or divisions :

e. g. ,1325 Aanmable solid, organic,N. O. S. 1993 nanmlable iquid, N. O. S.

AIJ self-reactive substances of Division 4.1 are assigned to one of twenty generic enlries in accordance with the classihcation principles and Aow chart.

AII organic peroxides of Division 5.2 are assigned to one of twenty generic entries in accordance with the classiication principles and flow chart.

A mixture or solution containing a single dangerous substance specifically listed by name in the Dangerous Goods List and one or more substances not subject to these Regulations shall be assigned the UN number and proper shipping name of the dangerous substance, unless:

The nzixture or solution is specitically identified by name in these Regulations; Or

The entry in these Regulations specifically indicates tbat it applies only to the pure substance; or

The hazard class or division, physical state or packing group of the solution or nzixture is different hom Ihat of the dangerous substances; or

There is sigm.ficant change in the measures to be taken in emergencies.

In those other cases, except Ihe one described in (a), the mixture or solution shall be treated as a dangerous substance not specificaUy hsted by name in the Dangerous Goods List.

For a solution or mixture when the hazard class, the physical state or the packing group is changed in compalzson with the isted substance, the appropriate N. O. S. entry shaU be used including its packagmg and labolling provisions.

A mixture or solution containing one Or more substances identified by name in these Regulations Or classified under an N. O. S. entry and one or more substances is not subject to these Regulations if the hazard characteristics of the nlixture or solution are such that they do not meet the criteria (including human experience criteria) for any class.

Substances or articles which are not specificaUy listed by name in the Dangerous Goods List shaU be classihed undera generic\article shaU be classified according to the class definitions and test criteria in this Part, and 1he article or substance classified under the generic or N. O. S. entry in the Dangerous Goods List which most appropriately desclribes the article or substance.


UN number联合国编号

proper shipping name标准运输名称 Dangerous Goods List危险品名称表 entry条目

hazard class危险的类别 subsidialy risk副危险性 packing group包装类

N.O.5. not otherwise specified, 丶禾另列明的(危险品) organic peroxides有机过氧化物 mixture混合物 solution溶液

human experience cliteria人的经验准则 5危险性的优先顺序

5.1 Precedence of hazard characteri8tics

The table below shaU be used to detemune the class of a substance, nuxture or solution having more than one risk, when it is not named in the Dangerous Goods List in Chapter 3.2. For goods having multiple risks which are not specifically ksted by name in the Dangerous Goods List, the most stringent packing group denoted to the respective hazards of the goods takes precedence over other packing groups, iITespective of the precedence of hazard table in this Chapter. The precedence of hazard characteristics of the following have not been dealt wim in the Precedence of Hazards Table (below), as these primary characteristics always take precedence:

Substances and articles of Class 1: Gases of Class 2:

Self-reactive and related substances and desensitized explosives of Division 4. 1; Pyrophoric substances of Division 4. 2: Substances ofDivision 5. 2:

Substances of Division 6. 1 with a Packing Group I inhalation toxicity; Substances of Division 6. 2; Material of Class 7.

5.2 Precedence of hazard 5.1 5.1 5.1 6.1I 6.1I 6.1 6.1 8I 8I 8II 8II 8III 8III 4.2 4.3 Dermal 3I * Substances of Division 4.1 other than self-reactive and related substances and desensitized explosives.

** 6.1 for pesticides

-Denotes an impossible combination

For hazards not shown in this cable, see 2. 0. 3 [注释1{注释1[注释] Precedence优兔顷序

For goods having multiple risks... precedence of hazard table in this ChapkChapter.对于具有多重危险并且在危险货物名称表中未列明的危险货物,应在与其危险相应的各包装类中,取最严格的包装类,而不应按本章的危险优允顷序表确定其包装类。

i 3-2危险品的种类 1 Explosives

Class I comprises:

e Explosive substances, except those which are too dangerous to transport or those where the predonzinant hazard is one appropriate to another class;

(A substance which is not itself an explosive but which can fom an explosive almosphere of gas, vapour or dust is not included in class I )

o Explosive articles, except devices contam.m.g explosive substances in such quantity or of such a chamcter that their inadvertent or accidental ignition Or initiation during transport shall not cause any effect extemal to the device either by proJ.ection, flre, smoke, heat or loud noise; and

. Substances and articles not mentioned in the above which are manufacUared with a view to producing a practical, explosive or pyrotechnic effect.

Transport of explosive substances which are unduly sensitive, or so reactive as to be subject to Spontdleous reaction, is prohibited.

For the puzposes of this Code the foUowing defmitions apply:

. An explosive substance is a solid or Uquid substance (or a nlixture of substances) which is in itself capable by chemical reaction of producing gas at such a temperature and pressure and at such a speed as to cause damage to the sunoundings. Drrotechnic substances are included even when they do not evolve gases.

. A pyrotechnic substance is a substance or a mixture of substances designed to produce an effect by heat, Ught, sound, gas or smoke or a combinatioo of these as the result of non-detonative self-sustaining exothennic chemical reactions.

e Aa explosive article is an article containing one or more explosive substances.

. A mass explosion is one which affects almost the entire load virtually instantaneously.

Class 1 is unique in that the type of packaging kequently has a decisive effect on the hazard and therefore on the assignment to a particular division. Where multiple hazard classihcations have been assigned, they are Usted in the individual schedule. The conect hazard division is determined in accordance with the latest version of the United Nations Reconmzendations on 1he Transport of Dangerous Goods, Tests and Criteria (Test Manual).

The six hazard divisions ofclass I are:

Division I.I Substances and articles which have amass explosion hazard

Division 1.2 Substances and articles which have a projection hazard but not a mass explosion hazard

Division I.3 Substances and anicles which have a fne hazard and either a minor blast hazard or a nzinor projection hazard or both, but not a mass explosion hazard

This division compnses substances and articles: . which give rise to considerable radiant heat; or

e which bum one after another, producing nlinor blast or projection effecb or both. Division I.4 Substances and articles which present no significant hazard

This division comprises substances and articles which present only a small hazard in the event of ignition or initiation during transfx)rt. The effects are largely confmed to 1he package and no proJection of hagments of appreciable size or range is to be expected. An extemal fire must not cause vixtually instantaneous explosion Of almost the entire contents Of the package.

NOTE: Substances and articles in this division so packaged or designed that any hazardous effects arising kom accidental hmctioning are confined within the package unless the package has been degraded by fire, in which case all blast or projection effects are linlited to the extent that they do not significantly hinder fire-fighting or other emergency response effons in the immediate vicinity of the package, are in compatibility group S.

Division 1.5 Very insensitive substances which have a mass explosion hazard

This division compnses substances which have a nlass explosion hazard but are so insensitive that Ihere is very ittle probabiUty of initialion or of transition kom buming to detonation under nonnal condilions of transport.

NOTE: The probability of transition kom buming to detonation is greater when large quantities are carried in a ship. As a consequence, the stowage requirements for.explosive substances in division 1.1 and for those in division I.5 are identical.

Division 1.6 Extremely insensitive articles which do not have a mass explosion hazard

This (division comprises anjcles which contain only extremely insensitive detonating substances and which demonslrate a negligible probabiUty of accidental initiation or propagation.

NOTE: The risk kom articles of division I.6 is linlited to the explosion ofa single axticle. 2 Gases

A gas is a substance which at 50'C has a vapour pressure greater than 3(X) kPa; or is completely gaseous at 20'C at a standard pressure of 101.3 kPa.

The transport condition of a gas is described according to its physical state as:

o Compressed gas A gas (other than in solution) which when packaged under pressure for transport is entirely gaseous at 20'C;

~ Liquefied gas A gas which when packaged for transport is partially iquid at 20C;

. Rehigerated liquehed gas A gas which when packaged for transport is partially bquid

because of its low temperature;

e Gas in solution Compressed gas which when packaged for lransport is dissolved in a solvent.

This class comprises compressed gases; iquefied gases; gases in solution; rekigerated bquefied gases; nutures of gases; nmtures of one or more gases with one or more vapours of substances of other classes; adcles charged with a gas; teUurium hexafluoride; aerosols.

In this Code, class 2 is subdivided fiuther accordiag to the prinuoy hazard of the gas during transport, namely:

Class 2.1-Flanunable gases; Class 2.2-Non-nammable, non-toxic gases; Class 2.3-Toxic gases. ( ''inflanunable,, has the samemeaningu Aammable,, ; poisonous,, has the same meaning as toxic,, )

3 Flaomable liquids

These are liquids, or mixtures of iquids, or Hquids containing solids in solution or suspension (e. g. paints, vanlishes, lacquers, etc., but not including substances which, on account of their other dangerous characteristics, have been included in other classes) which give off a Oaxnmable vapour at or below 61'C (141'F) closed cup test (conesponding to 65.6C (15a'F,) open cup test), normaUy refened to as the Aashpoint.

.sl Class 3 also includes substances transported or offered for transport at elevated temperatures in a iquid state which give off a Aanmlable vapour at temperatures equal to or below the nmimum transport temperature.

However, the provisions of this Code need not apply to such liquids with a nashpoint of more than 35 C (95F) which do not sustain combustion. Liquids offered for transport at temperatures

equal to or above their Aashpoint are, in any case, considered as flanmzable iquids. For the purpose of above subsection, iquids are not considered to sustain combustion if:

. they have passed the suitable combuslibility test (see Uoitod Nations Reconunendations on the Transport ofDangerous Goods) ; or

. their fne point according to ISO 2592 is greater than 1(X)C; or

. they are nziscible solutions with a water content of more than 90%, by mass. In this Code, class 3 is subdivided hirther, namely: .

Class 3.1-Low nashpoint group of Uquids having a nashpoint below-18'C (O'F), closed cup test.

Class 3.2-Intermediate Aashpoint group of iquids having a nashpoint of-18C (O'F) up to but not including 23'C (73'F`), closed cup test:

Class 3.3-High Aashpoint group of iquids having a nashpoint of 23'C (73'F) up to, and including,61 'C ( 141'F ), closed cup test.

Where the nashpoint is indicated for a volatile liquid it may be followed by the symbol , representing detemlination by a closed cup test, or by the symbol o. c. an open cup test. A reference to these tests is given in section 6 of this General Introduction.

4 Flaounable solids.

h this Code, class 4 deals With substances, oIher than those classed as explosives, which, under conditions of transport, are readily combustible or may conlribute to a fue or cause one. Class 4 is subdivided filnher, namely:

Class 4.1-Readily combustible solids and soLids which may cause fire through kiction;

航海英语 中 3第三章 危险货物与特殊货物运输


