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航海英语 中 3第三章 危险货物与特殊货物运输

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第三章 危险货物与特殊货物运输 i 3-1国际海运危险货物规则


The development of the IMDG Code dates back to the 1960 Safety of Life at Sea Conference, which recommended that Governments should adopt a uniform international code for the transport of dangerous goods by sea to supplement the regulations contained in the 1960 htemational Convention for dle Safety ofLife at Sea (SOIAS).

A resolution adopted by the 1960 Conference said the proposed code sbould cover such matters as packing, container traffic and stowage, with particular reference to the segregation of incompatible substances.

A working group of JMO's Maridnrie Safety Conmlinee began preparing the Code in 1961, in close co-operation with the United Nations Conmtittee of Experts on 1he Transport of Dangerous Goods, which in a 1956 report had established mdmum requirements for the 1ransport of dangerous goods by all modes of tmnspon.

Since its adoption by the fourth IMO Assembly in 1965, the IMDG Code has undergone many changes, both in appearance and content to keep pace with the ever-changing needs of industry. Amendments which do not affect the principles upon which the Code is based may be adopted by the MSC, allowing IMO to respond to transport developments in reasonable time.

Amendments to the IMDG Code originate hrom two sources; proposals submitted dilmdy to IMO by Member States and amendments required to take account Of changes to the United Nations Reconunendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods which sets dle basic requirements for all the transport modes.

Amendments to the provisions of 1he United Nations Reconunendalions are made on a two-yearly cycle and approximately two years after dleir adoplion, they are adopted by the authorities responsible for regulating the various tmnsport modes. In that way a basic set of requ. -~ nts Dpplicable to all modes of transport is estabUshed and implemented, thus ensuring that difficulties are not encountered at inter-modal interfaces.

The Maritime Safety Conunittee (MSC) at its 72nd session in May 2(X)O adopted a revised and reformatted Intemational Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, which is intended to be more user-hiendly and understandable, Imown as ''Amendment 30 \

Amendment 30 \as weU as revisiobs to varzous sections of the Code and to transport requirements for specihc substances. The reformaaed JMDG Code will enter into force on I January 2(X)1, with a 12 months transitional period ending 31 December 2001.

The refonnatted IMDG Code includes seven parts, two appendices and an index: General provisions, definitions and training (PW 1) ; Classihcation (Part 2) ;

Dangerous Goods List (DGL) and Limited Quantities Exceptions (Palt 3) ; Packing and Tank provisions (Palt 4) ; Consignment Procedures (Part 5) ;

Conslluction and Testing of Packagings, Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs), Iwge Packagings, Portable Tanks and Road Tank Vehicles (Part 6) ;

Requirements Conceming Transport Operations (Part 7) ;

Appendix A-List of Generic and NOS (Not Otherwise Specified) Proper Shipping Names;

Appendix B-Glossary of terms; Index.

The present Code appears in fow volumes, but the oeformatted Code wiU appear in two volumes: One covering Parts 1,2,4,5,6 and 7; the second incorporating Part 3, the two Appendices and the Index.

IMDG Code to be made mandatory.

The MSC at its 73ni session in Nov-Dec 2([XX) decided, in principle, to make sections of the Ihtemational Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code mandatory, ainiing at an entry-into-force date of l Janualy 2004, and instructed the Sub-Comnziaee on Dangerous Goods, Sohd Cargoes and Containers at its sixth session in July 2([X)1 and the Secretariat to prepare relevant documents such as draft amendments to SOLAS.

The MSC agreai that some chapters of the JMDG Code would remain reconm.iendatory m nature-including chapter 1.3 (Training) ; chapter 2.1 (Explosives-Notes I to 4) ; 2. 3. 3 of chapter 2. 3 (Determination of nashpoint) ; chapter 3. 2 (Colunms 15 and 17 of the Dangerous Goods List) ; chapter 3. 5 (Transport Schedules) ; 5. 4. 5 ofchapter 5. 4 (Multimodal dangerous goods form) ; and chapter 7. 3 (Special provisions in the event of an incident and fl.re precautions involving dangerous goods).


Conference会议,-一般指国际上定期举行的会议 Reconunend建议,常是必须执行的建议

Resolution决议,这里指国际海事组织大会做出的决定 cover包括,常指责任、权利等方面的范围

segregation of incompatible substances性质不相容的物质的隔离 Marit{me Safety Comnxittee (国际海事组织)海事安全委员会

United Nations Comnzittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods 弓联合国危险品运输专家委员会,

mode运输方式,如公路、铁路、水路、航空等 Assembly (国际海事组织)大会 Amendments修正案

two-yearly cycle两年一个周期

session会议,国际海事组织下的各委员会所召开的会议 transitional period过渡期

Not Otherwise Specified未另列明的(危险品) 2国际海运危险货物规则的适用范围 2.1 The regvlations

These Regulations prescribe detailed requirements applicable to the transport of dangerous goods. Except as otherwise provided in tbese Regulations, no person may offer or accept dangerous goods for Iransport unless those goods are properly classified, packaged, marked, labelled, placarded, described and certihed on a transport document, and otherwise in a condition for transport as requl.red by these Regulations.

These Regulations do not apply to the transport of:

Dangerous goods in bulk which, in most countries, are subject to special regulations;

Dangerous goods that are required for the propulsion of the means of Iransport or the operation of its speciaUsed equipment during transport (e. g. rehigeration units) or that are

required in accordance with the operating regulations (e. g. ftre extinguishers) ; and

Dangerous goods, packaged for retail sale, that are canied by individuals for their Own use. Note 1: Specihc modal provisions for the transport of dangerous goods as weU as derogations kom Ihese general requirements can be found in the modal regulations.

Note2: Certain special provisions of section 3.3.1 of Chapter 3.3` also indicate substances and articles which are not subject to these Regulations.

Exceptions for dangerous goods packed in linlited quantities.

Certain dangerous goods packed in linlited quantities are exempted from certain requirements of these Model Regulations subject to the conditions laid down in Chapter 3.4.

2.2 Transport of radioactive material

Regulations regarding the transport of radioactive material have been prepared by the Intemational Atonzic Energy Agency (IAEA) in consultation with the United Nations specialized agencies concemed and the IAEA's Member States. The most recent publication of the IAEA Regulations Was published in 1996 (Regulations for the Safe Transpolt of Radioactive Material (1996 Edition), IAEA Safety Standards Series No.ST-I).

The IAEA Regulations are concemed only with the radioactive and fissile properties of materials; it is necessary however, for consignments of radioactive material to comply with transport regulations appbcable to other hazardous properties which such material may possess. This is specified in the IAEA Regulations in paragraphs 109 and 507.

In practice packages contam.ing radioactive material consisting of one or more radio-nuclides, when transported in accordance with the IAEA Regulations will nomaUy be satisfactorily covered in respect of any other hazardous properties possessed by the contents. Thus is 1he case both when the radioactive material is in isolation and, as is conunon, when it is associated with smaU quantities of non-radioactive material.

However, it is emphasized that mdioactive nlaterial tmnsported in accordance with those Regulations nlay be associated with a comparatively large quantity of a non-radioactive material (particularly a iquid or a gas) which may possess other hazardous properties requiring additional consideration in that respect. This shaU be bome in mind palticularly for the following radioactive material:

Limited quantihes of radioactive material in excepted packages, complying with paragraphs 408 to 410; 515 to 520 and 620 of the IAEA Regulations;

The low specific activity materials as defmed in paragraph 226 of the IAEA Regulations; and The surface contaminated objects as defmed in paragraph 241 of the IAEA Regulations. General principles for radiation protection of trWlsport workers and the general public are included in Section M of the IAEA Regulations paragraphs 301 to 307. Compliance with the LIEA Regulations, which utilize the principles set forth in Intemational Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources (1996 Edition), IAEA Safety Series No. 115 will ensure a high degree of safety.

2.3 Dangerou8 good8 forbidden from tran8pOrt

Unless provided otherwise by these Regulalions, the foUowing are forbidden kom transport: Any substance or article which, as presented for Iransport, is Uable to explode, dangerously react, produce a name or dangerous evolution of heat or dangerous enzission of toxic, or conoslve or narnmable gases or vapours under nonnal conditions normaDy encountered in transport.


Except as otherwise provided... as required by these Regulations除非本规则另有规定,否则,未经正确分类和妥善包装,做出标志,标签和标牌,在运输文件仁中做出申报和证明并符合本规则其他运输条件的危险品,任何人均不得交运或承运

subject to受限于,在......条件下

the propulsion of the means of transport运输船舶的推进 retail sale零售


substances and articles物质和物品 radioactive material放射性物质

Intemational Atonuc Energy Agency国际原子能组织

Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material放射性物质安全运输规则 senes丛书

fissile propenies裂变性

it is necessary however... such material may possess但是,所托运的放射性物质必须满足运输规则对该物质其他危险所做的要求


low specific activity放射性比度

surface con恤m ated object表面受到污染的物体

Intemational Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources电离放射防护和放射源安全的国际基本安全标准

3涉运人员的培训 3.1 Training

Persons engaged in the transpoxt of dangerous goods shall receive Iraining in the contents of dangerous goods requirements commensurate with their responsibiities.

3.2 Contents

Individuals such as those who classify dangerous goods; pack dangerous goods; mark and label dangerous goods; prepare transport documents for dangerous goods; offer or accept dangerous goods for Iransport; cany or handle dangerous goods in transport; mark or placard or load or unload packages of dangerous goods into or from transport vehicles, bulk packagings or keight containers; or are otherwise directly yvolved in the transport of dangerous goods as determined by the competent authority; shall receive the foUowing training:

General awareness / fanldiarzzation training:

Each person shaU Ieceive training designed to provide fafliazitY with the general provisions of dangerous goods transport requirements;

Such training shiu include a description of the classes of dangerous goods; labelling, marking, placarding and packaging, segregation and compatibibty requirements; a desaiption of the purpose and content of the dangerous goods transport document; and a description of available emergency response documents;

Function-specific Iraining: Each person shan receive detailed training concenhzg specific dangerous goods transport requirements which are applicable to the function that person perfomls;

Safety training: Commensurate with the risk of exposure in the event of a release and the functions perfonned, each person shall receive training on:

Methods and procedures for accident avoidance, such as proper use of package-handling equipment and appropriate methods of stowage of dangerous goods;

Available emergency response information and how to use it;

General dangers presented by the various classes of dangerous goods and how to prevent exposure to those hazards, including if appropriate the use of personal protective clothing and equipment; and

Immediate procedures to be followed in the event of an unintentional release of dangerous goods, including any emergency response procedures for which the person is responsible and personal protection procedures to be followwed.

3.3 Retraining

The training required by paragraph 3.2 shaU be provided or verified upon employment in a position involving dangerous goods Iransport and shaU be periodically supplemented with retraining as deemed appropriate by 1he competent authority.



receive... with their responsibilities应受到与其责任相应的危险货物运输要求方面的培训 classi斤dangerous goods进行危险品分类 pack dangerous goods进行危险品包装,

mark and label dangerous goods对危险品做出标志和标签

prepare transport documents for dangerous goods制备危险品的运输文件 offer or accept dangerous goods for transport提交或收受危险品以进行运输 cany or handle dangerous goods in transport在运输中承运或处理危险货物

mark or placard or load or unload packages of dangerous goods into Or from transport vehicles, bulk packagings or红eight con叫ners对载运车辆、包件或集装箱做出标志或标牌,或装载或卸载载运车辆、包件中或集装箱

such training shall include... emergency response documents.这种培训应包括危险货物种类的说明,标签、标志、标牌和包装以及隔离和相容,性要求,危险品运输文件的用途和内容以及有关应急文件的说明。

the risk of exposure裸露的风险 in the event of如果

personal protective clothing and equipment个人用的防护服装及设备

The training required by... the competent audlority.第二款中所要求的培训,应在受雇到危险货餐物运输岗位时进行或予以核实,并且主管当局应根据需要定期进行更新培训。


Dangerous goods are assigned to UN numbers and proper shipping names according to their hazard classification and their composition.

Dangerous goods commonly carried are isted in the Dangerous Goods List in Chapter 3.2. Where an article or substance is specifically Usted by name, it shall be identified in transport by the proper shipping name in the Dangerous Goais List. For dangerous goods not specificaUy isted by name generic, Dr not otherwise specified, entr.ies are provided to identiw the article or substance in transport.

Each entry in the Dangerous Goods List is characterized by a UN number. This ist also contains relevant infonnation for each entry, such as hazard class, subsidiary risk(s) (if any), packing group (where assigned), packing and tank transport requirements, etc. Entries in the

航海英语 中 3第三章 危险货物与特殊货物运输


