Model 4
Conceptual Diagram
MiXYStatistical Diagram
eMi1MiaibieY1c'XYIndirect effect of X on Y through Mi = ai biDirect effect of X on Y = c'
Note: Model 4 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel.
Model 4
Multicategorical X with k categories
(PROCESS v2.15 or later)
Conceptual Diagram
MiXYStatistical Diagram
eMi1Mia1...D1X...Dk-1ak-1c'1...bieY1Yc'k-1Relative indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = iRelative direct effect of X on Y =
{c'1. .
{a1 bi
. .
ak-1 bi
Note: Model 4 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel.
Model 5
Conceptual Diagram
WMiXYStatistical Diagram
eMi1MiaibieY1XWXWc1'c2'c3'YIndirect effect of X on Y through Mi = ai biConditional direct effect of X on Y = c1' + c3'W
*Model 5 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel
Model 6
(2 mediators)Conceptual Diagram
M1M2XYStatistical Diagram
eM11eM21M1a1a2d21M2b1b2eY1Xc'YIndirect effect of X on Y through Mi only = ai bi
Indirect effect of X on Y through M1 and M2 in serial = a1 d21 b2Direct effect of X on Y = c'
Note: Model 6 allows up to 4 mediators operating in serial.
Model 6
(3 mediators)Conceptual Diagram
M2M1M3XYStatistical Diagram
eMeMd21 2111M2d31 d32 eM31M1a1 a2 a3 M3b2 b1 b3 eY1Xc ' YIndirect effect of X on Y through Mi only = ai bi
Indirect effect of X on Y through M1 and M2 in serial = a1 d21 b2Indirect effect of X on Y through M1 and M3 in serial = a1 d31 b3Indirect effect of X on Y through M2 and M3 in serial = a2 d32 b3
Indirect effect of X on Y through M1, M2, and M3 in serial = a1 d21 d32 b3Direct effect of X on Y = c'