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双流中学高 2013 级完形填空天天练

2012 海淀区高三年级第二学期期末练习

北京市西城区 2012 年高三二模试卷


第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)

There ’ s always been a debate on whether human beings are born good or bad. Depending on how

you view the world, you can think of all the crimes and injustice and conclude that we

a system of laws to keep us in check. However, there are also a lot of stories of good deeds. I think we all born good.

’ re bad, so we

Today, I took a trip to South Bend to at tend my friends ’ wedding reception. I had 36 the

night before at the forecast and it said we were going to get about 3 inches of snow, so I thought, not so 37 . ” I set out on my journey and it was completely clear until I 38 to get towards Niles, M1 ?

I was 39 with this ominous ( 不祥的 )cloud. I thought to myself, “ Hmm, this can ’ t be a good

40 . ” Soon enough, the highway became a snow -packed wall of white. I should have remembered that such severe changes in ____41____ are common in this part of America. I then tried to get to the populous area of South Bend and got 42 in the snow, 43 to turn left onto a street. I 44 for 20 minutes to dig myself out with only a scraper( 刮刀 ). It wasn ’ t a very 45 street, so I didn ’ t see many people. Just as I was starting to give up, a few people stopped by my car and then helped push me out of the snow bank. It was one person at first, and then a few others.

Then, on the way to my destination, another lady got stuck. 46 , I got out and was 47 to offer the same help that I had received. At least five others joined me in my 48 to get her car unstuck. It is kind of storm that makes roads undrivable. South Bend 49 up getting over 3 feet of snow.

In these 50 of kindness though, I was once again 51 of my belief that that all people

’ t have to stop and help me out. They ran the 52 are born good. These people didn of having their

’ s car out too. own cars stuck. Even for myself, it was a(an) 53 reaction to get out and push the lady

I didn ’ t think about it 54 a second. I believe these situations really helped remind me that this world is a good place. Real life situations can 55 good deeds. It happened today, and it will happen again and again. 36.A. spent 37.A. late 38.A. hoped 39.A. concerned 40.A. way 41. A. weather 42.A. frozen 43.A. attempting 44.A. waited 45.A. long 46.A. Immediately 47.A. requested 48.A.efforts 49.A. made 50.A. attitudes 51.A. informed 52.A. favor 53.A. automatic 54.A. with 55. A. find

B. checked

B. cold B. stopped B. met B. event B. direction B. stuck B. needing B. stayed B. smooth B. Carefully B. attracted B. group B. ended

B. characters B. reminded B. course B. generous B. by

B. produce

C. observed C. bad

C. started C. involved C. result C. position C. hurt

C. realizing C. insisted C. busy

C. Eventually C. inspired C. donation C. came

C. manners C. warned C. admire C. valuable C. for

C. happen


D. looked D. far

D. planned D. pointed D. sign D. system D. lost D. having D. struggled D. quiet

D. Obviously D. convinced D. spirits D. grew D. acts D. told D. risk

D. accurate D. in D. judge

双流中学高 2013 级完形填空天天练


双流中学高 2013 级完形填空天天练

北京市东城区 2012 年第二学期高三综合练习(二)


第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)

One Monday morning, the class were excited about the rumor that the science room was on fire

over the weekend. Mr. Johnson, my fifth grade teacher ___36___ it and explained that science class would be cancelled due to the ___37___. could be dangerous.


also warned us not to go near the room ___38___


During the morning break, Kim and I ___39___ to check out the damage. A first hand observation

We safely ___40__

would make us heroes at lunch. looking hard through the door window hold on our shoulders stopped us.

the science room. We stood on tiptoes( 脚尖 )

, ___41___ to see what was like inside when suddenly a firm

“ Where do you belong? Certainly not here! I turned around to find a teacher staring

of ___43___flashed

___42___ at us, shouting. In those frozen seconds

My father would kill me for disobeying

millions through my mind. teachers.

___44___ than that, my mother might be so mad that she might not stop him. My spirits ___45___ even lower when I thought of how angry Mr. Johnson would be. Soon the arresting teacher led Kim and me back to the ___46___, leaving us trembling before Mr. Johnson .

But to our ___47___, there was no yelling and no anger from Mr. Johnson. ___48___, he bent

slowly to look me in the eye. I was met with a look of ___49___ rather than anger. He spoke softly and carefully as he explained why he was ___50___ in my decision to go where I might have got ___51___. As I looked into the eyes of the man who could send me to unimagined consequences at home, tears ___52___ up in my eyes. The thought of disappointing Mr. Johnson ___53___ me while I felt a gentle touch of Mr. Johnson ’ shand on my shoulder. I glanced up and he smiled. My _ __54___ Johnson grew greatly in the moment I discovered that he still liked me even after I I could see that he cared more about my ___55___ than the fact that I time I felt the power of forgiveness. 36. A. heard 37. A. fire 38. A. unless

for Mr.

’ d disappointe

’ d broken a rule. It was the first

B. believed B. rumor B. because B. asked B. found B. trying B. patiently B. thoughts B. Less B. sank B. lab

C. confirmed C. focus C. though C. decided

D. studied D. loss D. once D. reached D. waiting D. feelings D. Worse D. moved D. sorrow D. Instead

39. A pretended 40. A. entered 41. A. hanging 42. A. angrily 44. A. Easier 45. A. flew 46. A. school

D. hesitated

C. examined C. happening C. silently C. words C. Later C. changed C. office C. regret C. comfort C. lost C. welled C. bored C. desire C. dignity


D. curiously

43. A. excuses

D. classroom

47. A. surprise 48. A. However 49. A. concern 50. A. frightened 51. A. hurt 52. A. flooded 54. A. care

B. delight B. guilt

B. Therefore

C. Otherwise

D. complaint D. blamed

B. puzzled B. burnt B. rushed B. shamed B. hope B. freedom

C. discouraged

D. disappointed

D. rounded D. confused D. love

53. A. shocked

55. A. safety D. behaviour

双流中学高 2013 级完形填空天天练



第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)

Last January I was given a chance to work in another country. At first, I lived a


life, but

soon I met a group of new friends and they were really nice.

Then something


37 happened. One of our friends suffered from kidney stones (


肾结石 ), which

had to be 40

surgically as soon as possible. But it was not as

41 . I didn

as that! Our friend could not


the operation, which put him into deep ’ t know how to help him because I didn

and told him

’ t

have any money either.

42 , I never lost hope. Instead I tried to think of other

not to worry because everything would be all right.

Before I left the hospital, I talked to the surgeon


pay the expenses the next day

and asked him to do the surgery, saying I would


I had that kind of money. Well, I must have been


the surgeon agreed to do it! But how was I going to get that much money?

All I knew was that I needed to help my friend! Although it could be


to deal with this kind



my things

of situation, I decided to make some efforts. I tried to borrow money but failed. I tried but no one wanted them. Then I had the idea of talking to my next two months ’salary in advance —without in need.

48 . I asked him if I could have my on how I would

for two months

even thinking

with no money. He was surprised and asked me the reason. I told him that I had a friend who was really


I convinced him too and then h

e gave my two months

’ salary without any 51 . My friend didn


Upon getting the money, I ran to the hospital and paid all the bills

“ Come on! Give me52a ! ”

’ t know how to


thank me. I just said,

Friendship may not only be found at the happy moment but sometimes you can find it on the

time in your life! I 55 .

’ ve done a good thing by beinga(an)


friend and I think it is well worth the

36. A. private 37. A. strange 38. A. removed 39. A. terrible 40. A. stand 41. A. anxiety 42. A. Thus 43. A. reasons 44. A. even if 46. A. challenging 47. A. saving 48. A. colleague 49. A. adapt 50. A. Luckily 51. A. analysis 52. A. favor 53. A. best 54. A. supportive

B. lonely B. wrong B. reduced B. painful B. consider B. confusion B. Otherwise B. options B. as if B. annoying B. disturbing B. handling B. relative B. survive B. Slightly B. dignity B. hug B. longest B. sensitive B. sympathy

C. colorful C. unexpected C. examined C. simple C. perform C. However C. symptoms C. so that C. astonishing C. amazing C. donating C. boss C. continue C. Constantly C. hesitation C. promise C. strangest C. aggressive C. pressure

D. normal D. unfair D. lifted D. special D.afford D. Therefore D. expectations D. in case D. convincing D. scaring D. selling D. surgeon D. wander D. Occasionally D. remark D. reply D. toughest D. attentive D. effort

C. embarrassment


45. A. encouraging

55. A. tolerance


双流中学高 2013 级完形填空天天练

2012 海淀区高三年级第二学期期中练习



完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)

When you ’ rea preteen, a huge problem might be that you just your parents won

’ t give you the money for it. I thought life was so

have to have a new rock -rap CD,



when things like this

happened —until September 11, 2001. and for weeks after, I saw the disaster 39

to my eyes. I couldn and going through,

I was in P.E. when the planes hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As soon as I got home


on TV. Seeing the innocent people running

for their

as the debris( 瓦砾 ) started coming down the fire and smoke rose out of the

’ t help imagining what the people on the not


what was

going on. 43

40 brought tears

who 44

41 and in the buildings were thinking

apart to watch the

I admired the courage of the firefighters

It tore my heart

rushed in and risked their own lives to looks on the faces of so many people who didn in all the debris. Then it


’ t know if their loved ones were dead or alive while45

46 me: All my life I had thought mainly of myself. I had it easy in life and had been taking

it all for granted. A feeling have easily This disaster

48 50

of coldness 47 down my back, and I cried just thinking


in life was.

of the possibility that it could

to my family. My mom or dad could have been killed like that, and I would never,

ever see them again. I began to evaluate what a real dad or sister go somewhere, even if it them because I know there is a But losing someone I love would 9/11 showed me just what I am. 36. A. but

me that awful things can happen to anyone at any time. Now when my mom or



’51s justthe store, I try to remember to tell them that I love

that I may never tell them that



Not getting a new CD is not going to make or 54

my life. I can live with those kinds of problems.

make my life miserable.

B. so B. occur

C. or D. for

37. A. unbelievable 38. A. expand 39. A. lives 40. A. curtains 41. A. seats 43. A. join

B. uncomfortable

C. unfair C. strike C. houses C. gates C. corners C. knowing C. meet C. dirty C. hit C. ran

D. uncertain D. unfold D. friends D. bedrooms D. streets D. caring D. calm D. desperate D. trapped D. told

B. families B. buildings B. planes B. save B. found

42. A. believing

B. thinking

44. A. puzzled 45. A. hidden 47. A. cooled

B. severe

C. placed

46. A. rewarded

B. surprised B. dropped B. compared B. problem B. reminded B. in B. doubt B. once B. truly

D. passed D. turned D. fate D. to

48. A. happened 49. A. relationship 50. A. taught 51. A. on

C. related C. need C. at

C. persuaded

D. informed

52. A. story 53. A. again 54. A. end

C. chance C. enough C. spare C. probably

D. plan D. ever

B. change

D. break D. frequently

55. A. rather




