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来访人姓名:性别 ~民族 ~出生日期~籍贯 ~工作单位~职业~住址~联 系电话 。 内容:

问:我们是永光律师事务所的律师,出示执业证,~你有什么事情需要我们提供 法律服务~请将有关情况进行详细介绍好吗, 答:


利后果。你听清楚了吗, 答:



A、你方所陈述的事实必须真实~因虚假陈述造成不利诉讼后果由你方承担责任, B、委托方应向被委托人提供支持自己主张的证据和证据线索~若举证不能~要承担败诉风险,



以上告知事项~你都听清楚了吗, 答:


邮寄费、电话费等费用都应由你承担。你听清楚了吗, 其他告知事项: 问: 答:


undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the \solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level,

and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of \people\on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the \produce\


谈话人: 职务:永光律师事务所律师 被谈话人: 性别: 民族: 出生年月:


职务: 联系电话:

我们是永光律师事务所律师~受 的委托就贵公司贷款一事向您提出以下问题请您如实回答:

一、 问:请您介绍一下您担任什么职务?

答:?1.本人是法定代表人 2.本人是公司代理人,见委托书, 二、 问:永光律师事务所将代表,,,,审查您的个人身份情况、公司主体资格、资信状况的法律文书及双方签订的合同文件~并对贷款进行见证~您是否同意予以配合,

答:?1.同意 2.不同意

问:你对贷款合同约定的借款种类、币种、用途、数额、利率、期限、还三、 款方式、担保内容及违约责任是否清楚, 答:?1. 清楚 2.不清楚

四、 问:担保的范围包括贷款合同项下的借款本金、利息,含复利,、罚息、违约金、赔偿金及实现债权和担保权的费用。担保人对此是否清楚, 答:?1.清楚 2.不清楚

五、 问:本律师所依法进行见证~出具《律师见证书》~此项服务系有偿服务~律师要收取律师见证费~对此您是否同意,

不同意 答:?1.同意 2.六、 问:通过上述谈话您对贵公司履行《贷款合同》时应承担的法律义务是否明白无误~如明白无误并且是您真实意思表示请在下面被谈话人处签字~您是否同意,

答:?1.同意 2.不同意

注:以上?符号代表被谈话人认可事项~该?符号应标在回答问题的前方。 谈话人: 被谈话人: 谈话地点:

谈话时间: 年 月 日

undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the \solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of \people\on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-



