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way to getting rest and feeling rested is to keep this consistent. Fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day, and try to build as much regularity into your schedule as possible. And don’t forget to keep your bedroom cool. 7. What did the study from 2015 find? A. There exists the magical pill.

B. It is best to sleep as long as you can. C. Eight hours of sleep is not always needed. D. Lack of sleep accounts for waking up tired. 8. What matters most for your sleep? A. To keep your bedroom cool.

B. To stick to your regular sleep time. C. To fight against your type of sleep. D. To equip yourself with a circadian clock. 9. Where can you probably read the text? A. In a clock store. B. On a health website. C. In a daily newspaper. D. In a science magazine.

10. What is the best title for the text? A. How to Get Good Sleep to Improve Your Life B. How to Figure out Your Body’s Natural Rhythm C. What to Do to Keep a Consistent Sleep Schedule D. Where to Buy A Magical Pill to Improve Memory 【答案】7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A 【解析】 【分析】

这是一篇说明文。文章就如何保持良好睡眠提出了三点建议:了解自身需要多少睡眠,找出你身体的自然节奏和保持一致的睡眠时间表。 【7题详解】

细节理解题。第三段第三句“However, the gold standard of eight hours per night might

not be right for you. A study from 2015 brought into question whether we need that magical number,”可知2015年的研究发现每晚八小时的黄金标准并不总是必要的。故选C。 【8题详解】

细节理解题。最后一段第三句“We’re all equipped with circadian clock (生物钟), which s that internal 24-hour timer that naturally tells us when to sleep, and the best way to getting rest and feeling rested is to keep this consistent. Fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day, and try to build as much regularity into your schedule as possible.”可知休息的最好方法是坚持你正常的睡眠时间,故选B。 【9题详解】

推理判断题。文章主要对如何保持良好睡眠提出了三点建议,故可能会在健康网站上阅读到,故选B。 【10题详解】

主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,文章主要说明了保持良好睡眠的建议,即如何获得良好的睡眠来改善你的生活,故选A。 【点睛】如何做主旨大意题

首先,任何一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此,许多文章中最明显的特点之一是有一个反复出现的中心词,即高频词,也叫做主题词。抓住了它,便容易抓住文章的中心。 第二,要搞清是问某一段还是全文的大意。


第三: 要学会借助文章的结构来把握中心思想。段落中心思想常常由主题句( Topic sentence)来表达。主题句常常出现在段首(60%--90%)或段尾处, 有时也在段落中间。同样, 一篇文章的中心思想也常常在开始段或结尾段点出。因此, 在阅读中, 我们要对文章的开始段和结尾段及段落的主题句给予特别的注意。如文章第四小题,选出最佳题目,要根据文章第三、四和第五段落都以提出提高睡眠质量为主要内容,故文章是以给出提高睡眠建议为主的。 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


One of the biggest reasons people drop an exercise program is lack of interest. ___11___. The good news is there are tons of different sports and activities to try to see which one inspires you.

When picking the right type of exercise, it can help to consider your workout personality. ___12___ If so, solo sports like running, biking, or snowboarding could be for you. Or do you like the shared motivation and companionship that comes from being part of a team? School sports, intramural leagues, club teams, and pick-up games are great ways to stay active with others.

___13___. For example, whether your chosen activity is affordable and available to you (Activities like horseback riding may be harder for people who live in cities, for example.) You’ll also want to think about how much time you can set aside for your sport.

It’s a good idea to talk to someone who understands the exercise, like a coach or fitness expert at a gym. ___14___

Doctors know that most people benefit from regular exercise, even those with disabilities. If you have a health problem or other concern (like being overweight or very out of shape), talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise plan.

Considering the benefits to the heart, muscles, joints, and mind, it’s easy to see why exercise is wise. ___15___ Even small things can count as exercise when you’re starting out -like taking a short bike ride, walking the dog, or raking leaves. A. Without fun, it is hard to keep it up.

B. You also need to plan around practical considerations. C. You have to make a list of your favorite exercises, too.

D. He or she can get you started on a program that’s right for you. E. Different types of exercise can strengthen different muscle groups. F. And the great thing about exercise is that it’s never too late to start. G. For example, you may like to work out alone and on your own schedule. 【答案】11. A 12. G 13. B 14. D 15. F 【解析】 【分析】



根据上文One of the biggest reasons people drop an exercise program is lack of interest.(人们放弃锻炼计划的最大原因之一是缺乏兴趣。)可知下文应提到没有了兴趣,坚持下去就很困难。故选A。 【12题详解】

根据上文“When picking the right type of exercise, it can help to consider your workout personality.”可推测本空应为列举有哪些个人的锻炼个性,故可对应G选项:例如,你可能喜欢一个人按照自己的时间表锻炼。故选G。 【13题详解】

根据下文“For example, whether your chosen activity is affordable and available to you”中关键词affordable“负担得起的”可对应到B选项中practical“实际的”,故选B选项:你还需要考虑实际情况来计划。 【14题详解】

根据上文中“It’s a good idea to talk to someone who understands the exercise, like a coach or fitness expert at a gym.”可知建议找健身房的教练或者健身专家谈谈,他或她可以让你开始一个适合你的项目。故选D。 【15题详解】

根据后文“Even small things can count as exercise when you’re starting out -like…”(当你开始锻炼的时候,即使是很小的事情也可以算作锻炼)可知本空应强调开始锻炼的意义,故可对应到F选项:锻炼的好处是,开始永远不晚。故选F。

【点睛】在七选五阅读过程中,重要关注文章的首段与末段。尤其是文章的这两段的末尾句,因为“开门见山”与“末尾点题”的写作方式是最为常见的,首段的末句一般是全文的主题所在,说明本文将探讨哪些内容,并简要指出文章的写作思路,有时甚至会以提纲的形式进行呈现。如第三小题位于句首,属于主题句,在判断选项时,一定要根据下文中“For example, whether your chosen activity is affordable and available to you”与整体段落大意进行判断,本段主要是在讲锻炼要从实际出发,故选B选项。 第二部分英语知识运用(共三节,满分55分)



I woke up this morning feeling stressed. That is___16___ I have new essays to write in two days, and the ___17___ of a huge project is coming up. And I also have a sick kid and a sick husband to ___18___. This week, my house is also under repair. Because of lack of money, I have to do a lot of things ___19___. I have four walls to paint, a few lights to fix, and so on.

Although I feel stressful, I am sure I can ___20___ it with a detailed plan for all the things. Then I will ___21___ a single item from my plan when I finish it. I need no ___22___ and no moaning and groaning (唉声叹气). I only need all my ___23___ to get my tasks done. When I get ___24___ of some tasks, I do something else in my plan or look after my beloved ones. For example, painting a wall is a good way to take a break from writing and a trip to the stores to buy necessities can ___25___ the boredom of painting. In this way, I ___26___ do the things in my plan and move forward with ___27___. I always reject the ___28___ thoughts: It doesn’t matter that I can’t finish my tasks on time. No one is going to die if we ___29___ them for a day or two. For me, anyway, I can’t leave today’s tasks till tomorrow so I always complete everything ___30___ the time limit.

So at the end of the day, I finally finish my tasks and ___31___ my family to a good meal happily. It is lucky that my beloved kid and husband will ___32___ in a short time. While relaxing in the evening, I think that there will always be a ___33___ after hard work. I believe a good ___34___, hard work and perseverance can ___35___ the good result we desire.

16. A. why B. when C. because D. how

17. A. deadline B. change C. condition D. issue 18. A. encourage B. consider C. teach D. attend 19. A. immediately B. actively C. personally D. fully 20. A. take B. make C. solve D. overcome 21. A. kill B. prevent C. get D. remove 22. A. help B. complaints C. praise D. skills 23. A. function B. freedom C. energy D. senses 24. A. tired B. excited C. angry D. delighted



