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【最新推荐】(新教材)2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修第三册练习:课时检测·素养达标 Unit 3 Discoveri

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Ⅰ. 单句语法填空

1. Is (be)there anything wrong?

2. Her job is to take (take) care of the elders and (to) wash their clothes. 3. The child wanted to play in the street, but her mother told her not to. 4. I had my father repair(repair) my bike. 5. The girl was seen to cross (cross) the street. 6. What a beautiful view it is(be)!

7. Your advice made me happy but (your advice made) Tom angry (anger). 8. Her father told her to be careful when crossing (cross) the street. 9. —Why were you absent from school last Friday?

—(I was absent from school last Friday)Because my mother was ill. 10. —Are you feeling better now? —(I am feeling) Much better (good) now. Ⅱ. 用省略句式完成句子

1. How beautiful to be treated like a normal child. 被当作一个正常孩子对待是多么美妙的一件事呀。 2. I would rather stay at home than go to see a film. 我宁愿待在家也不愿去看电影。

3. All I want is to go to school and study hard.

我想要的就是上学, 努力学习。

4. The only thing you have to do is press the button. 你唯一要做的事情是按按钮。

5. She wants to come but her parents won’t allow her to. 她想来, 可是她父母不会允许的。 6. Open the door, please. 请打开门。

7. He wants to move abroad but his parents wonder why. 他想搬迁到国外但他的父母想知道为什么。 8. I don’t like the way you laugh at her. 我不喜欢你嘲笑她的方式。

9. If necessary, you’d better refer to the dictionary. 如果有必要, 你最好查字典。

10. Study hard when young, or you’ll regret. 趁年轻要努力学习, 要不然你会后悔的。

妈妈在厨房准备晚餐, 并跟儿子汤姆交谈。请用省略句写出以下内容:

1. 妈妈正在厨房, 她一面做饭一面谈着。(时间状语从句的省略) 2. 她告诉Tom过街时注意车辆。(祈使句中主语的省略) 3. 如果必要的话, 她还让Tom等一会。(if省略句)

4. 然而, Tom并没有回应。她匆匆离开了房间, 好像生气了。(as if从句省略) 5. 看到这一幕, Tom感到愧疚、害怕, 因此他跑上前去跟妈妈道歉。(简单句中谓


____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Mom was in the kitchen. She talked while preparing their supper. She said to Tom, “Look out for cars when crossing the street. ”If necessary, she let Tom wait for a while. However, Tom didn’t respond. She hurriedly left the room as if angry. Seeing this, Tom felt sorry and frightened, so he ran to Mom apologizing to her.


【最新推荐】(新教材)2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修第三册练习:课时检测·素养达标 Unit 3 Discoveri


