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Unit 4 单元检测卷

(120分 90分钟)

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第一部分 英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分)


从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (B)1.—Reading a good book makes me happy. — .It also helps me a lot. A.I don’t think so B.I think so C.I’m afraid not D.No way

(C)2.—Could I go shopping with you tomorrow? —Yes,you . A.could B.may C.can D.must

(A)3.Look!The bus is running high speed on the road.How dangerous! A.at B.in C.on D.to

(B)4.—If you always yourself with others,you may have tons of pressure. —I agree.We should believe in ourselves. A.communicate B.compare C.create D.consider

(C)5.There are large numbers of school buses designed for primary schools in Taizhou. A.probably B.especially C.specially D.particularly

(C)6.— is the restaurant from the post office? —It’s about 5 minutes’ ride. A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How many

(B)7.Although it is to wear a helmet for a long time,it can protect your head. A.unhappy B.uncomfortable C.unusual D.unsure

(D)8.—I’m sorry,sir.I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the exam. —Never mind. ,the exam is a little difficult. A.In all B.First of all C.Above all D.After all

(D)9.—I don’t like music I can’t sing along with. —Me, . A.that;too B.what;too C.what;either D.that;either

(B)10.The summer holidays are coming,so the twins as well as Jack to Hong Kong for vacation. A.is going B.are going C.goes D.go

(D)11.Life is changeable.No one knows what happen in the future. A.should B.need C.have to D.might (B)12.—Did you have a sports meeting yesterday?

—No,we didn’t.It was put off the heavy rain. A.instead of B.because of C.as for D.rather than (A)13.— life on Mars? —I like it.

A.What do you think of B.How do you think C.What do you like D.How do you think of

(C)14.I wonder people could grow plants on Mars. A.which B.that C.if D.whose (A)15.—Bad weather!Do you think the rain will stop soon? — .I want to play baseball outside. A.I hope so B.I don’t mind it C.No problem D.Not at all




Man has invented four kinds of satellites.

The first kind of satellites studies the geography of the Earth.They are used to make maps.They also help countries 16 see where they can find oil or gold.

The second kind of satellites is used to guide 17 and planes.A ship or a plane can 18 a message to the satellite,and the satellite can find out where it is.

The third kind of satellites studies the 19 .These satellites watch clouds and strong winds moving across the Earth.They warn countries to make preparations when very 20 weather is

coming.They take photos of the Earth from miles above it and send the photos to weather 21 on the ground.

The last kind is used for 22 .Telephone calls between countries can be sent by these satellites.Some can carry hundreds of 23 at one time.The call is sent to the satellite and then the satellite sends it to the station in the country 24 is being phoned.These satellites 25 carry pictures.They can send about eight programmes at a time. (C)16.A.with B.for C.to D.in (A)17.A.ships B.cars C.buses D.trains (D)18.A.bring B.take C.write D.send (C)19.A.history B.medicine C.weather D.health (A)20.A.bad B.good C.fine D.well (A)21.A.stations B.shops C.markets D.studios

(B)22.A.sports C.shopping (D)23.A.notes (A)24.A.which (C)25.A.too

B.communication D.production B.signs C.messages D.calls B.what C.who D.where B.either C.also D.neither


Natural resources(资源) come from the Earth.And they are limited.This means that they will not 26 forever.Some are renewable,like trees.For example,you can plant a new tree when you 27 one down.Others are not renewable,like the coal(煤).Once it is dug out of the 28 and used,it is gone.People realize the 29 that the Earth’s natural resources are limited,and they decide to do something to help save 30 .When you try to save one kind of natural resources,you had better use less of it, 31 it will be used up so fast.One way that people save the fuel(燃料),such as gasoline,is by riding a bicycle or walking when the 32 is short instead of driving.Water is a very important kind of natural resource because we all need it to keep 33 .We can save water by making sure that our pipes and taps do not leak(漏).We can also make 34 choices to save water,like only using the dishwasher to wash machine,not making the water keep running.Everyone can make contributions to 35 natural resources. (A)26.A.last B.spread C.burn D.change (B)27.A.turn B.cut C.put D.move (C)28.A.station B.building C.ground D.house (D)29.A.news B.plan C.decision D.fact (A)30.A.them B.it C.that D.one (C)31.A.and B.but C.or D.so (D)32.A.money B.space C.place D.distance (A)33.A.alive B.alone C.asleep D.awake (C)34.A.generous B.funny C.wise D.stupid (A)35.A.protecting B.wasting C.using D.making

第二部分 阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分)


根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。 A:Mona,what are your predictions(预测) about the future?

B:The future?Well,I suppose we needn’t work outside.Even there’s no work for us to do. A:No work?36. B

B:Robots will do all the work instead of us.Don’t you think so? A:37. A Won’t there be any teachers?

B:No teachers.We will study on computer at home. A:No work,and no teachers.What will we do?

B:38. G We can also take long vacations to enjoy our lives. A:Vacations?39. C

B:Somewhere quiet and beautiful,or to Mars,or to the Moon!



