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Class_______________ Name________________ Score____________ 一、默写下列单词(每题0.5分,共20题,总分10分)

1. 有害的 _________________ 2. 方便的 _________________ 3. 气体 _________________ 4. 产生 ________________ 5. 氧气 ________________ 6. 想象;设想 ______________ 7. 家具 _________________ 8. 主要的 ________________ 9. 拯救 _________________ 10. 讨论 ________________ 11. 树枝 _________________ 12. 反对 ________________ 13. 挖 _________________ 14. 洞 ________________ 15. 搬,扛 _________________ 16. 松树 ________________ 17. 根 _________________ 18. 与……作斗争_________________ 19. 例子 _________________ 20. 疾病 _________________ 二、重点短语默写 (每题0.5分,共20题,总分10分)

1. 与……作斗争 ______________ 2. 吸收 ______________ 3. 由……制成 ______________ 4. 尽最大努力 ______________ 5. 处在危险中 ______________ 6. 对……有用;有好处 __________ 7. 例如 ______________ 8. 数以百万计的 _____________ 9. 来自 ______________ 10. 在很多方面 ______________ 11. 了解 ______________ 12. 有害的气体 ______________ 13. 砍伐(树木) ______________ 14. 失去家园 ______________ 15. 由于 ______________ 16. 结果,因此 ______________ 17. 环顾四周 ______________ 18. 确切的说 ______________ 19. ……的数量 ______________ 20. 考虑;思考 _______________ 三、单项选择(每题1分,共15题,总分15分)

( ) 1. When I opened the door yesterday morning, I saw an old man______ in front

of my house. A. stand B. stood C. stands D. standing

( ) 2. ---This old table is a valuable piece of______. ---Really? I_______ it now.

A. furniture, know B. furnitures, know

C. furniture, am knowing D. furnitures, am knowing

( ) 3. Guangzhou is so beautiful that_______ visitors come to visit it every year.

A. million of B. millions of C. two millions D. two millions of

( ) 4. ---What do trees do_______ us?

----They provide us_______ wood, fruit and so on.

A. with, for B. for, for C. with, by D. for, with

( ) 5. Our team will try our best______ the game.

A. win B. winning C. won D. to win

( ) 6. My brother______ his model planes all this week.

A. made B. makes C. is making D. will make

( ) 7. Our desks are made______ wood, and paper is made_______ wood, too.

A. of, of B. from, from C. of, from D. from, of

( ) 8. Many people feel sick________ the bad weather.

A. because B. because of C. why D. so

( ) 9. ______the help of Mr. Li, Tom stops_____. So we can enjoy our books now. A. With, crying B. On, crying C. With, to cry D. On, to cry ( ) 10. —A number of students ________ on the bus.

—Let me count. The number of them ________ 60.

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A. are;is B. is;are C. are;are D. is;is

( ) 11. Can you believe that he gets so much money______ rubbish?

A. with collecting B. by collecting C. of collecting D. by collect

( ) 12. ---We can’t live without trees. They make our lives______. ---I agree. We should stop people_____ trees.

A. convenient, to cut down B. conveniently, to cut down

C. convenient, cutting down D. conveniently, cutting down

( )13. ---That _____very nice. What are you eating?---Some cakes.

A. smelled B. is smelling C. smells D. will smell

( ) 14. The students ______ the History Museum if it ______ fine tomorrow.

A. will visit; is B. will visit; will be B. C. would visit; was D. would visit; would be

( ) 15. Do some sports every day. It will help you keep_____.

A. healthy B. health C. kindly D. excitedly 答案:1—5 __ ___ ___ ___ ___ 6--10___ ___ ___ ___ ___11-15___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 四、单词拼写(每题1分,总分10分)

1. The boy was in danger. We must s___ __ him. 2. Lei Feng set a good e____ ____ for us. 3. People can’t live without o___ ____. 4. If you have some questions, you can d_____ __ with your classmates. 5. It’s very c___ ___to go everywhere by underground in Beijing.

6. Spending too much time playing computer games is h___________ to both your eyes and health.

7. The box is very heavy. Can you help me c_____ __ it? 8. Can you i____ ____what the world would be like without water?

9. Chinese, Maths and English are all our m_____ _ subjects in our school. 10. Before you plant a tree, you should d____ ___ a hole first. 五、完成句子.(每小题2分,共20分) 1. 我感冒了,不得不用嘴巴吸气。

I have got a cold and have to_______ ________ air through my mouth. 2. 她环顾四周,没有发现有人。

She ___________ ___________, but found _____________. 3. 确切的说,污染来自于这家工厂。

, water pollution _________ _________ the factory. 4. 我们应该与污染作斗争。

We should _________ _________ pollution.

5. 由于污染问题,一些动物和植物现在逐渐消失了。

_______ __________pollution, some animals and plants are now disappearing. 6. 这把尺子由钢造成的。

The ruler________ _________ ________steel. 7. 鸟岛上有数以百万计的小鸟。

There are ________ _________ birds in the Bird Island. 8. 我们要尽最大的努力去保护树木。

We should ______ ________ _______ ________protect the trees. 9. 你应该保持房间干净。

You should ____________ your room ___________. 10. 听音乐对你有好处。

Listening to music __________ ________ _________ you. 六、阅读理解(每题2分,总分20分)

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If you travel by air across the centre of Africa, you fly over forests for thousands of kilometers. These great forests are oceans of trees. There are thousands of different kinds of plants and animals.

However, the world's forests are getting smaller all the time. People are cutting down trees for wood and more farmland. It is said that there will not be any forests like these in 20 years. What will happen if our forests disappear?

First of all, not only a lot of plants but also animals will disappear from the world. Plants are helpful for the Earth, they can keep the soil from being blown away by the wind as well as hold the water when rain falls. In addition, plants prevent the weather from becoming hotter and drier, so they stop the climate (气候) from changing. Without plants, land becomes desert much more easily and crops will not grow. This will be dangerous for everyone in the world.

Therefore, it's our duty to save forests. And only in this way can we save ourselves.

( )1. Where are the forests for thousands of kilometers?

A. In the north of Africa. B. In the centre of Africa. C. In the south of Africa. D. In the centre of Asia. ( )2. Why are people cutting down trees according to the passage?

A. For animals. B. For food. C. For water. D. For farmland. ( )3. How soon will forests disappear according to the passage?

A. In a year. B. In two years. C. In 12 years. D. In 20 years. ( )4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Plants can keep the soil from being blown away. B. Plants can hold the water when rain falls. C Plants keep the weather from changing. D Plants make crops not grow.

( )5. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Forests are important to animals. B Forests stop water from changing. C. People should save forests. D. People should save the forests in Africa.


Water is the“ life blood” of our earth. Life is made up of water, that means it is in every living thing. Without water, no life can live. Believe it or not, many famous civilizations(文明) came out of the places with rivers. For example, Egypt history came from the Nile.

Nature has a great water system. Rainwater finds its way to streams and small rivers. Water there runs through mountains and valleys. It forms lakes, big rivers and sea. And the fresh water joins the salt water at the mouth of the sea. Along with the water, there are millions of important plants and animals. However, water pollution is getting more and more serious.

Man has to work with nature, not against it. Water is the source of life, so we have to try our best to protect it, and it will protect us as well. ( )6. Why is water the“ life blood” of our Earth?

A. Because many famous people came from the places with rivers. B. Because nature has a great water system.

C. Because water forms lakes, big rivers and sea. D. Because life on Earth is made up of water.

( )7. Why did many famous civilizations come out of the places with rivers?

A. Because those places are better for people to live in.

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